Quote #64


Do you live this life in love or fear?

Each moment of life is either appreciated or unappreciated.

Is each step in hesitation.

Or is each step with your arms wide open and ready for the next challenge that is thrown at you.

Doing nothing but use love to battle each moment.

With fear the problem enhances.

Fixing nothing but walking down the complete opposite path intended.

Do you love yourself?

Or do you fear yourself?

Is the energy you feel welcoming?

Or is your energy nothing but an abundance of fear.

Living life in love feels as if you have wings and you are set free into this world.

Anything is possible with love.

Fear is similar to having shackles or chains tying you down to the ground.

It feels as if quicksand is pulling you down.

Fear is fearing for the future and living in the past.

Love is living in the now and accepting everything and everyone for who they are.

The ego can be challenging to battle with.

Ego is fear.

Love is the soul.

The soul is wise.

The ego knows.

I am neither wise or know anything.

All I speak is my perspective.

I feel as if no one knows who they are at the end of the day.

Most say they know who they are. At the end of the day, no one really knows anything.

Sure what you think might be “correct” but how do you know?

The imagination is everything.

Live this life in fear or love.

With love, you will grow.

With fear, you will destroy what the future holds for you.

To live life in love expect to randomly laugh and smile at everything.

With love expect to skip and dance for no reason

Live life In fear and expect to frown at everything. Complaining about every little thing.

Living in the past only trying to correct something that has already happened that cannot be fixed.

Learn to build and grow.

Move on or live life in fear.

Everything cannot be under your control.

The only prison is mental slavery.

Prison is not a prison.

But prison is a prison.

We are all free.

Then again, no one is free.

Don’t play a victim in this life.

To pity yourself is the worst thing you can do.

It is all about the perspective.

Have the mind destroy you, or create yourself.

The ego seems to want to control most of everything.

Grow your tree with love and not fear.

The branches of your tree will grow in a weird unnatural direction with fear.

Looking like a knot of branches.

Tensing the soul.

If with love.

Your tree will be the most beautiful tree.

All the colors you can imagine and everything you wish to be.

With fear.

Expect the tree to “grow” the “incorrect” way.

With love, the people come together and get along.

With fear people separate themselves into groups and hide in isolation.

Love yourself and you will love everyone else around you.

Love is the highest frequency.

Without love, there will be no love to be found.

If you fear to love.

Start loving instead of fearing everything.

It is quite easy to change the pathways in the mind.

It just takes a lot of the mindset and brain power.

With love anything is possible.

Living life in fear you will never attempt your best or be your best version of thyself.

Love unites the people and shows the true beauty of this world.

One million people could attempt a good deed.

Then there is that 1 person who stands out more than the one million people.

One action of negativity will be noticed more than one million actions of kindness.

People tend to focus their energy towards the negative instead of the positive.

Humans are something else.

We love violence and hatred.

It is as if we crave negative energy and we feed off of negative energy.

Creating everyone into an even angrier person.

Where is the love?

Love is the only thing that will unite the people.

Stop fussing and fighting.

Learn how to just get along with one another.

If you can’t respect another person.

I doubt you even respect yourself.

No one is worth more or better than another.

We are all equal and all one.

Created from the same energy source.

One love.

I wish for nothing but love and positivity for all the souls reading this.

Only you will know what is best for you.

In the correct moment in time, everything will align the way it is supposed to.

Just remember to never give up on yourself.

If you do. Expect nothing but the same cycle of life.

If you are here “now” you can always become greater “now.”

You are not who you are right now.

But then again, you are.

The future you can be anything.

Manifest what you wish to become.

Today is only here.

Tomorrow is unknown.

The choice is yours.

Live this life in fear.

Or live this life in love.

Love is the only option in my eyes.

I send love to all and may we all love each other once and for all.

Remember to grow with love and ignore the fear.

The imagination is quite the powerful tool.

Don’t have the mind override you.

34 thoughts on “Quote #64

    • Thank you for sharing your story. It helps us all grow in the end. We are all each other’s teachers.

      Great to know the journey has been a little easier each day.

      Thanks and good luck on your path as well! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is so true! as a person who occasionally deals with anxiety, fear get’s in the way a lot. I learned that If I let it go then I can focus on what’s actually happening in the moment. Loved this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy to hear you resonated with this quote! 🙂

      I can feel the abundance of energy in your comment.

      Thanks for sharing your story. it helps us all grow in the end. We are all each other’s teachers.

      Don’t have fear get ahead of you. Remember to take each moment at a time and everything will be okay in the end.

      Much love!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good thought.
    A few lines that I liked more than the others

    “The ego can be challenging to battle with.
    Ego is fear.
    Love is the soul.
    The soul is wise.
    The ego knows.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • live each day and moment of life as if it is your last.

      Tomorrow is not promised you only think it is because of the past.

      For all, we know tomorrow the world will blow up and turn into bits and pieces.

      Much love and be your greatest version!

      Liked by 1 person

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