Quote #100


Every day it is quite the struggle to push on through.

Then again, it is quite easy to push on through.

Everything is on “you.”

Not someone else.

You create the thoughts within your mind.

Another does not enter your mind overriding your system hacking your psyche.

If one does hack your psyche.

You let them do that.

Be the ultimate controller of your mind.

Do not let another make you look like a fool.

Defend yourself with love and wisdom.

Instead of with hatred and knowledge.

To know.

To not know.

What are we talking about again?



Hopefully, someone understands that.

Would you rather “love.”

Would you rather “Know.”

There are too many people that “know” so much.

There are too many people that forget to “feel” emotion.

Most of what a man believes he cannot prove.

Yes, we may “know” a lot of things.

But to “prove” something is quite 100% impossible.

Everything is our perception.

Life is an illusion.

What you see right now is your brain reacting to your surroundings.

Showing the world to you.

“We” are all “connected” to “something.”

We are all one.

Through your 5 senses, you experience this life.

Possibly there is a 6th sense.

Learn how to use your sixth sense.

The third eye/ pineal gland.

Zen out.

Tune into yourself.

Zone out of what is not yourself.

Open your third eye.

Think for yourself.

Instead of being programmed.

People seem to know more about others than themselves.

Free yourself.

Instead of locking yourself up in these iron bars of yours.

The more “you” are “you.”

The more “free” you become.

Shedding layers of yourself.

Manifesting a new “you” over and over.

Evolving into a greater person each and every day.

If you look at the floor or get lost in your mind/thoughts.

Remember you are not alone.

“We” “all.”

Are battling through this life “together.”

In different dimensions and realities.

All in the end on the same planet earth.

Let’s love each other instead of hate.

Let’s unite instead of segregate.

Let’s hold hands instead of throwing fists.

Let’s speak with love instead of negativity.

Live life with optimism instead of pessimism.

Some suffer more than others.

If you “think” about it you should appreciate your suffering.

Some might disagree with me, but that is my opinion.

Your “suffering” helps you create yourself into your greatest version.

What do I mean when I say “greatest version.”

What I mean is the best you that lies within the depths of your soul.

Within all of us, there burns a light a fire.

The fire that burns within me.

No amount of water will take me out.

There is an abundance of emotion burning up inside of me.

Through my expressions/exercises I release the emotion within myself.

Take care of your mind, body, and soul.

Feed yourself nutritious foods.

Feed your mind positive thoughts.

The soul, if you have one.

Listen to what your soul has to say.

Your higher self.

Your intuition.

The self that hides and fears to show it’s true self.

The emotions and feelings you have burrowed away.

Do not ignore the energy within and around yourself.

If you ignore the energy within and around yourself, what is coming your way should not be unexpected.

When you put yourself in a certain situation.

To “see” the future is quite easy.

Life holds more value than gold and silver.

To manifest positive energy.

To manifest negative energy.

You have to be the light within the darkness and push on through.

Without the suffering, you have gone through.

You would not be the you that is you.

I’m not saying suffering is good or bad.

“I” “believe” every moment has a positive and negative.

Use each moment to grow and expand.

Instead of using each moment to sit in misery and depression.

Depression is not the answer.

Giving up is not the answer.

What has been done has been done.

Let the moments go by instead of attaching to each moment.

Live within the moment as if you are brain dead and be at peace with yourself.


I’m not saying to destroy your brain, hahaha.

Keep the mind at ease.

Be at peace within yourself.

Learn how to love yourself.

Learn how to accept yourself for who you are.

I am saying be so calm and relaxed that nothing can bother you.

The stuff you possess you do not possess.

It is more like the stuff possesses you.

You don’t possess the stuff.

Do not get lost in the materialism of the world.

I’ve learned that all the individual can really do is control their reaction.

It is quite impossible to “control” each and every moment that happens.

Let go.

Just be for once.

Stop “doing” so many things.

Live your life in a flow state.

Instead of in a rush with an abundance of tension/anxiety running through the body.

Be one with yourself.

Go within yourself.

Instead of going without yourself.

Go inwards not outwards.

Let yourself within yourself.

Do not fear anything, my friend.

All you have to fear is “yourself.”

Good luck everyone.

Manifest the best life you can.

Live this life with great intentions.

Much love.

Peace and positivity to all.

Raise that consciousness of yours.

