Quote #70


I often feel like giving up.

But that is never the option to choose.

If I were to give up.

I would have nothing to give to this world.

Not even myself.

Without myself.

There is nothing to give.

With myself.

There is everything to give.

Ignore being a slave to your own mind.

Be in control of your own thoughts.

Do not let the moment overwhelm you.

Throwing you in the opposite direction intended.

You are the universe.

Life itself is the greatest experience offered to the people.

Imagine pure darkness.

I doubt people think about that.

There is no sunshine in pure darkness.

To follow the light or to continue entering the endless pit.

To work on thyself and to become your greatest version.

Is to love yourself and to believe in yourself.

To give up and throw in the towel.

Is to not believe in yourself.

To become your greatest version.

You either live this life.

Or this life lives through you as if you are not the one living this life, but another is in control of you.

Be a slave to your own mind and be apart of the system similar to everyone else.

Or be free and live this life as you would wish in each moment.

Do not be told what to do or where you should be headed.

There is no race or challenges besides the ones against thyself.

Take it easy and don’t work yourself up.

Do not get lost in the rat race.

All you have to do is be “you.”

And to be you means there will be no worries or a single care in the world.

I believe in you.

Be the master of your own mind and live this life as If it were to be your last moment to ever live.

Live this life in love and not fear.

Love yourself.

Instead of fearing yourself.

Are you happy when you look in the mirror?

Or disappointed with yourself?

Remember growth is within yourself at all times.

If just takes the strongest version of thyself to dig deep within your own soul.

Who is this “you” that they speak of?

You will only know this answer and no one else.

Live in your dreams of a life.

In positivity.

Or live each moment in a manic depression.

Living life in a slow, painful death.

Negativity vibrates in each moment.

To be free.

Or to feel trapped.

The only slavery is mental slavery.

We all feel different forms of pain.

Suffering is a form of mental pain.

We are all dying each moment.

How you decide to take care of yourself.

Will result in when death will take you.

Health is wealth.

Possibly a disease is attacking your body. Similar to cancer. There are many other “diseases” as well.

No one has shackles tied to their feet.

Well, possibly a few do. I am sorry if you do.

Not trying to offend anyone. Just speaking the truth within myself.

It might feel like quicksand is pulling you to the floor and you are losing connection to your own soul.

This happens to us all.

In life, there will be more negative moments than positive moments.

The “challenge” is helping you turn the negative energy into positive energy.

Then you appreciate the negative moments.

Realizing how important the negativity is.

You grasp on to the positive moments even more.

When you realize you need both negative and positive to become your greatest version.

Remember the positive and negative moments for inspiration.

I believe in inspiration, but then again not.

Inspiration comes from within.

The person who inspired did nothing but be themselves.

They were being their greatest version you can say.

In the end, you inspired yourself enough to become inspired.

With the energy of inspiration within yourself.

Anything feels possible.

It just depends if you decide to act in fear or love.

Challenging thyself.

Or ignoring the inner self.

Leading yourself down the wrong path.

All of this was already within yourself.

It just took till this moment of inspiration for you to become your greatest version.

What a confusing analogy I just explained.

Someone will understand me.

Everything comes from within yourself and not others.

You have to be you in this world and not another.

Do not follow or mock others.

Be yourself and inspire yourself to be yourself.

Inspiration is a tricky word.

We can all “look up” to others or have a “role model.”

But remember to be yourself at the end of the day.

Use the negative moments to create growth.

This will help you become your greatest version.

Life is what you create it into.

Everyone creates their own reality.

A living hell.

Or a living heaven.

To grow in each moment.

Or to create a deeper tunnel every moment.

Remember you are the only one that can save yourself.

Others will be there to help you, but only you can look within yourself and find the true “answers” to life.

Is this life you are living the life you wish to live?

Or is this life, nothing but a repeating nightmare that seems to be lived over and over and over.

Whatever you are going through at this moment.

I believe in you.

Someone who you have never met believes in you.

I wish for you to say these sentences out loud.

Repeat yourself 3 times.

“I believe in myself.”

“I am grateful for life itself.”

Have these messages impressed in your mind.

Say whatever you have to say to create your reality into existence.

Manifest your life into your wildest dreams.

Or manifest this life into a living nightmare.

Good luck to all that are battling against themselves.

A greater you lies within.

No one is perfect.

We can all attempt to be perfect.

In attempting to be perfect.

You will lose your sanity.

A creature/object as simple as a tree.

Is one of the most beautiful sights you can lay your eyes on.

And this tree is the most beautiful creature in my eyes.

We should not all aim to look the same.

Instead be original and yourself.

Originality is rare these days.

If we were to all look the same.

Then who is this ‘you” or “I” that “we” speak of?

The ego race is perfectionism.

Perfectionism is one of your worst enemies.

Everything is connected to one life force.

In saying everything is connected to one life force.

Nothing can be perfect.

Patience is an infinite game.

Patience never ends.

We are all one.

There is no separation or differences besides the ones we manifest in this world.

Just remember.

To never give up on thyself.

Manifest a positive outlook on life.

Instead of manifesting a negative outlook on life.

I love everyone!

Love is the only weapon that will save us all.

Save yourself before it is too late.

Do not take your life or do anything you would regret.

It is always brighter on the other side.

The greater the storm the greater the rainbow.

Think about that.

The moments that possess the highest energy.

Will provide you with more opportunities to learn and to become your greatest version.

The negative moments in life are needed to become your greatest version.

I use every negative moment and all the negativity I create within myself towards positivity.

Creating my art that I express to the world.

You need an outlet for negative energy.

That outlet can be anything.

Ignore creating more hatred in the world.

Creating more anger and negative energy in this world.

Will only lead you down the wrong path.

Anger and anger create a windstorm of fire.

Love and love unite and create peace/unity within each other.

To love is to be out of your own ego and to accept others for who they are.

To use anger is to be completely in your ego having an opinion about every little thing.

Ego is acceptable here and there, but I rarely recommend using your ego.

All you have to do is love yourself and that is it.

When you love yourself there is no reason to hate on others for who they are.

Few know how to love themselves enough to know what is “correct” within their mind.

Be you and there will be nothing to worry about.

Good luck my earthlings.

I love you all!!

16 thoughts on “Quote #70

    • Thank you for the positive and loving energy. πŸ™‚

      You must love yourself and believe in yourself to not loose belief within yourself.

      Keep yourself within your soul and everything will be okay.

      Much love!



  1. God created us with individuality (not cookie cutters), gave us free will to become our best self in harmony with Him. Everything good was created for our good and His pleasure. God is love! Negativity was allowed to show itself what it really is, the opposite of love. It introduced confusion, hatred, malice, war and everything in-between. And this does nothing to up-life self or others (as we all can attest to this).
    I agree with you, one must take the negative out of our lives, change from within and use it to improve that which has gone wrong. Not carry this negative attitude around for it helps no one especially ourselves. Diverting the negative energy to a positive outcome IS within our reach. Having faith makes all the difference. Being your own person and seeing yourself for the beauty you are, energizes your spirit and others. Don’t let others dictate to you their negativity but rise above it.

    Thank you for a thought provoking piece, Brandon. Blessings always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Can feel the abundance of love and energy within your comment.

      Thank you for your loving and beautiful heart warming words. πŸ™‚

      Mat love be within you and ignore the hatred.

      Hatred is just you misunderstood subconscious messing with your soul.

      I always appreciate your high energy comments.

      Much love!


      Liked by 1 person

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