Quote #77


When “expressing” yourself.

You can use negativity or positivity.

Expressing and projection can be confused.

Expressing is using your heart and soul.

In the process of expressing.

The only intentions that are spread are positive

When projecting.

Usually, the intentions and energy are negative.

The negative energy of thyself is thrown on to the other individual/individuals in projection.

When you project you do not think about your thoughts.

The mind instantly starts rambling and acting.

The past memories/emotions of thyself are thrown on to other individuals.

In projection, you have no idea you are projecting.

It is wiser to keep the mind at ease than to manifest a storm within the mind.

When negative energy is vibrating in all directions.

The other individuals/individual will feel intense energy vibrating off the projector.

The listener can listen and ignore the negativity.

Or the listener can absorb all of the negative energy.

Manifesting more negativity within the negative mindset most possess.

In the end, both people can spread more negative energy to each other.

Or the person that is absorbing all the negativity can realize the person who is projecting is in pain.

Negativity leads to pain or uncomfortable feelings.

When you do not deal with your emotions.

You throw your emotions onto others.

Manifesting a more negative reality than before.

The only slavery is mental slavery.

When you are living this life in a negative reality.

That is not you.

This life was manifested to love and to care for each other.

When you use your soul and heart in each moment of life.

Living your life in a positive perspective.

That is the real you.

The ignorant negative self is not the true self.

To be with your soul is to live this life in love

There are infinite possibilities within your soul.

The real you lies deep within your soul.

There are parts of your soul you did not know existed.

Until you experience these parts of your soul.

You will never know what can be on the brighter side of reality.

There is a greater you on the other side of all the darkness you hold within yourself.

I look at this life with beautiful intentions and thoughts.

All I wonder is why most live in a false reality.

A reality that is not even themselves.

If you feel uncomfortable or unhappy about the reflection of your soul.

There is some soul searching needed.

Dig into the depths of your soul and be the light within the darkness.

Or continue manifesting that false reality that is not you.

When I say “false” reality.

I am talking about the you that is trapped in the mindset of negative thinking.

This life is here for us to live.

Any way we desire to live.

I look at the world and feel the energy of some souls.

Then question myself.

Is this what life is?

Depression, despair, envy, greed, ego, rage….

To sum it up…

I see most living in a false reality.

What you dream of should consist of your actual life.

These “dreams” you hold within your mind are the real you.

Not what everyone tells you.

People live through the illusions of life instead of the actual energy.

Be a dreamer.

Or just give up on yourself and play the self-victim game.

We are all in this game together.

We might as well get along and manifest as much light as we can.

I imagine a world completely opposite of what is occurring in this world.

A world full of peace, harmony, love, and unity.

It all seems so Cliche.

In all reality it is possible.

It takes more energy to be negative than to take a deep breath and appreciate everything that you have in this life.

Instead of thinking about everything you do not have in this life.

Think about everything you do have.

Be happy and grateful that you get to experience life itself.

I think about death every day.

Multiple times.

Most have lost loved ones to death.

The reason why I think about death often.

Is because there is so much beauty in this world.

Life is the beginning.

Death is the end.

Or possibly, life is the end.

Death is the beginning.

You transcend to the next life.

Whatever you happen to believe.

We all have our own ideologies and belief systems.

In the end, no one knows anything.

Question the questions.

Then question the answers.

Are there answers to the answers, hahahah?

I always live each day as If it were to be my last.

The energy you hold within your soul transcends to the next life.

I am in the process of accepting my soul.

Being the “real” self.

If tomorrow I were to die.

I would know in the depths of my soul.

That I attempted my best to be my greatest version.

All I wish for is the people to get along.

Instead of dividing and living in separation.

In every man and women, there is a beating heart.

I am on no one’s side.

All the sides are the same.

Love and unity are the answer…

In the end, we are all “worth” the same.

We are all “one.”

The connection for everyone to be alive is the same connection for us all.

The divine energy within us all.

Be the real you and true self.

Live through your soul.

Or live this life in a false reality of despair.

Remember you are the only one that controls you.

Thyself is the only one controlling thyself.

Nothing is anyone’s fault besides your own.

Do not point the fingers.

No one stops you from being you beside yourself.

Instead look deep into your soul and do some soul-searching.

Instead of shitting on other peoples realities.

Ignore sucking the energy out of others.

All you must do is spread love and love will transcend back to thyself.

If all you do is live this life in fear.

Fear will keep manifesting itself over and over.

You either live this life comfortably or uncomfortably.

When you are comfortable that is not the real you.

When you are uncomfortable you are expanding your soul/mind.

When you are nervous or frightened you are on the way to becoming your greatest version.

Only thyself is in control of thyself.

Unless someone hijacks your brain and tells you what you should be doing.

Listen to the voices within your soul.

Instead of relying on other peoples thoughts and opinions.

Stop fearing to be the real you.

Today is the day that you will turn the negative energy into positive energy.

Manifesting all the darkness into light

The choice is yours.

Be your true self.

Or simply give up and live through this illusion they call “life.”

Some individuals manifest this life to be more of an illusion.

Then what the illusion already is.

Live life through a false reality. (Not thyself)

Or live throughout your dreams. (Your soul/heart)

I love everyone.

Keep expressing yourself and continue being the you that is you.

Only you will know who you are.

Do not give up.

Only a fool will give up.

If you feel like you do not belong.

You do belong.

All you are missing is yourself.

Energy is worth more than anything physical.

You either conquer this life or this life conquers you.

I rather live through my dreams than live in a reality of false belief.

We will not all agree.

Speak your truth.

Unless projecting.


24 thoughts on “Quote #77

  1. ( I rather live through my dreams than live in a reality of false belief )

    Eu amei todo o seu texto, principalmente esta parte em que vejo-me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When you live in fear , how can embrace new life this why following under lukewarm and settling for enough is very dangerous game and vicious cycle of Russian Roulette . Its human nature to fear what is unknown away from your self inflicted bubble , When you truly live without barriers or trends or worrying about social acceptance .
    I’m (A L I V E)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fear destroys everything and fear is not even real.

      Fear is false evidence appearing real.

      Fear that you will not be your greatest version.

      I love your energy in the comment. Always appreciate your in-depth comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well executed Brandon , keep doing what you’re doing when you ascend from yourself to inspire others you are a essence of being a Leader .

    Anytime APEX

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, always attempt my best to express fluently without sounding as “crazy” as I would be hahaha. People need to understand what I am saying.

      True, you must be your greatest version and others will ascend with you.

      Liked by 1 person

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