Do not let the darkness blind you.

Instead, use the energy within yourself to expand your horizons.

The more energy within your experiences.

The more you learn and expand the mind.

Look on the brighter side.

The way you think and react to a situation.

Is more important than how others will think and react.

Without much experience, there would be no experiences to be experiencing.

Live this life, how you wish to live.

If others judge you.

In the end, they are doing nothing but judging themselves.

When you become “negative” or “angry”.

No one has “won” the battle.

Both have lost in the end.

If you lose your inner peace, harmony, self, and love for others.

You have done nothing but manifested an “error” into this life.

When you mess up in your actions.

Failing instead of learning.

That is okay.

Both failing and learning are needed.

There was an error, but at the same time, there was no error.

Failing is learning.

Learning is failing.

Both are relative and completely the same.

Technically there is no learning or failing just the perception of oneself.

Ignore living life in negativity and despair.

If you live a pessimistic life.

Expect nothing but an emotional roller coaster of a ride.

There is one “rule” when living this life.

Ignore hurting others in this game of “life.”

If you love yourself there will be no reason to be hurting others.

Often at times, people lack love within themselves.

The reason in my eyes why individuals act out.

Deals with the individuals’ ego/soul.

There is a lack of self-love within the soul.

When the soul is confused the ego acts out.

Possibly this individual feels an envy towards another.

Some people become very jealous of others.

If you are jealous this you is not you.

All you have to do is be.

Be and you will find your soul.

There is no destination in life.

Be yourself and that is it.

We are never taught in school how to be “ourselves.”

In school, everyone was taught the same curriculum.

I was never taught how to be “myself” in school.

Brainwashing education.

To do nothing but make us fools.

I never learned about peace or love.

I never learned how to deal with my emotions.

I never learned how to look within myself to hear what my soul has to say.

Thyself is ignored most of the time in this world.

We live in the external world more than the internal world.

We need both the external and internal world.

Just how we need both learning and failing.

Everything is relative.

The closest thing to me that I learned.

Was “art.”

The perception of art to the average individual.

Seems to be ignorant and lacks emotions/empathy.

The stereotypical artist is “Starving.”

We live in a world of nothing but labels.

The labels mean more than the actual energy.

I am obviously joking.

The energy within matters more than anything.

Labels are not always “correct.”

What does “correct” even mean?

The fact there is a meaning and definition of every word.

Makes no sense in my eyes.

Nothing makes sense.

But everything makes sense at the same time.

Ever since birth, we have been “programmed” to think one way.

That one way is whatever way your upbringing raised you.

If you are being yourself and experience no connection to others.

Do not worry that does not mean you are in the wrong about who you are.

If your puzzle piece does not fit the world.

Create and manifest your own reality into existence.

It is wiser to be closer to thyself.

Then to have one hundred friends.

Lacking love within yourself.

If you lack love within yourself.

it is time to look within and hear what your soul has to say.

Anything is possible.

That is only if you believe.

Manifest nothing but beauty.

Will you be a believer within thyself or a nonbeliever?

Most live within the box they are living in.

Never experiencing other boxes beside their own box.

Recently I have decided to go on this journey of learning “thyself.”

This society will attempt to rob you of your identity.

Taking the you within yourself away from the you that is within you.

You need to become the you that is within you.

Instead of a you someone tells you to be.

Ignore becoming a you that is not you.

Do not live through your past.

Have an optimistic perception towards life.

Feel the energy flowing throughout thyself.

This journey will be fun and exciting if you are with thyself.

If you are not with thyself.

This journey will be quite a negative experience.

Nothing but a negative reality will be manifested into your life.

In the end, if you wish to be someone else besides the you that is you.

Look within your soul and listen to what your soul has to say.

Life is 10 percent here.

The other ninety percent is what you manifest into your reality.

All the pain and suffering helps you find yourself.

The real you.

Without a form of struggle, you have no room to grow and evolve into a stronger you.