Unless that is you wish to continue on living in the same patterns and cycles for the rest of your life.

Change “it” up a little.

Figure out your identity.

Life is worth more than silver and gold.

Be a fool and throw this life away.

Live this life for others that are not here.

Live this life for others that do not live their life.

Be the greatest you that you can be.

One step at a time.

Then eventually you will be able to climb a mountain and feel “nothing.”

Do not let your surroundings overtake you.

Collect yourself.

Ground yourself.

Go within.

Do not stress and manifest anxiety.

Just take it easy.

Everything will be alright.

Life needs some kind of “challenge.”

Otherwise, there would be no reason to be alive.

We cannot all be a bunch of rocks and boulders.

Accept what life throws at you.

Control your reaction.

Instead of letting your surroundings overtake you.

Each day you can become a greater you.

That is up to yourself.

No one is perfect.

No one will ever be perfect.

Stop trying to be perfect.

Be “yourself.”

Have beauty within and stop worrying about the beauty of the external world so much.

Let your beauty play itself out.

By being your unique individual self.

When you are an individual it is hard to blend in with others.

Individuals stick out.

Do not fear yourself.

Fear that you will not be yourself.

Good luck on your journey.

Be the turtle and not the rabbit.

Quote #97



When I look at another individual I sense their aura and the energy emitting from their soul.

Seeing past lives and future lives that have possibly occurred or that will occur.

An infinite amount of possibilities to occur.

For some reason out of all the “infinite” possibilities to occur.

Most individuals manifest a life of suffering and become a victim.

That is your choice to become a victim, not anyone else.

That “suffering” you think that is destroying your mind-body and soul.

It is all inflicted by yourself onto yourself.

Sure another individual can emit their energy towards you.

It is up to yourself to process what the individual is emitting onto you.

Let the individual manipulate you and take over your energy.

It is your choice if you let them harness your energy for their enjoyment.

Do not fight fire with fire.

Let me repeat that one more time.

Do not fight fire with fire.

War is not the answer.

Love, constructive language and positive interactions create peace amongst the people.

Positive or negative.

Either or you need both, so stop complaining about all the “negatives.”

Life is all about relativity

Without the negatives, there would be no positives.

Therefore “negative” moments that occur are needed.

“Negative” moments are needed for “learning.”

Negative is positive.

Positive is negative.

Yes, you can be a “winner” but you are not a “winner” all the time.

We live in an over celebrated and coddled society.

I rarely meet another soul that is not “suffering.”

we all suffer.

People that say they are “Okay” are most definitely not “okay.”

We all need to suffer to grow.

Life is here for us to suffer so we can grow and become greater versions of ourselves.

The suffering that happens within my life I appreciate.

Without the suffering, I have gone through.

I could never be my unique individual self.

Please take a moment to realize your suffering is needed.

There is no escaping this vessel.

What are you running from?

What have you done that is so horrifying that you fear everything including yourself?

We are all “sinners.”

If someone says they are not a “sinner.”

They are “sinning” for saying I am “sinning.”

I don’t like it when people try to convert each other.

Only express yourself using your soul.

Otherwise, it’s mostly a bunch of none sense gibberish.

If I have people breathing down my neck telling me how I shall live this life and what I shall do.

That person is the devil.

Only the devil would manipulate you and lie to you, setting you up into a false reality that you didn’t wish to manifest.

Do not believe everything you are told.

Do not be a dummy.


If all you do is listen to others.

You are nothing more than a sheep taking orders from its master.

Are you a sheep.

Or a wolf?

Are you in control of your reality?

Or are you willing to hand your reality off to another?

Having that individual or individuals control your life instead of yourself.

Do you expect everyone to hand you everything within your lifetime?

Or are you going to “manifest” wisely?.

There should be no participation trophy.

Everyone is lazier than lazy.

If there is a word for being lazier than lazy.

Most of the world is that definition.

You need to “work” for what you wish to become and achieve.

When I say work.

I mean use energy within yourself and become something of yourself.

I do not like the word “duty” or “work.”

This life is nothing but play.

Most turn all of the play into work.

Manifesting unneeded distress and drama into this life that is avoidable.

Man thinks he “knows” so much and when a man knows more than another.

That individual shall be sentenced to “death.”

At the end of the day I “believe” no one has a clue of what Is going on.

We all live in these fantasy worlds with fantasy expectations and fantasy everything.

