Quote #90


Everything is so artificial today we hardly know what natural or organic means.

What I am about to explain might be new to most individuals.

If you “believe” me or not, that is up to yourself.

Do the “research.”

Everything is out there showing “evidence.”

Fasting cleanses the body of waste/ dead cells.

You leave the organs alone to heal and rest.

The organs never have time to rest.

When the organs are left alone from digestion.

“Bad cells” start to die off and “new cells” are created.

Manifesting more energy healing the body.

Killing off most diseases that are capable of occurring within the body.

Fasting has finally been “proven” by “science.”

Fasting is when you stop eating food for a long period of time.

Certain fasts you do not eat or drink at all.

Be cautious and be careful when you are fasting.

Take it one moment at a time when you are fasting.

I have “faith” in science, even though I do not believe everything science tells us.

I have little to no “faith” but I have a little faith at the same time.

You can never know anything/everything.

All you can know is what you have been told.

All you can know is what you have experienced yourself.

That is why you go out in this world and experience everything for yourself.

Through your own experiences, you figure out what life you wish to live within.

Manifesting whatever reality you wish.

When purchasing food or growing your own food, avoid GMO’s

All GMO’s do is create more disease within the body.

Filling the body with chemicals and random “fillers.”

All of the chemicals and “garbage” begin to clog up in your organs.

Sure, some might not care at all and say.

“We all die eventually. You only live once. I will do what I want.”

I completely agree with that statement hahaha.

Instead, live your life with love instead of fear.

Eat life instead of death.

Each food you digest holds a different electrical value within it.

Consume herbs and plants.

Eat whole foods.

Foods with more life than death.

There is a tool, scientists use, that can measure the energy of foods.

Plant foods have the highest energy.

Dead foods have little to zero energy.

Avoid processed foods.

Foods/plants mother nature creates charges the body and heals the body.

Foods/”things” man creates lowers the electrical level/ph within the body and creates disease within the body.

High alkaline foods cleanse the body of disease.

You need a high pH level in your body.

The body is made up of minerals.

The body is electrical.

The body needs “electrical” foods to keep running and thriving.

We are made up of 70% water.

Eat a healthy whole foods diet.

I do not like the word “diet.”

It sounds similar to a death wish.

Manifest a lifestyle into your life.

Do not force this life.

Go with the flow and let everything be.

We are more water beings, then flesh beings.

The body needs access to oxygen.

When the body lacks oxygen it is hard for the body to create serotonin aka happy chemicals.

Tryptophan. Creates serotonin.

Serotonin helps oxygen get to the brain.

“Be” happy more often, hahahaha.

When you have all the “happy hormones” flowing throughout your body.

It is easier to sleep and obtain a deeper rest.

The more serotonin you produce within yourself the happier you will be.

Try to eat more plant-based foods.

Plant-based foods have a higher pH.

All herbs heal disease in one form or another.

Plant foods heal the body from disease.

This practice of eating “plant foods” originates from Africa.

Man-made medicines/foods cause more side effects than the effects that are positive.

Western society does not follow a plant-based lifestyle.

Recently the amount of people who have started eating plant foods has increased.

Foods with a low acidic pH level try to avoid.

Low pH foods cause inflammation in the body and create disease.

Low pH levels cause mucus to spread all throughout the body.

Mucus clogs the body.

Mucus within the body creates all diseases to form more rapidly than ever.

The food you eat is transformed into flesh.

The waste digests through you.

Creating poop.

Clogging you up with mucus.

The nutrients is “absorbed.”

You are not a never-ending black hole that can consume non stop.

I feel as if most peoples “dopamine receptors” are numb.

We live in a society of pleasure and zero resistance.

To fight the resistance within yourself shows your true “energy/colors.”

When you “fast” you learn how to create discipline.

You learn how to use your energy wisely.

Instead of dealing with your energy cluelessly.

We live in a “microwave” world.

Short and fast.

With little to no effort.

Pleasure is everywhere.

Fast food.




I can go on forever and ever and never stop.

Man is addicted to everything,

Man needs validation to the point where man will do anything.

Fast from food.

Fast from people.

Fast from everything.

Cleanse yourself of the negative and manifest the positive.

Start to manifest love into your reality.

Begin to eat more plant foods to start cleansing yourself from all the garbage.

Think positively.

Manifest negative energy into positive energy.

Speak with your actions instead of your words.

Sometimes it is wiser to be quiet than to say anything at all.

Here I go contradicting myself telling everyone what to do, hahahah.

I am an advocate of eating healthy and working out.

The gut biome is your second brain.

The gut biome creates what emotions and energies you feel.

You are literally what you eat.

You are literally what you think and manifest.

You “find” love and happiness within yourself not in the material or the flesh of yourself.

Society will make all the gadgets and inventions as shiny and mind seducing as possible.

To distract you from the real “problem.”



Society brainwashes us to care about things that in the end have “no meaning.”

Instead, we should be caring about all the things we ignore.

I find happiness within myself.

I find zero happiness within material possessions.

Material possessions bring you temporary satisfaction.

You eventually have to keep supplying yourself with things or new possessions.

If you stop purchasing the material you will never feel as happy as you did before you purchased the last possession you purchased.

It is a never-ending cycle of buying material to feel validated.

Materialism is the addiction of needing or wanting possessions.

Love comes from within yourself.

The soul, body, and spirit.

Remember that.

The energy you feel from all around comes from within yourself.

Not from the “outside.”

Everyone thinks the energy is outside of themselves.

All you have to do is “believe.”

In my perspective.

All the energy you manifest comes from within yourself.

From your perceptions.

Then again, you can contradict that statement.

In reality, everything is flip-flopped, hahahaha.

To have a vanity with the self or to respect thyself.

Everyone’s definition of “respect” and “disrespect” is different.

Remember to eat your plant foods instead of “dead” foods.

Stop buying so much “material.”

Instead “invest” within yourself and your health.

Fast away all your “problems.”

It is quite hard to know the difference between “real” and “illusion.”

Now you tell me…….

8 thoughts on “Quote #90

    • Express myself at my fullest in my writings. Not 100% but I say what is on my mind.

      Yes, only wish to spread positive information and to help others to become their greatest versions.

      Thank you! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    • I write all of these writings and poems for my own well being.

      Sharing the writings with others helps shed perspective.

      Happy to hear the words brought you happiness.

      No thank you for your time and energy.

      Have a great day! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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