Quote #71


Do you ever think for yourself?

There is a voice within each individual that speaks to their soul.

This is your subconscious or the “you” within yourself.

If you know your worth on this earth.

You will find your place and purpose with zero regrets.

Imagine if each moment lived was equivalent to the last moment ever lived.

The moment you die.

A screen/tv that shows the third person view.

Would be overlooking your shoulders.

Giving you a view of your last moments lived.

You would watch a short clip of the last moments you ever lived.

The clip would play 7 times in a row.

There is no way to cover your eyes at all.

Everything is there and nothing can stop you from watching your shadow of a person.

The person that you would watch.

Does this person happen to be the you that is you?

Or a you that is nothing similar to you.

Live each moment as if it was to be your last moment on earth.

Question everything around you, especially your own belief system.

Who knows what there is to know.

I would say everyone is as clueless as the last.

We are all philosophers of our own life.

To live a predestined life.

Or to create the destiny of your own life.

Let me say something one more time.

Question everything and even yourself.

In questioning yourself, you question “authority.”

Do you ever question “authority.”

Who has the right to tell you what to do?

Besides thyself.

If you know who you are.

Then you will go out into this world exploring for parts of your soul that are present in this moment.

A future you that you see in this world.

But these parts of you are just not here now.

The greatest parts of your soul are hiding around the corner waiting for you to visit.

What I just said might be confusing.

What I am trying to say is parts of you that you have never discovered or let free.

Are here in this moment hiding within yourself.

You can experience these moments you dream about.

If you face your fears head on with zero hesitation.

Unless you want to keep on living in fear similar to the rest.

Fear is just creating an imaginary thought in your mind to stop you from being who you truly are.

These parts of you are not here at this moment in time.

Every moment is the same as the last.

All time is “now.”

The greatest version of yourself will be in the future of your thoughts.

Most manifest negative futures.

If you decide to manifest a negative life.

The path you decide to follow will be nothing but a thought pattern of negative manifestation after negative manifestation.

Entering a never-ending tunnel of regrets and remorse.

This life was created for you to decide who “you” wish to be.

Not for another to take your dreams away from you.

No one has the right to tell you who the real “you” is.

Stripping “you” of your identity.

Only “you” will know who the true you is.

People will project their ego on you.

Most of the time this is unwanted energy being thrown at you from the other individual.

When people project their ego, they are just misunderstood.

Projection of the ego is a defense mechanism people subconsciously use in order to cope with difficult emotions or feelings.

In the moment of projecting your ego, everything vanishes away, but the energy to come back is even stronger.

When you point fingers at others, in the end, you are pointing your fingers at yourself.

Peacefully deal with your emotions.

Ignore projecting your own ego on others.

Instead look within yourself.

We all project our ego quite often and do not even recognize it.

In the end, the negative energy the individual transferred to you does not have to stay with you.

That is your decision.

This person who is attacking you is just hurt and needs healing within their soul.

Value is everything.

Do not value negativity instead of positivity.

If you believe you “know” more and have more “experience.”

Well instead of degrading others for who they are.

To make yourself feel greater at the moment.

Use all of what you know and have experienced.

To create more positive energy in the world and not negative.

This is not an ego competition of who knows and has experienced more.

We are all equal and deserve the chance to be ourselves.

Ignore the naysayers.

Keep on believing in yourself.

If you do not believe in yourself.

Well, then there is nothing there to believe.

You have to be you in order to be at your greatest version.

To turn the negative into positive.

Or to craft the negative energy into more negative energy.

To create love and understanding.

Or to create more hatred and more misunderstandings in this world.

Love is the “answer” in my eyes.

If anything we have accomplished how to not get along with one another and segregation is at its best.

All I have “learned” in school was how many times we have corrupted the world.

We never learned about our mistakes the second time or the millionth time.

A never-ending manifestation of corruption in our world.

We rarely learn about peace or love.

Instead, we learn about mass destruction and separation of the people.

I am not sure what “success” is anymore.

If anything the thought of “success” has made us all as a collective not “successful.”