Nothing is “real” anymore.

Even nature itself.

Man is altering the creations of mother Gaia out of ignorance and greed within that ego.

When the earth was first manifested.

It was beautiful.

Then the first human was born and screwed everything up.

Maybe we shouldn’t have even had the opportunity to even live this life.

Possibly this was all an “accident”

If so.

This “accident” took a lot of energy.

It took so much energy it was probably better off just staying pure darkness within nothing within nothing.

Our births should have not happened.

At this moment in time, i do not believe we “deserve” everything we “have.”

People get their needs and wants messed up.

Manifesting a life of despair.

Never knowing what they want.

Fussing and fighting and crying, but to never look within their souls.

Within your soul lies many versions of yourself that you fear.

A version of yourself you wish you could become.

Is hiding somewhere within you.

Stop “fearing” everything and live this life.

Be so confident in yourself that life itself is fearful of you hahaha.

The “answers” lie in the depths of your psyche.

The parts of your mind you “fear” the most will help you find the “answers” you are so desperately searching for.

Attempt to find the “root” reasoning to all your suffering.

Possibly you were abused.

Possibly you were never loved as a child.

You are “different” than everyone else.

The list goes on forever.

Accept what has happened.

There is no turning back in this life.

Sure you can turn around and start running hahhha.

That will not manipulate time.

I recommend before acting out each action.

First, you should use your mind, body, and soul to analyze what Is manifesting within yourself.

To make sure that what you were thinking about in the “past tense” does not happen.

When you have negative feelings or emotions enter your psyche.

Attempt your best to understand the root of the problem.

Everything that is occurring right now is occurring because of how the “system” works.

Just because you have gone through something or have absorbed another’s energy.

That does not give you the right to transcend that same energy that person gave to you onto another or yourself.

Use your “suffering” to help you overcome adversity.

We truly need to suffer in our lives.

You need to “suffer” to feel.

We are all only human.

Live up to the image of yourself.

Embody who you are.

Become your greatest version.

Fear nothing.

If you feel no emotion, you must be a rock.


Rocks are cool.

Most rocks suppress their feelings and feel tense.

Acting all “tough” to never show the layers of flesh hiding within.

“Rocks” suffer the most.

When I say “rocks” i am talking about people who are “tough” and hide their emotions.

In all reality deep down within most individuals, they are screaming and crying for help.

No one can hear your cries or screams within your psyche.

Only you can.

“Suffer” and become a victim.

That is unless you wish to fight through adversity and take on the world.

Imagine this scenario playing out.

You are “dreaming” you wake up.

You see a wall of fire surrounding you burning in flames.

Do you scream mercy and cry for no reason.

Or do you take one deep breath and accept your fatality and sprint through that fire.

Possibly on the other side is the “safe zone.”

The fire falling on to you shows the depth of your will power within yourself.

To accept your death or to not accept your death.

Most would cry and give up.

I would either start meditating and die burning alive into an ecstasy.

Or I would accept my fate and attempt my best to survive whatever situation I am put in.

Everyone is playing out a “character”

An avatar in this life.

Everyone thinks something about you.

You think something about yourself.

In the end, what others think about you is more import than what you think of yourself.

Then again, you can contradict that and say.

What “I” think about myself is “who” i am.

Sure, yes that is true.

Make sure you aren’t an asshole hahaha.

There is hidden potential within every soul.

Usually, it takes another besides thyself to realize the “greatness” within yourself.

It is hard to observe yourself when all you do is see your hands and nose.

You can’t watch yourself and see what you are doing.

That is for other people to see.

I know for a fact when some individuals read what I write.

They are speechless.

I never ask for a response from anyone.

All I ask for is everyone to listen.

I feel as if I am a radio.

A battery.

A source of energy.

My “tuner” is at a higher frequency and vibrates higher than most individuals.

What you consume mentally, physically, spiritually will create you into you.

If you wish to die sooner than later go for it.

No one is stopping you from doing what you are doing besides yourself.

Much love my beautiful people.

Remember we live in a “we” and “us” world

Stop soaring on that ego trip of yours.

Get off that ship.

We are all messengers sharing what we “know” and what we don’t “know.”

That is it.

Life is an illusion and to prove that any of “this” is happening is quite difficult.

Enjoy the ride and take it easy.

No need to stress besides the stress you manifest on to yourself.

There is an infinite amount of ways to stress yourself out.