There is this saying. It goes along the lines of this.

“Life isn’t rainbows and unicorns.”

Anyone can manifest something as beautiful or similar.

It just takes a bit of digging deep down within your soul.

Use the energy of love.

The darkness will manifest itself into the light if done correctly.

Do you ever sit in the darkness?

Listening to your own thoughts and soul.

The thoughts you normally run and hide from.

These thoughts you hear are either your thoughts.

Or thoughts of another from a past or future experience.

These are the thoughts you fear to let out of your mind and into reality.

All of these thoughts are you, but you just keep ignoring them.

The best way to release energy is with positive intentions.

Do not bring others down in the process.

If you bring others down to raise your ego for a moment.

I recommend looking within your own soul and hearing what your soul has to say.

Instead of that ego that is named “I.”

listen to your soul my friend.

Over time ignoring all the negative thoughts can have a huge impact on you.

Do not drain yourself of your energy.

Instead spread more love and ignore the hatred within this world.

Imagine sitting in a room all alone.

With every experience and thought hiding within the depths of your mind.

All it takes is a moment to think back and “remember” something.

Yes, all of what you are thinking has happened, but then again not.

All you possess is the now.

You are the now and all there is, is the now

Let’s all grow up and put our adult diapers on and start treating each other with respect.

The golden rule.

“Treat others how you want to be treated.”

I was taught this in kindergarten.

Then again everyone does not want to be treated the way you treat yourself.

This is basically the only thing I remember from school.

The rest was how to build an ego and how to sell your soul for the dollar.

As well as the history of how our people never made peace.

Or attempted to make peace.

Money is necessary but you should not sell your soul for a piece of gold.

Life itself is richer than gold.

You can die and your soul will drift off to wherever that is.

If you were to have one billion dollars you could never buy a soul back from the dead.

Once dead.

You are dead.

The only riches in life I see is life itself.

If every person in the world lived the same life as every “rich” person. We would need up to 7 worlds. Possibly 8.

Ignore following the crowd. Be yourself.

Be your own leader.

Be the real you. Instead of acting in your ego twenty-four hours a day.

You are better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

Unless you are spreading positive intentions.

People have told me art is “unrealistic” or is a “hobby.”

Well, I appreciate the respectful “answer.”

Maybe these people are “unrealistic.” Or maybe these people are a hobby of thyself, and cannot stop having an opinion about everything.

The ego is a burden.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and the projection of the ego.

The soul possesses nothing but respect and love.

It honestly breaks my heart that people and their opinions have created all of us to separate into groups of people.

In this society, we are quite diverse.

There seem to be endless “labels.”

We are all one.

Is the you that you think you are. The real you.

Look at yourself.


Go to the mirror closest to you and look within the mirror.

You may have a few moments to walk up to a mirror.

Go ahead, are you scared of your own reflection?

What do you feel within?

What energy do you feel?

Is the energy false or real?

I will never know this and only you will.

We can all judge, but who really knows anything.

There must be a gatekeeper to all the answers of life.

With all the knowing going on, hahahaha.

The energy you put into this world can harm and impact others.

Mostly thyself.

Energy never dies.

Energy is only transferred.

If you spread negative energy to an individual.

This negative energy will have to transcend elsewhere.

Expanding your negativity within yourself.

As well as transcending negative energy into another soul that did not ask for your negative energy.

There are multiple ways an individual can respond to a “negative” situation.

One can expand the negativity and create more negative energy using nothing but ego.

Another way to handle negative energy.

Is to look within thyself, not the ego.

Think to yourself.

Why is this individual so angry and upset.

Possibly this individual lacks love within themselves.

All you have to do is spread more love in a negative situation.

Just smile and be yourself, hahahaha.

If someone is being negative towards you.

Act out in a positive way.

The individual that is full of negativity will have no idea how to respond.

When they are received with something they do not expect.

The energy you transfer to someone can end up with a life or death situation.

We are not all rocks and emotionless similar to some souls.

