Quote #52


To stop hating is to make peace

To hate is to make war.

Love thyself, or decide a war with all.

Comparison to others is the worst thing you can do.

Destroying thyself.

Confused and don’t know where to go.

Nothing but the unknown, but you trust the unknown and the destiny is created.

The adventure begins, each day is a new step of the adventure.

Continue on or give up. Fall down the stairs but never give up.

Eventually, you’ll swiftly climb the stairs and it will come naturally.

Trust the process and everything will go with the flow.

To “be” is the correct way.

To “force” is the incorrect way.

Force and stumble.

Be and continue to climb the stairs.

Don’t have others drag you down.

Stand your ground and believe what you wish to believe.

It matters to thyself and others don’t have to know everything about you.

That’s your choice to share.

Accept thyself, and all the darkness begins to disappear.

Continue to hate and the hatred will grow within.

Grow with love or hatred.

Positive or negative.

Accept thyself and accept others for their beliefs.

We’re all wrong and no one is correct.

Everything is theories created upon another theory.

Everything is just the way it’s because that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be happening.

The challenge is to overcome the fears and demons.

Or let them take thyself down.

Be consumed or act in love.

Only compare yourself from where you were yesterday and that’s it.

The rest is your imagination.

All you have is “now.”

Live in the past, now, or future.

Most decide to hate thyself and love is challenging.

To live in the “now” is the wisest way to live.

All other ways cause life to be similar to having your legs stuck in quicksand or claws scratching at your ankles. Each ounce of energy sucked out of you.

Your heart is constantly dropping to your stomach and you feel uneasy.

Take it easy and we’ll all make it in the end.

To be is the best.

To do is the scariest.

Be or do.

Be this life.

Or do this life.

Remember the past or live in the now.

Past or Now.

Be the journey or do this journey.

Accept all and we can talk and compromise things out.

Instead of all this hatred and killing.

Hatred is in all forms.

It seems to be that we all should just shut our mouths and love our lives instead.

We’re all one.

Nothing separates us besides out belief systems and the thoughts we possess.

The way your brain thinks. You’re your soul. But you’re your brain, ironically the brain doesn’t always know what is correct.

Instead, the soul knows what is correct.

All the rest is the same.

Material is material.

A soul is a soul.

Hatred is hatred.

Love is love.

What do you decide?

To be or to do.

Nothing but a stream of consciousness.

Feeling every nerve within your body reacting to each other.

Everything is energy and you’re nothing but a feeling.

Pure energy.

Decide to act in love or decide to feel in hatred.

The choice is yours.

Have veins of love or veins of hatred.

The destiny of your life will be determined by love or hatred.

A happy future or a spiritually dead future.

A paradox of a life.

To live a life and to never live.

Within this matrix of a life.

Nothing but an illusion of feelings. All quite very holographic.

Love or hatred.

Love is 5 Dimensional.

Accept thyself, or continue to hate forever.

Everything is the imagination.

The stream of consciousness hasn’t been figured out yet.

We’re all here fighting and hating forgetting to love.

Because we’re all in such a race to be in first place.

There is no race, the only race is against thyself.

A confused and lost world.

Killing is the answer and the love is lost.

There’s no X marks the spot.

To “be” will make this world a lot more peaceful and full of love.

Competing for nothing in the end.

Making money for nothing in the end.

All of this for nothing in the end.

Experience and emotion is everything.

Material and money will sit still and collect dust doing nothing in the end.

Love is the answer in my eyes.

Love is everything.

Without love, you’re lost and love is nowhere to be found.

With love, it’s hard to become lost.

It’s more of a challenge to love thyself than to love others.

Love thyself, and life is complete.

Every day is a challenge against thyself.

To suffer or to love.

Be love.

Or suffer.

Aka future or past thoughts.

Breathe in love (positive energy) and exhale hatred (negative energy.)

Exhale the hate and inhale the love.

Be the universe and be love.

Do the universe and do hatred.

All universes are different for all.

All frequencies and energies different.

All thoughts and ideas different.

But all in the end to be quite the same.

All one. Nothing but a mind and a soul.

The exterior means nothing.

The interior is everything.

Love is similar to an oyster.

The pearl is the love.

Grow the pearl with love and decay the pearl with hatred.

Some have a pearl others don’t.

We’re all working on it.

No one is perfect and we’re all imperfect.

It’s nothing but a challenge to thyself.

We have to stop blaming others and the devil for our actions.

This world is quite corrupt. I don’t wish to list everything I’m thinking of.

Instead, I’ll talk about the thought I’m thinking about that possesses the greatest and strongest amount of energy.


Everything and anything can be a little war or a big war.

War is not needed but is created for power.

Power is ego and ego is confused.

I just don’t understand.

Killing each other.

In the end, it’s nothing but similar to putting a gun to your sister or brother and pulling the trigger.

The world accepts this.

I’m quite confused.

I blame this society for the way it’s.

