Quote #79


Nothing makes sense.

Then again, everything makes sense.

Because we are told what makes sense.

We would know nothing if we were taught nothing.

What is nothing and what is something?

Some things distract us from our true selves and greatest versions.

While nothing sometimes creates us into our greatest versions.

What I mean is.

During nothingness your mind is idle.

The idle mind can lead down a manifestation of negative or positive thinking.

That is up to the user.

Nothingness cures something.

If all you do is overwhelm yourself each and every moment.

There is little to no growth on thyself.

Have the mind be still when deciding what thoughts to pursue.

In the moments you are doing “nothing.”

You are doing the most.

Keeping your peace within the mind.

Meditation is key.

Meditation helps you notice that all the little moments add up to create the bigger picture we see “now.”

In most peoples lives.

Usually, the moment is exaggerated and overwhelming.

Life does not need to be an exaggeration or overwhelming.

Life is all about what you manifest in this life.

Your thoughts and dreams will somehow manifest into this reality, one way or another.

With positive intentions, anything can happen if you believe in thyself.

With negative intentions, nothing but doubt will cross your mind.

You either believe in yourself or you do not believe in yourself.

It is that simple.

The real question Is do you believe or not believe?

Thyself knows thyself.

I doubt another has told you to study thyself.

To learn about the emotions you have and why you have them.

To handle all the suppressed emotions and to “figure out” why you feel the emotions you feel.

Shine the demons or ignore the demons.

Manifesting heaven into your life

Or manifesting a hell of a life.

Meditate and free yourself of programmed thinking.

Think freely and for yourself.

Think thoughts that only you have thought of.

Be your original true self.

Do you live in a reality of Hell or Heaven?

Meditation has saved my life for the positive.

I swear meditation has “cured” me of many things.

I have been meditating for about 2+ years now.

You for sure notice a difference in your everyday life when you start meditating normally.

Less anxiety and paranoia of thyself.

You start believing in yourself more.

You connect to your higher self.

Experiencing higher dimensions.

In meditation there are different dimensions then this one in this place called “earth.”

You become more aware and conscious of yourself and life itself when you start meditating.

The thinker is the thoughts.

You learn how to control these thoughts through meditation.

All the thoughts are similar to the clouds in the sky.

Let the clouds be.

You cannot focus on one cloud

All the clouds are the same.

Remember to take it easy my friend.

Remember to let everything be instead of forcing everything with your ego.

Harness the energy for the positive instead of the negative.

Meditation helps you turn the negative vibes into positive vibes.

When you meditate you free the mind absorbing limitless thoughts.

You rewire the neurons within the brain.

Creating new pathways of thinking and perspective.

They study/examine the brains of active meditators compared to “the average human.”

Active meditators handle intense and difficult situations under stress easier than nonactive meditators.

When you meditate new perspectives enter your psyche/mind.

You learn how to handle a negative situation with more clarity.

Meditation has saved my life.

No joke.

I used to be a lot different before I chose this “path” of life.

Without it, I would not be the “man” I am today, hahahahaha.

I am laughing because I called myself a “man.”

I believe we are all children on the inside at the end of the day.

In our hearts, we are all children

Our purest nature of being and form is childhood.

All the programming and mind altercations throughout this lifetime.

Makes you lose who you truly are.

All the “seriousness” has manifested all of us to lose our inner selves.

Things that do not matter all of a sudden begin to matter.

People care too much about their false ego and false materials.

Instead of caring about their heart and soul that lies within themselves.

We live in a world where people possess vanity within themselves and their material.

Health has been forgotten about and disease is at an all-time high.

Health is wealth.

The man has learned how to possess and not love.

All we wish for is gifts without giving.

Receiving without giving.

We live in a confusing world.

Like I said at the beginning.

Nothing makes sense.

Then again, everything makes sense.

Because we are told what makes sense.

We would know nothing if we were taught nothing.

What is nothing and what is something?

I feel as if all the defining of everything.

Has created more suppression and separation of the people/earth.

It takes moments to process the moment that has already happened.

Saying that.

Remember to take it easy and to take each moment one moment at a time.

I recommend meditation.

When I first started I could hardly sit for 5 seconds.

Now I can stay still with my eyes shut.

For up to fifty minutes close to an hour.

The time flies and it is as if time is an illusion when you meditate.

Time is perception.

We are all living in the same world, but each individual experiences a different reality in this world.

The length of time is different for us all.

Some age faster than others.

Some people seem to become younger over time.

Even though all time is the same.

In the end, time is only what you perceive time to be.

Without time no one would be here.

Time is infinite and will always be here.

Time is everything.

Then again time is nothing.

Do not get ahead of yourself.

Keep your inner peace and life will be a spectacular dream.

There are millions of “answers” to life.

Whatever “answers” work best for thyself continue down that path.

Remember to be thyself instead of becoming somebody that someone told you to be.

Ponder on all the thoughts within your mind.

Are these thoughts your thoughts.

Or are these thoughts another’s thoughts programmed into your thoughts.

Is the person I call “myself.”

Actually who I am.

Or possibly “myself” is who I think I am.

Thyself knows thyself.

Listen to your soul instead of the ego of others.

Ego leads down a path of destruction.

Ignore the ego unless the ego is necessary.

Rarely is the ego necessary.

It is impossible to know “correct” from “incorrect.”

Our ideologies and perspectives on life are all completely different.

Then again we are all living a similar life.

Remember to not regret anything from your past and to follow your dreams.

You know you.

I am you and you are me.

Heart and soul lead down a path of positive manifestations.

Listen to those inner voices.

Be your true self.

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