Quote #31 Repost (New Addition)


Judging others for how you feel, it makes sense. Try to take it out in a positive way. Not aggressive.

The hurt have been hurt.

People often forget to transfer the negative energy into positive. Creating more ignorance in the world.

Guns are better than love.

What an insane world we live in.

We are beings made to create conflict. To forcefully have thoughts about everything.

The conscious was created to have conflict and to argue about things. Have an opinion.

The challenge is between the people and the earth is living proof that we are failing as a world and nation. Anger and greed destroy the world.

There is always time to improve things, we better start sooner than later.

People live their lives as if it is their last in the depressing and sad way. Not beautiful and in love.

Try to appreciate the moments as they pass by. Instead of being bitter and angry. Complaining about every little thing that your mind thinks about.

Just take a deep breath, look into the beautiful painted sunset in the sky and appreciate the moment for how it is.

Right now you could be in pure darkness and death. Nothing could be happening.

A dark room with no view and no noises or the idea of thyself. All you could do is think in your subconscious. Possessing only the echo of the mind.

There would be no past experiences or future ideas.

You would be born into nothingness and leave this world into nothingness.

As if you were never really here in the first place.

Imagine that.

Everything within all your moments put together being gone forever and to never be seen again.

Your life will flash before your eyes. One moment you are here the next you are gone.

It is as if you never lived.

Life is nothing but an illusion. You might as well start living “now.”

In a way, death or darkness is similar to mediation.

You are in pure darkness.

In mediation, you lose control of thyself. No sound and you get lost within the depths of the mind.

The main focus is to think nothing and after you think nothing you become nothing.

Similar to darkness or death.

I suggest meditation for everyone.

It is easy to get lost in the meditation.

You forget your ego and drift off.

It is an eye-opening experience. “Third Eye.”

Life itself is a gift, maybe you think I’m wrong but like I said.

That is the challenge, to accept others for their thoughts and ideas.

If not agreed on using rational talking and discussing. Problems can be figured out in a peaceful way.

In the world, we live in today. To relieve one’s stress we do the opposite of everything we should be doing.

Love is the answer in my eyes.

Love is the only thing that can heal this world.

An abundance of love and nothing else.

There is no pill or secret weapon besides true pure love.

Giving an individual the love and attention they need. Most likely they will not latch out.

The hurt have been hurt.

The hurt souls are reflections of others.

The “bad guy” Is confused and uncertain about what he is doing.

Moving without thought or idea.

Being ignorant. Attacking one’s side saying thyself is correct and the other is wrong.

To say someone is wrong and thyself is correct is not a discussion of peace and love.

More like bullets and pulling on legs. Anger and greed thinking of only thyself importance.

The other to be ignored and not cared about.

I don’t see any love in that.

Without receiving love it is difficult to give love, maybe you can but most can’t.

Love others and pass it on to everyone.

After we figure out nothing works the worst situation happens.

Then we learn, but too bad it will be too late.

The actions already happened and there is no going back.

Be aware of what is going on and what you do to others. If the words you wish to speak are nothing of love or the actions of positivity, keep them to yourself.

All you will do is hurt yourself and all the ones around you.

I’m going to continue spreading love everywhere I go and maybe people will tag along with me.

Remember when someone is being ignorant, they are just confused and a misunderstood person.

There is no correct or incorrect.

A 6 can be a 9 and a 9 can be a 6.

It is just the perspective you want to choose.

Whatever you choose to think, creates thyself.

Not thyself into everyone else.

Become you and do not try to create others into something they are not. We will all have different intentions and such in this world.

I send love and happiness to everyone, have a beautiful day! πŸ™‚

Judge me as you want, it will not bother me. We are just two different individual human beings.

Try the best to lose the ego, the self-worth of thyself. It is more on the individual’s self to control the ego compared to anyone else. We all have an ego. I’m in the process of losing my ego.

The ego destroys itself thinking it is correct, but usually is guided in the opposite way intended.

Keep to yourself unless the intention is appropriate. The intention you have creates or destroys the moment. Reading people’s intentions are quite easy. Respect is the best thing to acquire from others. It is rare these days.

The ego destroys the individual

To not have an ego. Is to have an ego. I thought to not have an ego, therefore to not think I have an ego. I do have an ego and so do you. It is just how we control it. The ego is similar to a mask or cloak. At any given moment you can put it on and take it off. The actions, words and the amount of energy adds up to each individual. Representing their ego.

To create or destroy thyself.

8 thoughts on “Quote #31 Repost (New Addition)

  1. Hello Brandon….
    I thank you for your visit over my blog…
    I like this article…I’m keeping in mind this part :
    ” Love is the only thing that can heal this world.”

    Have a nice weekend

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello. πŸ™‚

      Yeah, no problem. On my free time I browse through random blogs. Happened to pass by your blog.

      Happy to know you liked the article. πŸ™‚

      Spread the message of love.

      Great to know this sentence resonated with you the most.

      Thank you.

      You have a awesome weekend too! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, man! πŸ˜€

      A great line to share.

      I always attempt my best to paint a picture with words.

      Someone could read that and realize life is beautiful and there is no need to be negative or to kill yourself.

      Just live in the moment and appreciate what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have.

      Much love man! ❀

      Liked by 1 person

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