Quote #44


Within this Lifetime, people will have opinions about you and your decisions you make. This will happen throughout your whole existence.

If a thought or opinion is not agreed upon then the individual will contradict your thought. Saying “I’m correct, you’re wrong.”

It’s nothing but opinions/thoughts that destroy people’s self-imagine.

In the end, this thought said will not even posses to yourself or your own thoughts. But a thought of someone else judging you. This will consume thyself thoughts.

Attempt your best to keep a stable and steady mind. Find the frequency that you vibrate at and go with the flow of the universe.

In the end, it’s just yourself, all alone in this world.

Be who you wish to be. In the end, they will judge you no matter what you do. Positive or Negative. Someone will have an opinion, no matter what.

Do what makes you the happiest because, in the end, it matters what you create your destiny into and not another individual. Don’t let the opinions of others destroy you.

Follow a script or make your own destiny.

When you realize how valuable your soul is, you won’t give it away at a discount or fee. Instead, you’ll be careful with your every move.

These hands you possess. They belong to yourself. Not the mind of others, but the mind of thyself.

You are in control, but then again not. The universe is in more control than anything.

Do what you wish to do in this world.

Follow your dreams, visions, manifestations, etc…….

If not it’s nothing much, but a spiritual suicide.

You live every day doing things you don’t enjoy or maybe you do relate to everything you do throughout the day. Then these things continue happening. Always, in the end, you keep on continuing to do them. Enjoy it at your best and attempt to be positive.

I mean as in you can be great at something but not enjoy it. If you live a life you don’t enjoy. Then you’ll continue on with the life you don’t enjoy. Decide to live a life that will be the greatest life for you to live. The happiest.

All of this continuing but in the end, there’s nowhere to go.

Just do what’s correct within your heart/soul and intuition.

Would you rather wake up every day with a yahooooooo!!!

Chase after what makes you smile and laugh like a child who just got their favorite food for their birthday, hahaha.

You know what I mean. Children’s reactions are always priceless. The more you “grow up” the harder it’s to achieve the happiness similar to what a child acquires. It’s possible though. It takes a lot of mind power. Anything is possible.

Or you could wake up every day dragging your feet to the floor as if shackles are tied to your ankles and every moment is a drag, next to the next. Hating every moment of life.

A life with nothing but a ughhhhhhh….

Or a life with a yahooooooo!!!

You can as equally talk about something in a positive way as the same as a negative way

All forms of artists are nothing but dummies making sound and creating silly images laying around all day doing nothing. Pure laziness and nothing else. How despicable.

All forms of art are beautiful and divine. Each piece of art is created in each moment, all moments possible for infinite outcomes. Creating energy of love/peace. Nothing but expression from the internal world expressed into the external world.

This works for all things. You can either speak negative about something or positive.

I imagine a bunch of sheep being pushed by a huge hand in one direction (path)

Then another hand is crafting its own path. (The path no one chooses.)

Someone will understand what I just said. This isn’t ignorance or hatred towards any individual. All it happened to be was a perspective of mine. Something I Imagine within my own mind.

All it comes down to is your perspective.

Don’t have your opinion destroy your personality.

There is the soul of each individual and then this so-called ego that desires all attention and pleasure.

Be your soul and not your ego.

Your ego only places your wealth, in an ironic way.

Do what is best for you, because in the end. You’re all alone doing things you either “hate” or “love.”

People always attack your weakest points. In the moments of anger, it’s best to stay quiet.

Most likely you’ll speak nothing but ignorance, an ignorance reflection of yourself.

Be proud of that reflection or don’t. That choice is yours.

There’s never running away from this life. If so, what have you done to think you need to leave?

We all are living within one place the same place as everyone else. All land is the same if you think about it. We just created all of these “countries” and “continents .” To me, all land is the same. All people are the same. All clothes are the same.

It’s all the same in the end. Nothing more than the perspective of each individual.

All time is still and us human are placed in this so-called “time.” All living within the same moment. All being the same conscious.

All being the same value of wealth. The only rich is life itself. The soul is priceless compared to gold itself.

When death occurs no amount of wealth will buy back your soul. life is more valuable than gold.

You can’t buy souls back from the dead, all it takes is one mistake and then you transcend elsewhere. Wherever that happens to be.

Life is the only rich we possess, all other things are temporary. Life is everlasting.

The mind is still and the body ages. The soul is as old as the universe itself. We’re nothing but made up of stardust.

Be wise in your moments in this life.

In the end, you don’t know who to trust. The best trust is to make trust with thyself.

Don’t move each step in ignorance but pure love and happiness.

Keep your opinions to yourself and continue on with the beautiful day that’s happening outside.

Any day is beautiful to me, any weather is beautiful to me. Similar to what I said before, it’s all the same in the end.

Breathe the air in look at the sun and appreciate this thing called “life.”

The fact that I’m alive makes me happy enough. After being alive, everything else is just extra. Don’t take anything for granted, one day you will be transcended elsewhere and leave the body you’re within at this very moment.

Then your soul leaves elsewhere and the body stays here on earth. Mother nature technically owns your body and you don’t. Your ego makes you think you own this body.

Have an ego, but not too much of one at all. I rarely let my ego go.

Be one with yourself and love yourself. You have to lose yourself in this world before you find yourself.

Whatever you define “life” to be. All journeys will be similar. It’s nothing much, but a race against everyone. We all end up doing the similar thing in the end. Just in different ways.