Use “logic” and life will create a lot smoother path than at this very moment.

Quote #95


To me, it seems as if people enjoy suffering.

When you suffer life is in control of you and you are not in control of life itself.

The soul is not being lived through during suffering or unhappiness.

Without you even knowing your subconscious is controlling your every action and thought.

You have to be “yourself” amongst a world full of people who have no idea who they are.

Many Individuals are aspiring to become something that is not “them.”

If most people have no idea who they are.

How are you supposed to know who you are.

When you suffer life is in control of you and you are not in control of life itself.

Being spiritually grounded helps you attain eternal peace with your soul.

What you surround yourself around you become.

We are similar to a sponge.

Each person will absorb the energy around them.

Perceiving what they have experienced or have seen/felt different than others.

Manifesting thought and emotion.

Acquiring their own thoughts and opinions.

Frequency, vibration, and energy are quite important.

Most individuals live this life in a lower frequency than what is needed for a peaceful world.

There is war, negativity, and separation of people all around the world.

A group for this a group for that.

In the end, we are all the same.


We are the god to our reality.

Anyone is capable of “accomplishing” anything they want.

All you have to do is have a strong will and believe in yourself.

That does not mean we force ourselves or our beliefs on to others using them against their will.

Brainwashing the people controlling them similar to puppets.

Let people be their individual selves.

Individual selves are nowhere to be seen.

Everyone is the same.

Never expressing their individual selves.

I am not judging anyone when I say this.

Speaking “my” truth.

Turn your negative energy into positive energy.

When you begin to control your energy wisely.

you will never negatively deplete your energy.

You will manifest a path of happiness and gratitude.

The little things in life create this life.

Practice gratitude and you will appreciate this life more than you thought you did.

Experiment with fasting.

No food and you can only drink water.

Avoid eating food. “mouth pleasure.”

Food is more of a drug than anything.

Artificial sugar/ Artificial everything is killing our nation.

If the whole world could fast for 1 day or multiple days.

We could solve world hunger.

Greed and pleasure destroy man.

Man does not know who he is.

Man thinks he knows who he is.

In the end, we only know what we think we know.

You know, hahaha.

Man is evolving to such a high degree that we are devolving.

Robots are smarter than the man himself.

What will be done when robots or computers that can think for themselves are controlling our every move.

Robots will be in more control than the man himself.

Feel the energy around you.

Feel the energy within yourself.

Do not ignore the energy you feel.

Learn how to work through your suffering and you will become a stronger version of yourself.

If you ignore your emotions/suffering.

Your subconscious will begin to manifest a life for you.

We do not want that.

Be your individual self.

Instead of accepting and obeying what others tell you.

Think for yourself and do not become brainwashed.

We do not need more trouble.

Become your individual self.

We need more love and no trouble.

Unity peace and love.

I ask for no separation.

What has been done has been done.

Let’s continue manifesting a negative future for ourselves and mother Gaia.

Or let’s turn this ship around and begin manifesting a positive future.

What we need is love.

Do not ignore your suffering.

Face your suffering head-on.

Unless you wish to become your suffering.

Life is a journey of temporary moments.

It is hard to grasp every moment.

The moments that pass through this life are similar to grains of sand falling through your hands.

Infinite possibilities are bound to manifest.

Infinite timelines can occur.

It is up to how we decide and choose to live this life.

To live in love.

To live in fear.

The choice is yours.

Suffer and become a horrible mess.

Manifesting negativity left and right.

Unless you choose to understand why it is you are suffering.

Process your suffering.

After you process why you are suffering.

You will begin to stop suffering in that certain aspect of life.

Life has many chapters

Appreciate all the chapters good and bad.

Be a warrior.

Face your demons head-on.

Unless you wish to become your demons in reality.

Subconsciously without yourself even knowing it.

The subconscious dictates most peoples lives.

The soul is ignored and missing from the body.

Let the vibrations and frequencies enter your body.

Feel the energy of life.

Live each day as if it is your last.

Tomorrow is not promised.

Only thought about.

Do not think about tomorrow.

Think of the “eternal now.”

All we possess is the “eternal now.”

Without the “now” there would be no you.

Practice different methods of appreciation.

Fasting, gratitude, meditation, loving for no reason.

Loving energy can be spread in so many ways.

Most choose to manifest the life of negativity.

Becoming the victim in this life.