We are going to terminate this world soon as well as ourselves if we do not create a change.

The first thing you should change.

Is yourself.

Change yourself before you change another.

If you know more about other individuals than yourself, we have a problem.

We live in a world where the population knows more about “celebrities.”

Then about themselves as in “yourself.”

This is honestly so sad.

Most individuals know more about gossip and drama than about themselves.

To be programmed.

Or to program your mind yourself and think freely without control.

Were we all just created in this world to blend in and to be the same?

Or was this life created for you to be yourself and to have originality?

To question authority.

Or to accept everything for how “it is.”

Be yourself.

To be yourself, you have to love yourself.

To love yourself is to learn how to turn the negative into positive.

After turning the negative into positive.

The energy that is created is love.

Love thyself and love others as well.

Or walk around with an abundance of negative energy.

Throwing it on to others.

Expecting them to deal with your wounds and blood.

Take it easy and calm down my dudes.

There are no worries in the world besides the worries you create within your mind.

The imagination is a tricky tool we “possess.”

To be yourself.

Or to not be yourself.

The decision is yours.

Blend in with everyone else.

Or be your original self.


Question everything.

Even question your own questions.

All I know is I know nothing.

Everything is the imagination.

The collective created “answers” and we follow all of these “answers.”

To live in a world full of questions with one “answer.”

Or to live in your own reality.

Manifesting positive energy.

Creating more love in this world.

With infinite answers.

The answers are endless.

Just remember to create more love instead of releasing your negative energy on others.

We call these individuals “energy vampires.”

Are you an “energy vampire.”

Or do you love thyself?

I love it when people tell me how “it is.”

All I want to do is laugh.

Just because “you” are suffering and do not decide to create your own reality does not mean “I” have to suffer.

We all suffer enough.

Resist creating more negative energy in this world.

Live each moment as if it was your last moment living.

Do not regret this life.

Be free.

Or be programmed.

To be free is to think for yourself.

Being thyself.

To be programmed is to be given a name and then “accepting” all of the “answers.”

Create your own destiny.

Or let your destiny be created for you.

Whatever success is to you is not success to me.

Success is feeding your family.

Success is providing shelter for your family.

Success is spreading the love.

Success is not material.


Success is life itself.

Success is creating more love energy into the world.

Each day is a new day to become greater than the last.

All progress is progress.

Do not hesitate to be yourself.

To become your greatest version.

Or to give up and let your demons control you.

This very moment.

Is the greatest moment to be alive.

Anything is possible.

All you have to do is believe in yourself.

To believe in yourself is to love yourself.

To not believe in yourself is to not love yourself.

With the abundance of individuals lacking self-love within themselves.

I am still not sure what success is.

Whatever that word happens to mean.

I will let everyone continue with their journey of “success.”

Do not have imaginary words control your life.

Be yourself and the love with vibrate everywhere.

Do not have the thought of success destroy your soul.

Everything is already here.

You are here 100%

We are all okay and have everything we need to survive.

What you sculpt this life into is all up to you.

Paint the craziest canvas you can paint.

Have your canvas be original like no other canvas that has been painted.

To be a print of a canvas or to create your own canvas.

To be programmed or to not be programmed.

Think for yourself and be free.

Is this you the you that you wish to be?

Or is this you nothing but a false reality of nothing that seems to be you.

Success is one of the most misunderstood words in our language.

Success is stripping all of us of our identity.

An imaginary destination, we keep following and chasing after.

Attempting to fill these never-ending holes that cannot be filled.

Peace, love, light, and positivity to everyone.

Remember to not have success destroy your life.

There is no X marks the spot.

You are the X and the spot has been marked.

The whole surface area of the earth has been marked.

Create the path you wish to create.

Or decide to follow the path that is already created.

Take control of your life.

With positivity and love.

Conquer your life or let it be conquered by others.

Make your stance in this world or be foolish and do not be your true self.

look within thyself and listen to what your soul has to say to you.

Are you the you that is you?

This soul you possess.

Is it true or false?

Or just a programmed soul.

The choice is yours, not mine.

Success creates distress.

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