Quote #78


I do not look for the answers.

All you can do is seek for the answers.

Because there are no answers.

Everything is a choice.

No one decides this life besides thyself.

Be forced by others to create your own life.

Or create the life you dream of into this reality.

Do you ever think your thoughts for yourself?

Or do you accept everything that everyone tells you?

Listening to the dogma of others.

Believing or not believing.

At the end of all these different belief systems.

It is difficult to believe anything.

You might as well believe in yourself if you decide to believe in anything.

Everything you say and know.

You only say and know because you were told what to say and know.

These words I am saying.

I only know what they mean because of what I am told.

Each letter holds a different vibration.

When multiple letters are combined.

A “word” is created.

All of the little vibrations from each letter creates a final word.

Each word holds a different vibration.

Giving the word meaning.

One word concludes to many words.

A definition holds many words of the word just said.

The sound of the vibrations creates each word/letter.

Everything is energy or a frequency of some sort.

Vibrating negatively or positively.

Whatever you manifest will manifest itself into something greater.

We may all be quite delusional.

Saying we know this and know that.

In all reality.

Does anyone know anything?

Or do we just act as if we know everything and all things?

I doubt we have figured out 10% of the “world/universe.”

This life is infinite and anything is possible.

What you see and believe.

Occurs to be true because you have been told what to see and believe your whole life

What is put in front of you is absorbed.

This is what you see because that is how you were raised in this world.

Imagine if everything you knew was just a lie.

Then everything you did not know was full of truth.

Life is quite confusing.

At the end of the day, you never know what to believe.

You might as well believe in yourself.

To believe in yourself is to love yourself.

Become your greatest version and realize your worth in this world.

Anything is possible as long as you believe.

Continue being labeled and accept the box you are put in.

Or attempt to leave the box you were put in since birth.

Create your own reality and destiny.

Instead of letting others control your belief system as well as yourself.

You know you.

Others do not know you.

The energy within can be used for positivity or negativity.

What you decide to manifest is up to thyself.

Be programmed or program yourself.

Question everything around you.

Even if that means questioning yourself.

Is the “you” you think you are the actual “you?”

Or is this “you” a person someone else told “you” to be?

You have to think for yourself in this world.

The people often act delusional and confuse me.

If life is what people say life is.

Then that is quite depressing.

Negativity seems to override this world.

If you think about it.

The negativity projected into the world.

Could manifest itself into something completely opposite.

Wars could be peace gatherings.

Arguments of the ego could be discussions about the heart and soul.

Everything is relative.

There are rainbows after storms.

We just have to unite and speak our peace without ego.

We need negativity for there to be positivity.

Positivity means there is negativity.

Everything is vice versa.

If you look into the abyss you can see the darkness as well as the light.

What you decide to manifest is up to thyself.

The light?

Or the darkness?

Everything is perspective in the end.

Millions of souls dream of the life you possess.

In the most negative moments in life, there are people “suffering” a million times worse than ourselves.

I do not believe in anger. Anger gets you nowhere besides deeper into the hole you are already in.

It takes more energy to work yourself up and to get angry than to realize the only issue/problem is the problem you manifest into this reality.

The moment you become angry and act like a fool.

Is the same moment world war 2 occurred.

Many individuals are acting as if wars are going on within themselves.

To suffer in each moment or to not suffer.

To find peace within each moment.

Unless you choose to live an aggressive life.

I feel as if people enjoy getting angry.

All the dopamine and hormones going off in the body are making thyself feel ecstatic.

Many individuals get a power trip while angry.

As if the universe is centered around their thoughts and opinions.

Imagine all of this negative energy being used for the positive instead.

I rather die being myself and living the life I choose instead of being programmed to think a certain way.

I do not believe in religion.

My “religion” is love.

People act similar to wild animals more than the civilized human beings we are.

Sometimes I do not know what to think.

Is this life the life we all dream of?

People chasing after the same dreams.

Or are we all living in a reality we do not wish to be in.

Ego destroys this earth creating the separation of the people.

The soul/heart unites the people.

Remember to be your true self.

Whoever that happens to be.

I feel as if many individuals are fake without knowing they are fake.

That is just me though.

We are all flawed human beings.

Even if you do not think you are flawed you are flawed.

There are flaws within thyself that you are not aware of.

Hopefully after the moment of negativity releases itself.