If you “fail” yourself and you do victimize yourself.

That is okay.

Let the moment pass.

Process what has happened.

Realize every little thing will be okay.

If all you do Is manifest negative thoughts you will manifest a path of destruction.

If there is a “secret” of any sort.

The “secret” is to handle your energy wisely.

If you do not deal with your emotions/ energy within yourself.

You will lash out and bleed your negative emotions on others.

Energy is very real and some seem to be numb to energy.

These people lack emotion.

Feel the emotion brothers and sisters.

Love and not war.

Much love.

Manifest those positive thoughts over the negative.

Process the moment for what it is.

Feel that energy all around you.

Feel all of that energy within yourself.

There is no one “answer.”

Let “it” be.

Live in the “eternal now.”

Absorb as much of this life as you can while you are here.

In the positive way not the negative.

Remember to never judge a book by its cover.

First, understand a page or two before you judge another.

No one is perfect.

Live the best life you can.

That is all you can do.

Shared Photo (11)


All it takes is one action or one smile to create positive energy within another individual.

You could tell someone to have a great day or be nice to someone and that could stop someone from harming themselves or harming others.

People say nothing is free.

That everything costs something.

It costs zero dollars to be nice to someone.

It takes zero dollars to spread your love.

Use your soul for once instead of using your ignorant flesh.

To be selfish and to only think about thyself.

Greed and ego.

Or to help others using your soul.

There is a possibility someone could “outdo” you even though you can’t outdo anyone.

Teach your ways to others.

Using nothing but intentions of love

We are all the same but uniquely different.

Help others instead of purposely making others fail to feel better about yourself.

Radiate light and help others overcome their obstacles.

Much love to everyone!

Pheonix “Rebirth”


We all fail.

We all learn.

Failing is a part of learning.

Learning is a part of failing.

Life consists of duality.

Negative and positive.

Positive and negative.

We need both positive and negative energies to have one energy.

We must have the “opposite” of the “original” to have what we have now.

You can always manifest opposite timelines than the timeline you are currently within.

Does this life decide you or do you decide this life?

Are you in control of your destiny or do others control your destiny?

Do you rise from your failures?

Or do you doubt yourself even more after you have “failed.”

As long as you “believe.”

Anything is possible.

It is quite difficult for me to “believe” anything.

How do we know that we know anything?

That is the real question

Through belief anything is possible.

The power within helps you become a greater you.

The symbol of the burning phoenix resembles that we can crash and burn and rise again from our failures.

Death and then a rebirth.

That does not give us an excuse to not “attempt” at all.

You must put in as much energy as you can that is all that matters. Hahaha.

Each moment we have the opportunity to “grow” we are technically “failing.

You must fail to learn, and you must learn to fail.

Next time you ” fail” don’t sweat it.

Appreciate your failures as much as you appreciate your accomplishments.

Without your failures, there would be no accomplishments.

Without your accomplishments, there would be no failures to look back on.

You can’t “improve” on yourself every moment.

Therefore you must “fail” yourself other moments.

In the end, all moments help you become your greatest version.

Hopefully, someone understands the duality in this piece of art.

To fall and then to rise with even more power/energy.

The meaning of this piece of art holds a little more value in my heart.

The colors are reds and oranges.

About 2 years ago I had a friend commit suicide.

His favorite colors were reds.

This piece of art is for you dude.

I am sorry about what has happened.

We cannot redo or reverse time.

All we possess is this very moment.

You must fail yourself and then rise from your failures.

Just because you fail does not mean you are a failure.

Failing is part of life.

Resists victimizing yourself.

Do not doubt yourself.

Remember to love yourself, everyone.

Without love, you might lead yourself down the “wrong” path.

I love you man.

I wish I could see you one last time.

I regret not “helping” you as much as I could have helped.

You should never blame yourself.

You can only help an individual to a certain extent.

Hope you can forgive me, man…

I send love to you man and I send love to all the other souls in this world.

They only realize your worth once you have passed away.

Through the power of love, the souls on this earth will unite.

Shared Photo (10)


When I saw this picture I “had” to share it with everyone, jahahaah.

This used to be me in the picture.

Thinking thoughts and thinking more thoughts after those thoughts, thinking if the thoughts I am thinking are meaningless or have a purpose.

How do I know I am thinking? The thoughts I am thinking.

Language confuses me.

