More colors added. 50% Complete.


Never sell yourself short.

If you know the value of life.

You will go out into this world and create the life you wish to create.

Do not hold back.

Fear nothing besides fear itself.

Do not live a false life.

If everyone was offered one million dollars to sell their souls.

With a zero return policy.

I have a feeling a good percentage of people would want the fame, fortune and attention.

Only to be in the “spotlight” for a moment’s time.

To have the whole world remember “them”.

Ironically you would be living this life for others and not yourself.

In the end, if you live this life for others and not yourself.

This “you” that they call you was never the real “you.”

To live this life for yourself.

Or to live this life being used by others to help others out but not yourself.

Being used.

Surrounded by energy vampires.

Selling yourself short.

To never be thyself.

Instead to be the opposite of thyself.

“You” control your mind.

Or you let the media control your mind.

Think for oneself

Unless that is you wish to be programmed into the “you” that is “you.”

Now let me ask you something.

Is this “you” the “you” that they say is “you.”

The actual “you” that “you” are.

Or is this “you” they call “you.”

The fake “you.”

Sure you may not remember “yourself” after you die.

At least you can remember “yourself” here in the “now.”

Each day to be reborn.

Each day to let fear take a hold of your soul.

To be yourself.

To sell yourself short.

The choice is yours.

Live a calm, positive, steady, and humble life.

Unless that is you wish to crash similar to a comet.

An explosion of energy.

To be here and then gone in a matter of moments.

To be “remembered” but to never remember oneself for who you truly are.

Or to live a long healthy fulfilling life.

Live this life for “yourself” in a loving positive way.

Do not live this life in a greedy vain way.

Once “you” die the universe continues to do what the universe does.

Time will not stop when “you” die.

Once man destroys the earth.

Time will continue forever and ever.

Even if humans are no were to be seen.

Time will continue.

We are all as important as the last individual.

Let me repeat myself.

I know it might be annoying.

Do not sell yourself short.

Live the life you wish to live.

Instead of living with a false reality.

To show off the image of yourself.

Never to be your actual self.

Living in ego/fear instead of love and higher vibrations.

13 thoughts on “More colors added. 50% Complete.

  1. very nice work …Sketch in progress …
    I LOVE your thoughful post , very deep and synchronised with my timeline …
    concerned with the true-self and other stuff related to way of ascending our consciousness in accepting the whole of who we are …
    your message touched the real one within . thankx bro artist !
    much love and greetings

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Speak it! And by the way, I wouldn’t take that million dollars and trade it in for the blessings of being able to sit in my small quiet little life chasing butterflies and staring in aw at the wonderment that is our natural state of love and connection to all which does live, among many other things, but I’m trying to keep this comment short, which is not one of my strong points hehe. Loved Loved Loved Your Post!

    Love and Light to you Brandon – Namaste’ Kimberly

    Liked by 2 people

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