The children decide to hate instead of love.

Anger is the answer to everything.

Talking respectively, and with compromised thoughts.

This is against the rules for everyone. But this is needed.

Lots of selfishness.

Ego always wins but never succeeds.

The ego is a fool, a soul is very cool.

There’s no one correct answer. Just opinion and perspective.

If tomorrow I happened to pass away.

I would know this.

I would die with love and happiness within my soul.

Not perfect because the journey is never over.

At least I’ll know I attempted my best within this life.

Be the best version you can be or just keep doing your whole life and forever wish to be.

Thyself is in full control of all actions.

Some people find all the negatives within the moment instead of the positives.

At least you’re alive and not dead.

Be happy you have a life.

Many will talk to you. Listen to what they have to say. Don’t always answer back. Instead just let them speak and walk away.

Answering back is not always the answer.

Because there is no answer. Besides the one, you live by. With love, of course, and not hatred.

Many will try to mold and create your mind. Brainwash you. Let it happen or create your own mind.

Be you and only you. Not a fake lost version of you.

Sure some individuals may persuade or convince you to do something. Or think a certain way.

It doesn’t mean you have to.

That’s your choice.

Opinion is ego.

This life is nothing but choice.

We all choose to live what lives we manifest.

Just hurt no individuals in the process and do nothing but love.

The energy you create and the difference you make in this world means more than some dollar signs.

Or some fancy possessions you manifest. A degree or a high achievement of some sort.

Your job isn’t you. You’re you. The energy within.

Sure I’m my art, but then again not. I’m the energy of my art. Energy is everything.

I can’t have my art consume my soul. Mental health is more important than the flash of my ego.

I rather be alive and stable than uneasy and have a higher chance of forgetting my sanity.

You attempt your best to become greater and that’s that.

Greatness is within all.

Possessions assist in life.

You don’t need all but you might want all.

Just be love or choose to be hatred.

Some people were born in this word to hate to show you what to not do in this world.

Look at these individuals and reflect.

Do you wish to do what you see?

Or do you wish to be what you feel within.

Live in your intuition or let the system take control of you.

Be free or be scheduled.

Love or hatred.

To do or to be.

Love is the only answer for me.

29 thoughts on “Quote #52

    • I’m happy you read each and ever line. Shows the energy and love you put into the art.

      I understand what you’re saying, appreciate hearing this from you.

      I can feel the love within my heart.

      Keep doing great things. 🙂


  1. This was soo nice!

    “Love or hatred.
    To do or to be.
    Love is the only answer for me.”
    😀😀 Spreading love everywhere! Working for peace everyday 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!!!! 🙂

      I always end up making little rhyme schemes, hahaha. That was one.

      Yes, keep spreading love everywhere you go.

      It’s more of a challenge against thyself than a challenge against the world.

      Humans are the ones creating the hatred and all the earth has to offer is love.

      Much love!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Allow me to comment even if I didn’t read all the long poem below your quote (I hope to finish at a later time). Your vision is pretty, very pretty, even if It’s not mine, it’s like a dancing butterfly. Be aware not to fly in buttermilk…
    Understand is to love ? OMG love it’s much more than that… You even wrote: Love is 5 Dimensional. Understanding is not to love, for example understanding death doesn’t mean loving it !
    Love is the reflection you described w/o the foolish Ego, but the deep willing to make good to the other.
    Everything is the imagination? Maybe as imagination is everything.
    my 2¢

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s okay if you didn’t read the whole quote and poem. Whenever you can is okay. I appreciate the comment itself it shows the love and energy.

      Great imagery and I understand the buttermilk part hahaha. I can imagine a cartoon in my head right now.

      There’s no incorrect or correct. It’s all on the individuals perspective. I’ll explain my side, hahaha. Just how it says in the quote. Neither correct or incorrect. It’s whatever you want to think. Everyone beliefs things differently than others. No one correct or incorrect in life. All of it’s part of the journey. Adapt to your own beliefs.

      What if I told you that I love death? I think of death quite often and I want it to happen. The reason why is this.

      Tomorrow I could be unconscious. To never remember yesterday or the future.

      I live life everyday as if I will die tomorrow.

      Because I love death to the point where it doesn’t scare me. When death happens it takes you and you don’t feel death.

      It just happens. If you understand something enough. You truly love it. Love can be a misunderstood word I guess. It’s the context of how you use the world and the perception of each individual.

      Yes that is war itself, hahaha. Love will destroy the ego. Be great and live life with love. We’re equal and one.

      My perspective is this. Everything is an illusion. All we posses is a soul and all the energy around us. It’s similar to the game called “the sims.”

      My eyes create and draw all the images I see. And red is only red because I’m told red is red. The answer is unknown and you get hit with the “that’s the way it’s suppose to be.”

      I guess it can work in my perspective and also yours too. We won’t all agree at the end if the day but we can only compromise thoughts and ideas.

      Have a great weekend and much love to you!


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