Quote #55

55Take a look at yourself.

Before you look around judging others.

Take a look at thyself.

Change what you seek within and don’t change others.

The changes you wish to apply to others in all reality concludes back to thyself.

Let’s say you think a person’s belief or the way they represent their person in this world is quite strange.

It takes the strangest one out of them all to notice the strange ones.

We all have our weird lives.

Just let everyone be, don’t cause any harm and don’t destroy the time.

Appreciate this life many only wish to have the life you experience.

At the end of all these comparisons.

Thyself is in need of change.

Think about this for a moment.

We’re nothing but reflections of each other.

Everyone is my brother and everyone is my sister.

I wish and hope no harm happens to anyone.

All I wish is the best for all souls and for all of us to succeed.

Don’t let envy, greed, ego, and possessions destroy your life.

Many tell me this is very unrealistic and I’m only a dreamer. Join me on the dream of love or don’t.

Many of my beliefs and ideas are unrealistic, but like I always say everything is perspective.

If you know what life is worth living you’ll find that place on this earth.

Even if that means not accepting the ideologies that are thrown at you.

Being a rebel or rule breaker doesn’t always conclude to negative actions or energies.

The truth has lies within itself.

The lies are hidden within the truth.

In the end, it all comes down to thyself, and nothing of the others.

Concentrate that energy on thyself and see how much you can accomplish.

Instead of walking around correcting others. Wasting that energy you could have used on yourself.

In the end, no one knows what they’re doing or saying.

We just think we do.

Like how I wrote all of this.

Some will think, what in the world is being written?

Others will be interested.

Many will just have no response and they won’t know what to say.

I never speak back, but just listen.

In the end, no one wins or loses an argument.

Both loose and both are stupid fools.

A manifestation of negative energy at it’s finest.

Ego at its finest.

Just chill out and take a look at thyself before you go around correcting others thinking you know what you’re doing.

We all have the freedom to do what we please.

Just don’t use negative energy in the process. It’s common sense, but many don’t have this applied within their consciousness.

I’m just here observing and watching everyone talk and I’m wondering this.

Why all the negativity.

The ego overrides the soul.

Be a happy soul and not a bitter ego.

This life isn’t that hard.

The people just get lost within the loop of this world.

Death is the only thing that changes people forever and it’s as if we’re all selfish human beings at the end of the day.

Imagine if you didn’t wake up tomorrow. Would you be proud of what you feel within and the reflection you see?

Few people walk around with a pure soul and the realist character you can meet and experience.

Be you and don’t become what others tell you to be.

This is a life of yours right?

Or are you willing to slave your life away and never live the life you dream of?

Stand up for your right.

Don’t give up.

Everything is a choice

Choose wisely, my friend.

Choose wisely……..

Love or hatred.

Uprising the thoughts into a happy perspective or turn everything into a negative perspective.

Love your soul and happiness will arise within.

There are 7.6 billion people and 7.6 billion words or universes.

Let me explain my best.

Each person posses their own universe and world.

Possessing everything that they’re and see.

All energies from everywhere absorbed in.

You’re the universe, but then again, you’re nothing of the universe.

Ego is your universe in a way.

You’re every emotion and energy you create from within.

So you’re your own universe, but also you’re nothing of the universe.

We’re specs of nothingness within this universe.

The universe compared to the average individual human being is a crazy difference.

It’s so crazy to explain this it’s only imaginable.

Dust atoms within dust atoms. Using a microscope.

All I have to say is the whole universe is out there and we’re all creating more problems than we need to.

Let’s just attempt to love each other.

The power of love could possibly change the world forever.

Changing the shift within this universe and earth.

A weird analogy to think of to expand the mind.

Energy will change this world.

The energy of love.

Love always wins.

Maybe I’m incorrect, I never said I was correct.

All I say is we should all attempt to live in the “Now” the best we can.

This may possibly never happen or maybe it will.

Personal choices shouldn’t really affect other people.

It’s quite sad and scary how some people are so programmed in their own thoughts that they aren’t willing to step outside of the box.

Instead, it’s only their way. Ignoring the other. Without doing research or attempting themselves. Continuing to live within the box they live in.

Accept what we all have to say as individuals and discuss after that.

Imagine being in the others shoes. Enter each other’s boxes. Your way is not the way for all.

Possibly you decide everything in this life or it all just happens for you.

Be the controller of your life and create your own destiny.

Or let others take control of your life. Creating every aspect of your future.

Don’t be comfortable in life, push yourself to do things you have never done.

At the end of the day, we all need to take it easy and relax about all the fussing and fighting.

Let’s all sit in a circle and talk things out.

Hug everything out and feel all the emotions we wish to share.

But the idea is to stay calm and to realize the breath you produce.

Thoughts to be shared and the people to stay calm.

We’re all nothing but people sharing ideas and thoughts and we turn it into killing and negative energy.

Man’s power has gotten way too far.

The energy is within the people.

The people create the future of this world.

All I imagine is a world free of hate and with an abundance of love. Things can still happen as they do. Just not all this fussing and drama.

It’s time to eliminate all of this corruption, creating all this destruction within our souls.

Goodluck everyone.

Remember to love thyself…………..

19 thoughts on “Quote #55

  1. Parto dalla tua frase finale: ricordati di amare te stesso.
    Forse il problema Γ¨ proprio qui. L’attuale societΓ  spesso ti fa amare gli altri, quelli che sono propinati come i leoni di questo momento e tu non sai accettare te stesso o un’eventuale fallimento.Come puoi amare gli altri se non accetti te stesso?
    Mai giudicare chi ci Γ¨ vicino, mai sopraffare, mai credere di essere meglio dell’altro. E’ invece amare gli altri, accettarli per ciΓ² che sono, questa Γ¨ la vera strada.
    ognuno di noi puΓ² donare se stesso e davvero ci sarebbe una energia cosmica meravigliosa.Tutti noi siamo diversi l’uni dagli altri, e questo Γ¨ un punto di grande creativitΓ , che dovrebbe donare solo ricchezza.
    Ti abbraccio e grazie per queste riflessioni.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I appreciate you’re attempting your best to translate.

      Yes, we live within a world of the “famous” and “rich.”

      It like you have holes within that need to be filled and we as a society decide to fill the whole with the wrong idea. Negative energy instead of love.

      Yes, never judge those close to you. Then you must have an insecurity problem. Ego is flying out at all moments.

      Beautiful way to say that. Yes if we all adapted and did our own things a huge cosmic energy with unfold within this world.

      I belive something cosmic will happen within the future.

      Life is wealth in my eyes. Life is my riches.

      Thank you! πŸ™‚

      No problem, keep on spreading the love.

      Much love!



    • Thank for reading everything. πŸ™‚

      Yes, we’re all nothing but reflections of thyself

      Treat others how you would want to be treated. The world hasn’t grasped this.


  2. Wow so much wisdom in one post. I think I will need some time to process all this …
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Take all the time you need.

      Don’t confuse yourself to much. Just think outside the box and it will all settle in.

      Thank you for reading my thoughts.

      Have a great day! πŸ™‚


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