I only know what everything is because I have been told what everything is.

If someone never told you anything within this life you would have no judgment or concept of what is what.

Overthinking makes you a weak minded individual.

If all you do is worry all the time you will have no time to become your greatest version.

Yes, have thoughts.

Make sure your thoughts do not consume you to the point where you cannot function ignoring the soul.

The power within yourself is ignored when you are weak.

To “know” anything is quite impossible but possible.

What I mean is.

For “one” individual to take on the world like it is their worst enemy is the role of a victim.

Sometimes you are better of taking it easy and taking it one step at a time instead of all the steps in one step.

To victimize yourself or to free yourself from all the thoughts.

Certain practices and meditations can help you ease your mind.

When you “worry” you are in a stage of weakness.

When you are weak you are more prone to “victimizing” yourself.

Do not victimize yourself.

All that lost potential to never be shown to the universe and your family.

Let everything happen and be in the moment.

The moment is where no one pays attention.

Most individuals are lost within the “past” and the “future.”

Funny thing is there is no past or future all there is, is the “now.”

To live in the now.

To live in the past or future, creating unwanted suffering and pain.

When you live in the moment you find tranquility.

Life is my riches.

All that material is a distraction.

Appreciate this life before it is too late.

One day you will be gone.

Don’t waste that “time” of yours.

Use your time wisely.

In the blink of an eye, you will disappear.

Quote #92


Are you in control of this life?

Or is this life in control of you.

Do you have a choice with how each action plays out?

Or does the past correlate with the future manifesting a destined path for us that we cannot “create” ourselves?

If this is true no one is in control of their “future” and this life reveals the future to us as time goes on.

Do you believe in fate?

Do you believe in Destiney?

Do you believe in Karma?

Do you believe in energy?

Do you believe in vibration?

Do you believe in frequency?

All of these words are provable, but then again not provable.

We only know what happens in the future because of the past.

We only know what happens in the past because of the future.

To know what happens beyond this moment is quite challenging.

You may “know” but you do not “know” for sure, jahahahahaha.

To “know” or to not “know” how do we “know.”

I have been told by many different individuals.

That the individual is in control of their surroundings.

Then again, I have been told that our surroundings control us.

In this world, there are too many possibilities to the point where anything can happen.

Each moment holds infinite possibilities.

To “know” what happens next is possible but uncertain.

Saying that.

Anything is possible and if you tell me that anything is not possible.

I would like for you to explain to me.

How are we here right now?

Why am “I” here?

Would each person be “born” no matter what?

Does everything happen for a reason?

What is this?

What is going on?

What is the meaning of life?

What is the difference between real and fake?

You can rearrange or contradict every question and statement.

I could ask endless questions that have no “exact” answer.

Possibly the only answer to a question is “yes” or “no.”

Possibly the “answer” would lead to a long explanation leading to a conclusion of some sort.

Then again, here I am repeating myself over and over endless times.

How do we “know” what we “know” is what we actually “know.”

If you think about it.

Possibly everything we “know.”

Is completely wrong.

Think about that.

Two things are promised to us all.

Life and Death.

Some wish to be dead instead of alive.

Life is the gift.

Attempt your best to become your greatest version each moment of each day.

Appreciate and accept the gift of life.

Do you accept death?

What is “death.”

“I” accept death.

Most of us accept life and some have not overcome the thought of death.

At the end, which is always near but not here at this moment.

You take yourself out.

Through your actions and the way, you decide to live this life.

You will manifest a series of events to occur.

To know what happens beyond this moment is uncertain.

All you must do is attempt to be your greatest version.

The higher power gave you this life.

What you choose to do with this life is up to you

How you treat this temple of a body will manifest your health for the future.

Treat this temple with respect, not disrespect.

Remember to take care of what is needed.


Water consumption.

Food consumption.

Mental food aka your thoughts entering and leaving your psyche.

Exercise the mind and body.

Keep the Third eye cleansed.

You are in control of your future, then again, you are not in control of your future.

The universe is more in control of you than you are in control of the universe.

How you react to something will manifest your “future”

If you by chance happen to react to something with negativity.

There is always tomorrow.

You can work on yourself at any moment.

Today will not define you.

Then again, today will define you because that is your last memory of yourself.

There is always time for improvement.

Do not give up on yourself.

Othwerise there will be no self.

That is the last thing you want.

Possibly you wish to not be here at this very moment.

