Quote #74


There are no differences in the world besides the differences you create.

Each individual is Identical then again not.

We all have the same structure of bones and organs when born.

We all have skin, hair, nails, etcetera.

We all have Twenty-four hours.

I always hear the excuse “I have no time for this or that.”

If something is important to the individual.

Time will be made for what is important to the individual.

Time is infinite in the moments where you forget who you are.

Getting lost in the moment.

Creates infinite time.

Both positive and negative moments hold never-ending time.

If you put yourself in a negative mindset.

You will manifest a negative reality.

If you put yourself in a positive mindset.

You will manifest a positive reality.

Time can last forever.

Time can last a few moments.

However, you decide to perceive the word “time.”

Do not let the word time create anxiety within yourself.

Everything is only perceived as seen.

Each soul will perceive something differently than the next.

Perception is everything.

Without perception, you would have no idea who this “you” is.

I am talking about the “you” that is within you that they call you.

Not the “you” that everyone perceives you to be.

The soul is everything.

If you enjoy or love what you are doing.

Then all the time in the world is available.

When you are living within your own soul.

There are no worries in the world.

It is only in the moments you do not wish to participate.

That you have no time.

To some individuals, it feels as if time is controlling them.

In the end, you are either controlling time.

Or time is controlling you.

Similar to another human being in control of you beside yourself.

When thyself is in control of time.

You are in control of your own destiny.

This you that they call you is not the real you.

When you live in a reality of negativity.

It is time to set yourself free.

Or to attach shackles to your own mind.

Manifesting a negative reality each and every moment.

Ignore victimizing yourself.

Most of the time the soul is just confused and does not know what to do besides become emotional.

Emotions are needed of course or we would not be human.

Ignore putting yourself in the corner of your subconscious and playing the victim game.

Instead, resolve the root of the thought and become closer to yourself.

To live in the “constant cycle” of society.

Or to look within yourself and listen to what your soul has to say to you.

Be the greatest you that you can be.

Time creates you or destroys you.

Time is infinite and time is an illusion.

If anything humans are in the process of speeding up time itself.

I look at time as the destruction of the earth.

The beginning of the world is the start of time.

Whenever the earth reaches its limit.

Then time will be over.

The moment the earth manifested itself into the universe.

Corresponds with how soon the earth will be destroyed.

Time is just a fancy word for the end of the beginning.

If you think about it normally instead of with depth.

It is just the end of time.

If time where to end.

The earth was once here.

The next moment the earth is gone.

Hopefully, someone understands my “insanity” hahahaha.

The moment the earth exceeds its limits.

Then the end of time has occurred.

The end of the beginning.

Might sound confusing to some.

What I mean to say is.

The moment the earth ends.

Is the moment the end of the beginning occurs.

As if there was really no reality at all.

Imagine if tomorrow the earth exploded.

We would all die spontaneously without remembering.

Then all “time” would vanish.

If you really think about it, time is quite a confusing concept.

Science questions itself most of the time.

We only know what we say we know, hahahaha.

How do we really know we are “correct.”

Where are the answers to the answers?

Remember to question everything.

The moment the earth was manifested into this universe.

Compared to the moment of “now.”

Shows how much we have evolved over time.

Ironically the average rate of time the earth is aging is increasing immensely.

It is only a matter of time until mother earth is depleted of herself.

All the resources we have will eventually run out.

Possibly our form of “evolving” is actually “devolving” us.

We seem to be going backward in time.

Instead of forwards in time.

Mother Gaia is in need of respect.

Gaia translates to “land” or “earth.”

When I say, Mother Gaia.

It translates to “Mother Earth.”

Respect the earth as if you were respecting yourself.

Our body is similar to Mother Gaia.

Each person on earth possesses trillions of cells.

Over time the cell count rises and lowers.

Death is slowly but surely creeping up on everyone.

Same for Mother Gaia.

Depending on our actions and how we take care of ourselves.

Creates the outcome of our health.

Same with Mother Gaia.

All I imagine is two beams of light.

Aggressively fighting each other until one beam of light dies off.

The earth is battling itself to stay alive because of us the people.

I enjoy using the word “Us” instead of “I.”

We need all the souls and not just a few.

Without everyone, there would be no one.

We are all in this together.

The wisest choice as a collective.

Would to be to save Mother Earth.

Every little amount of energy helps.

Imagine if each individual helped raise the energy of the world.

One tree planted per person.

Seven billion plus trees planted in one day.

I would not doubt if more trees are chopped down a day.

Compared to the number of trees planted each day.