Some people are full of emotions others not so much.

All you have to do is face your emotions head-on.

If you ignore your emotions this you that they say is you is not you.

Mental illness is increasing lately.

I am thinking it is the egos of others.

Destroying others and bringing them down.

I do not say this with ignorance.

Bringing up awareness.

With no positive energy.

It seems as if nothing will turn out well.

You can turn the negative energy into positive energy. Improving the mindset
Some people decide to mix negative energy with negative energy multiplying the negativity.

Then people go to alternative energy sources.

Usually, people do not attract positive things when absorbing negativity.

In a very negative mindset, you could possibly be attracted towards things that drain and suck the pure energy out of your soul.



Suicidal thoughts.




Anger issues.

The list goes on forever.

Not sure if I am the only one seeing all of this negativity and everyone else is faking their life.

I feel as if most individuals are so caught up in their own life.

That the negativity that occurs is not acknowledged.

People live in their egos when they want attention.

The soul is at the heart center where everyone can connect and relate.

Do you ever think of the individuals that are in need of care?

People are starving, homeless, have no parents etcetera…….

While most people have a “world problem” of some sort.

There are actual world problems going on.

People who have everything are in more need of help than those who need help.

In this society, we are the “fast food” generation.

We want more and the faster we obtain something the better for the ego.

If all you do is take and take and take.

You will never learn how to give to others.

Or learn how to love others.

I always think of the individuals who have “nothing.”

When I say “nothing” I do not mean money.

I mean the lack of love some people possess in their soul.

Possibly everyone just accepts everything for how it is and we all continue living in this hell of a life.

To live in the constant cycle or to not live in the constant cycle.

With peace in the mind, life will not feel similar to hell.

We have everything but act as if we have nothing.

Money defines nothing.

Money holds the same value as words.

Words are the money to language.

There is a lot of beauty in the world as well.

The negativity is pointed out more than the positivity.

I do not mean to say this in a negative way.

Just a perspective to think about.

A negative life would be similar to living in hell.

Heaven would be something positive. Who knows if either one exists.

Let’s think of the “now” instead of thinking about where we go when we die after this.

Everyone looks forward to the future, but not even the now.

Life is priceless and all we possess is the now.

I really wish you were here man, and that you did not take your life.

I miss you and regret not “helping” you when you needed it.

I saw and felt the energy and did not bother to help you.

I am sorry my friend.

Wherever you are, I love you man.

I wish I could see you one last time, but never again…….

A really close friend of mine would have been twenty-one years of age this year.

He took his life in such a tragic way.

Thinking I better not explain any details.

The negative actions some manifest in this world.

Are not meant, but seem to be meant.

Sometimes the best “answer” is a big fuzzy warm hug.

Instead of war, ego and hatred.

We need love and empathy.

Ego is a not our best friend.

Ego is not our amigo, jahahaahahah. 😉

I am my dead friend and so are you.

We are all reflections of each other and that is it.

I do not know the root reason to why someone would take their life.

If you were to say you have never thought about dying or suicide.

Possibly you would be lying.

I feel as if we all have felt like leaving before.

Only a few have listened to the thoughts and have confessed to thinking about dying.

Become a greater you than who you were yesterday.

Do not compare thyself to anyone.

Do not have opinions destroy you.

Be your strongest version and everything will be okay in the end.

One love brother and I hope I can meet you one day again wherever you are.

Negative energy seems to be everyone’s main focus.

Everything is right in front of us, but we act as if the shades are on and nothing is happening.

In the end, your energy comes back to you one way or another.

All the energy you put into this world will manifest back to you one way or another.

Positive or negative.

Decide to be positive and do not use your ego to tell everyone what is up.

Let people live their lives and treat them with respect.

Unless someone is physically or mentally harming you there is no reason to create negative energy.

Possibly you feel envious, jealousy, resentment or an emotion of unfairness or insecurity.

If you feel any emotion that is not with your soul.