A big rat race. We’re all amongst this rat race, don’t have your mind destroying your ego.

Keep your opinions to yourself.

The only one who can judge me is my creator. Throughout the experience, the universe tells me if I’m on the correct path or not.

Therefore the universe teaches me throughout challenges in my life. This life is the greatest teacher, you can learn from.

Throughout failure and achievement, your path is paved.

You should not attack or hate anyone for a reason. This reason is nothing much but an excuse for you to hate someone. In reality, it’s yourself who you feel threatened towards.

This thought came out of yourself and not the other person, right?

Every time you find something you hate/ dislike about another, it’s nothing much but hatred towards yourself. Creating hatred with all the other things around you as well. Manifesting angry thoughts full of hatred in all directions.

Nothing much, but a fireball of energy shooting in all directions, everyone absorbing the negative energy.

Then each individual to expose the negative energy elsewhere, however, the individual chooses. Positive or negative, either or could happen. We only wish for the Positive. With more negativity, we will go nowhere but deeper into the hole we’re already in as a world.

People will harm themselves, or others. Maybe keep it in and bottle all the emotions up, who knows.

A ticking time bomb for all we know. I understand why so much hatred is within this world. It makes a lot of sense, but then again, it makes no sense to me.

All I have to say is this.

“Take a look at yourself, are you proud of what you have done or are you unhappy with everything you have done. Do you wish for a greater tomorrow? Or does everything just seem “ALRIGHT”?

In the end, hatred is never the answer and only love.

I speak of love and many rather put a gun to my head and blow my brains out. This is what the humans have taught me. War is everywhere and all over.

It’s always the most beautiful souls that have the most tragic lives, or maybe that’s just my opinion/thought.

The truth is nothing but an offense. There are ways of proving your point without being full of hatred and anger. All you have to do is “talk.”

It takes more energy to get angry and fuller of hatred than to just do nothing at all. To sit there like a rock and do nothing or say nothing. It takes no energy at all. You’ll just have to sit there. It takes a lot of willpower, you can say. Energy-wise, literally 0 energy. In the end, you’re better off saying “Nothing.”

Literally, don’t say anything hahaha. Act as if you’re nothing. Be nothing. 😉

Nothing separates us, but the mind and our opinions of life.

Nothing but a “reason” within your own mind.

We all will continue in this rat race, no life is perfect and all should be different.

Or we would all be nothing much but a bunch of the same colored bricks in the wall.

Robots amongst this world with no feelings, puppets with strings moving without emotion.

Love should be the emotion you use at all times, do nothing but love.

Energy is transferred every time. Always decide to use the greatest and strongest energy. Not the weakest energy that is full of hatred.

Much love everyone!

I wish nothing but peace and love for each individual.

Do what is best for you, in the end. This life was created for you to control the path.
Don’t have your ego go through your head, but still have a little piece of an ego. As much that you’ll have to use. Not the parts you’ll think you’ll need to use. Have and Need.

Don’t have your path paved for you. Pave your own path instead.

26 thoughts on “Quote #44

    • Thank you Claudia! 🙂

      Happy you resonated with the words.

      Yes very true. I can agree with you on that one.

      All you need is a “loving” heart an anything is understandable.

      Just imagine being in the others shoes and their story.


  1. I agree with this and always do the same. There may be a person who may strongly oppose my thinking..(seen some too) But i just respect their opinions and choices and do the same for me. We all are entirely different and unique.. our thoughts may contradict..but i am happy to have my own ones 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy you agree with this. 🙂

      I know what you mean, hahaha. 😀 I get it too. Trust me. I’m an artist, hahaha. My perspectives confuse people.

      Yes, the correct thing to do is respect their opinions. Some don’t do it back. But they say to love your enemies hahaha. It might be hard but we all love each other in the end.

      True, that’s the purpose of identity.

      Yes, me too!

      Keep being yourself. Don’t let anyone stop you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dobbiamo sempre essere noi stessi, senza mai mancare di rispetto agli altri.
    Essere se stessi è fondamentale per vievere una vita dìamore e appagamanto, è fondamentale per non perdersi quando ci sono le inevitabili avversità.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I agree with you. We must always be ourselves.

      Agreed, respect all others the same we want to be respected as well.

      If you’re not yourself love will be hard to obtain.

      Yes you’ll become very lost within this world if you don’t know your true self.

      Then the days can get confusing and make you feel “ill.”

      Leading you in the paths you don’t wish to lead down.


    • Thank you! 🙂

      Happy you liked the flow of the words.

      Also, thank you for thinking that this will spread positively and love. 🙂

      We all need to come together as a family.

      There is no “I” in a team or family. We need each other in the end.

      Have a great weekend!

      Much love.


  3. There is someone in my life who says I am wrong and points out my faults many times a day. It’s like a pin popping my happy balloon. Mostly, with God’s help, I can ignore it, because I doubt this person know how it hurts. In fact, i know they love me. But sometimes I feel like a withered flower.

    Well, I like what you wrote here. We need to speak words that lift people up and make them have joy and hope.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha, I understand. 🙂

      Great analogy about the balloon.

      Whatever works best for you do so.

      Yes, exactly. They have been hurt before. Yes they love you. That’s beautiful what you say. You’re very unique with your words.

      Thank you! I appreciate it. 🙂

      We all need to have open minds and accept each others thoughts.

      Yes, not words of energy that will bring them down.

      The intention is to spread love every post hahaha.

      One day, love will spread across the world.

      Liked by 1 person

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