The energy you feel within yourself will manifest in the external world.

Remember you need yourself first before anything.

Mother Gaia’s energy is on a constant wave of withstanding the people.

As well as taking care of herself.

Mother Gaia is trying to stay alive.

While humans use Mother Earth mostly for destruction to stay alive polluting and corrupting mostly everything.

Most people are taking vitality away from the earth, instead of healing the earth.

The life force of mother earth is in need of replenishing.

Remember to be Eco-friendly to this earth.

Ignore the ego.

Ego mostly creates destruction.

Remember to make the world a higher vibrating place.

When I say all of this.

I do not wish to offend anyone.

Just speaking my truth.

We all have 2 things promised.

Life and death.

What happens in between is unknown.

They say the average person “works” 8 hours a day.

plus the average human watches 5 hours of TV a day.

Tv can be the same as using electronics or your smartphone.

At this moment you have to use electronics to read this.

Unless you have printed my poems out and have read them on paper.

I tend to sleep 8 or even 9 hours a day.

The average is about 6-8.

Some people do not sleep at all.

I fear these people, hahahaahahah.

With no sleep, you will be one cranky individual spewing your ego in all different directions.

A total of twenty-four hours is used in an average day.

Subtract 5 hours from tv and a few hours from sleep.

Depending on how much you sleep.

You have at least 8 hours of free time.

A little more or possibly a little less.

Depending on how each person lives their life.

Will result in the manifestations of their own reality.

Possibly it is “time” to change your life for the greater.

Instead of continually digging the never-ending hole of sorrow and remorse.

You either become closer to your soul.

Or more distant from your soul.

The way you decide to live this life.

As well as your perception of everything.

Will manifest into this thing we call “life.”

Use your free time wisely.

Every second passing you can never get back.

Imagine if we saw peoples energies instead of the persona each individual puts on each day.

Persona meaning the mask we display.

Then we would truly know each other.

For who we “actually” are.

This skin is quite an illusion.

Unless expressed, it is uncertain to know what the individual is thinking.

Energy is everything.

Especially the energy within yourself.

When you randomly catch yourself smiling, then you know peace is within the mind.

When you randomly catch yourself falling into a negative thought pattern.

Possibly depression.

Then It is time to be more with yourself.

This means you are sick and tired of being the you that is “you.”

Become a new “character.”

incomplete isolation the mind is focused the most.

Depending on how you use your energy.

Your energy will manifest to the wealth/health of your soul.

If you used all the negative towards the positive imagine how beautiful life could be.

Imagine a life completely different than the life you are living right now.

The only constant is change.

Remember to be yourself and everything will align.

Trust the universe and trust the process.

Then you will find your soul.

To ignore the universe with zero trust.

As well as ignoring yourself.

Will only lead to nothing but manifestations of a negative reality.

Much love to everyone.

I send peace, love, unity, and health to everyone.

Even though I might have no idea who you are.

I still love you and I want you to remember that you matter.

Look within yourself

Trust the universe.

Remember to be the “real you.”

Everything will be okay in the end.

If you think about it there is no end.

Hahahaha, thinking a few will understand.

We are all infinite beings.

25 thoughts on “Quote #74

  1. Hey there! How are you?
    I have two things to read your text.
    First, the wonderful thrill of being able to read your language. (I’m still learning English, so I read and speak slowly)

    Second, the thrill of knowing your thoughts through your words. I liked every yours word! Thank you for existing! A hug here from Brazil!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello, I am doing great. 😊

      I am listening.

      Interesting, awesome to know you are learning a new language. Just take your time. Slowly but surely you will learn English.

      I appreciate you get such a thrill from the words I Express. Happy to know you enjoyed all the words. 😊

      Thank you for existing as well.

      We all need each other in this together.

      Hug received!

      I sent lots of love and positive energy your way!


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very well said , Brandon the world will not take notice of you …..its your choice if the world see’s you not the other way around .

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks. I remember your past comments.

      I like the way you word everything. I can relate to a lot of what you say.

      Yes manifest the reality you wish to live in.

      Because life itself will not be handed to you.

      You have to live this life instead of life living through yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anytime Brandon, I say it how it us and live by my own code there wolves then there’s sheep. What many fail to realized is because of wolves you are able to have the freedoms you have so instead of taking it for granted. Because you lack the valour to have the will to act , just say thank you the way so msny intergrate in life they are so consume by their ID’s not checking their super ego .

        Never let others have prevalence into excuting your actions with conviction the choice is yours …yours alone. E O S

        Liked by 2 people

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