Ignore feeling that emotion.

Remember to be the you that is you.

If this you is not you.

Then you might attack others and feel insecure about thyself.

Spreading more negative energy in the world.

Correcting other for their actions.

Putting yourself in the spotlight, acting similar to a fool yelling over yourself.

Hearing all the vibrations and words of thyself.

You are the center of attention.

Take it easy and move on with the day.

We all understand your message.

You are full of hatred and everything is negative in your perception.

Imagine having nothing but the air you breathe and that is it.

A person who has nothing has everything.

Everything is nothing

Nothing is everything.

Be proud of thyself reflection.

If you are uncertain of your reflection.

Then it is possible that you might bring others down with you.

Your “opinion/voice” could ruin or create someone.

In the end, it is nothing but an opinion of thyself being said to another.

Do not have your opinions within yourself create thyself.

Instead, have your actual energy of a person create you.

The love and hatred aspect.

The energy you put into this world means more than anything else.

Not material, possessions or ego.

Show and represent yourself

The child within.

Embrace the real you.

Instead of hiding behind a mask and fake persona.

Attempt to ignore what others will think about you.

The fake you is here the real you is nowhere to be near.

Are you, the real you or fake you.

When you have nothing and sit with your own thoughts in the silence.

That is the real you.

Not the ego you are living within each and every day.

People have an opinion about everything besides themselves.

When it comes to thyself most run in fear and ignore what is directly in front of them.

You are within your brain or “consciousness.”

The mind

This body is your body, but you do not possess this body.

Then you have a soul.




The center of the world is you, but then again not.

You are in the center of your ego. There is no ego, just an illusion of one.

The ego is not a physical object.

The ego is an imaginary image put into someone’s mind defying who they are.

Most defend their ego.

I have learned in this journey to never use the ego.

The ego does not get you far into reality.

Besides everyone disliking you.

You see yourself right in front of thyself.

What your eyes see and interpret somehow create the person you are today.

We are mostly from the internal world than anything else. Our soul.

You cannot see your reflection unless you have a mirror or water.

A lot of souls walk around in an illusion of hierarchy.

Imagine a world where we had no money and we lived with our morals instead.

Our energy holds a greater value than our ego.

Would you be proud of who you are or be disappointed?

A proud moral or a disappointed moral.

No one is perfect and neither am I.

You have the choice to live in love or fear.

Live through your dreams or live comfortably and without challenge.

Do not fear to be yourself.

Fear that others will not attempt to be their greatest version.

Do not think you are the best.

No one is….

14 thoughts on “QUOTE #61 REPOST (NEW ADDITION)

    • Yes you may share this quote! 😊

      The reason why I talk about the ego often is because I believe the ego is destroying mother earth.

      All we know how to do is consume and use the earth. We never heal or do anything positive.

      The ego overrides most people’s souls.


  1. Well said , excellent read Brandon : Everyone always have storms raging in their lives they say time heals everything. But honestly that is just something people tell you to comfort you and numb you from cold hearted truth is….That time heals nothing walking through the storm that unleashes its rage trying to smash you into oblivion teaches you to endure.Embrace your darkness don’t run from it because it lives from within all of us whether you choose to accept it or not .

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! Happy you enjoyed the writing.

      You explained that so beautifully. That perception is awesome. Yes you must endure the storm. The storm helps you become your greatest version.

      “Toughness” you up. Always remember there is light within the darkness. Most just let the darkness consume them and ignore light.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Its vital to find the internal balance within , that does not mean running from it because are only running from yourself.

        Many go looking for pervibial monsters only to come realization. You only need to look within there is always violent storm

        “Waging its unforgiving rage learn to endured and persevere through the storms .”

        Liked by 1 person

  2. There is definately a lot to learn about this issue.
    I love all of the points you’ve made. I needed to thank you for this good read!!
    I definitely loved every bit of it. I’ve got you bookmarked to check out new stuff
    you I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Very well written!

    Liked by 2 people

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