You notice the flaws within yourself.

You realize your stupidity and attempt to become your greatest version.

Most of the time you have to ignore the negativity within people.

Many project their emotions without knowing they are projecting.

Negativity plus more negativity concludes to nothing.

It is wiser to “be” then to “win” the battle.

In the end, both people are foolishly yelling over each other.

The negative person is just confused and lost.

Bleeding their negativity on to others.

Unless the moment is life or death.

Then possibly I will act.

Remember to be yourself.

Instead of accepting what others tell you.

To be programmed.

Or to program yourself.

If you know how to constructively get your message across.

Then positivity gets your message across without using your ego.

Everything usually centers from the energy within thyself.

If you love others as well as yourself then there is no reason to hate.

Every experience in life helps you become your greatest version.

Use the negative experiences in life to expand your mind for the greater.

The reason I mention all of this is because of the boxes we are put in since birth.

The negativity separates us into more boxes.

People fear to be their true selves.

Never leaving the box they were put in by others.

When you are your true self.

You have left every box you were put in.

The positivity lets each individual be in their own box.

When you are in your own box instead of another’s.

Life is full of freedom and love.

The labels dissolve when you are your true self.

Sometimes you wish you could “fix” negativity.

All you can do is create and Express.

In expression itself there holds mass amounts of love and energy.

It takes different perspectives to change peoples minds about their reality.

Gratitude is a great practice.

Be Appreciative of everything around you.

Millions of souls dream of the life you are living.

Do not have society program you.

Think for yourself and appreciate everything.

Live in the constant cycle or live freely of zero burdens.

Manifest with beautiful intentions or let the demons override your brain manifesting nothing but negative thoughts.

The light is infinite.

Most just live life in pessimistic thinking.

A few more things to say before I am done expressing myself.

Everything is what we are told.

We are here but then again not.

“We” as in each individual or the “I” we all possess.

When you are at peace with your soul.

That is the true and real you.

Peace within thyself. (Nirvana)

New versions of myself were within me that I never knew could be within me.

Old parts of myself from the past have been erased and new parts of my greatest version have grown into this reality.

There is no self besides the self that is within you.

Ignore people who tell you who you are.

If another is not living a similar life to you.

Then their information they project towards you is probably not needed.

They are jealous of you or fear themselves.

A lot of individuals “tell you how it is.”

These people have wounded souls.

Thinking of past memories and not living in the “now.”

These people probably do not know themselves at the end of the day.

Then again I doubt anyone truly knows themselves fully.

Many individuals know who others are but do not even know themselves at the end of the day.

To know thyself or to not know thyself.

What shall you choose?

Be programmed into being you.

Or think freely and be who you truly wish to be.

Live in a box and stay in that box.

Or leave the box you are currently within and expand your horizons.

All I wish for is everyone to be their greatest version.

Is this “you” they say is “you.”

The actual you that is within you?

Or are you an imposter of yourself.

Living this life through these eyes that are not even yours.

Love or fear is the real question?

The ego guides us in the wrong direction.

We were all once a baby with zero beliefs.

Pure as can be.

Think about that.

We all come from the same source.

Our mothers birthed us into this world.

A smiling happy baby with zero cares in the world.

That was all of us at one point in time.

Ignore the box you are put in.

Be your true self and who you are will vibrate out of your soul.

Listen to that intuition of yours and you will know who you truly are.

23 thoughts on “Quote #78

  1. I am me and I love me. I am myself. I am my own person. if people don’t like me I don’t care. I am not on this Earth to make everyone else happy. I don’t conform to a lot of society’s norms which in many people’s eyes makes me an outcast. But I have a mind. I have an opinion and if you don’t like what I have to say then don’t listen. I really am a wonderful person but if people don’t want to take the time to get to know me because they don’t like my well then it’s their loss and I’m sorry to say it’s a big loss for them πŸ‘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Only you control your destiny. Many will tell you what to do and how to do it.

      Few will listen to their intuition and follow their heart.

      Live in love instead of fear.

      Fear nothing besides fear itself.

      Thank you! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    • I can agree. Stepping outside of the box is the most challenging thing you can do.

      Stepping out of the box is being your true self. Following your intuition.

      Instead of following orders from others your who life.

      Question everything, even your own beliefs, and self

      Liked by 1 person

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