I do not wish for that upon anyone.

I wish for everyone to become their greatest version

Everyone should have the chance to become their greatest version.

If you degrade others to make yourself feel better about yourself.

I recommend you start reflecting on your negative thoughts and try to understand why you are feeling so negative in the first place.

There is a deeper meaning behind your actions/thoughts than what you observe.

There is a reasoning behind all your thoughts and actions.

Use that “soul” of yours instead of using that “mind” of yours all the time.

The “mind” “Knows.”

The “soul” “feels.”

To “know” something and to “feel” something is two completely different things.

You cannot “know” everything so you must “feel” somethings.

“Science” cannot “prove” everything.

Nothing can prove anything.

In the end.

I guess everything is perception.

Yes, there is a difference between fiction and non-fiction.

But to “know” is quite challenging.

To explain life itself is impossible.

I look at nature and through nature, I find the “answers.”

This might make no sense to some individuals.

I recommend thinking outside of “your” box for a moment.

There are many boxes to explore.

Stop fearing the world so much.

Challenge yourself and manifest decisions you will not regret.

The last thing you want to do is to regret this life.

Why even live if you do not embrace the positivity within your life.

Yes in life we need both negativity and positivity.

You have to once think negative to think positive.

You have to once think positive to think negative.

Life is all about duality.

It takes a positive perspective to realize the negative moments in life.

It takes a negative perspective to realize the positive moments in life.

Appreciate what you “have” instead of complaining about what you do not “have.”

Life is my riches.

You can have all the riches you want.

In the end, life itself is the only rich we possess.

Someone out there is always “suffering” more than you are.

Stop playing the victim game, my friends.

In my eyes.

“Life Itself” is the gift.

Life sacrificed itself for us to be here.

There are no sacrifices in this life.

Stop making excuses to not become your greatest version.

Stop playing the victim game.

You are greatness.

You are the light.

You are infinite.

All you have to do is “believe.”

Do not doubt yourself.

Life is quite magical.

You are here at this moment.

Being here in this moment is all you should ask for.

If you have shelter, running water, food, somewhere to sleep, the necessities.

Everything will be okay mannnnnnnn.

Take it easy my friends and remember to live this life one moment at a time.

Otherwise, life itself will manifest a path for you.

Instead of you manifesting a path for yourself.

Much love brothers and sisters.

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I am pretty sure everyone has been asked.

“What do you do for a living.”

This question is respectful then again kinda disrespectful.

I certainly hope you are not walking around this earth comparing yourself to others to feel some form of validation.

The ego gets in the way of the soul.

Hurt people hurt people without knowing they are hurting people.

You are blind to your projections and actions.

What you think of yourself another thinks differently.

Accept yourself before you accept anyone else.

What you “do” for a living matters, then again it means nothing.

We all breathe air.

We all drink water.

We all consume food.

We all sleep.

We all go to the bathroom.

This egotistical competition of capitalism is destroying peoples, souls.

I never tell people I create art when I first meet them.

Usually, I just say hello and would like to get to “know” someone.

The real question is.

Do you even “know” yourself.

Who are “you” as a person.

Not your job, jahahahaha

I could care less about your “job.”

“Who” are “you.”

Look within yourself and fear nothing besides fear itself.

My thoughts tell me the reason why people hide behind labels.

Is because possibly we are all fearing something.

What that “something” is.

Happens to be different for everyone.

Work on that soul of yours instead of working to manifest that “paper” money.

I want people to judge me for me and my character.

My aura and the energy I emit is who I am.

I am not my possessions or labels.

In the depths of your soul, there is information you have never encountered.

Thoughts and fears pushed all the way back into your psyche.

It is time to deal with your demons and emotions.

Do not be an energy vampire and absorb the positive energy out of others.

Leave others alone unless you have some positive energy to spread.

The way I treat people is more important than my house and what my car looks like.

You can be an asshole and have all the money/possessions in the world.

How you treat others is more important than anything.

How you treat others is a reflection of yourself.

If you are negative to others you will receive negative energy in return from the universe.

When you are positive to others you will receive positive energy in return from the universe.

The law of karma that is if you “believe” in karma.

Health is wealth.

Wealth is not health.

Remember human interaction is priceless while you pay for all that material.

Your possessions and material will not talk to you and exchange love.

Love is the answer.

Not money and possessions.

Quote #91


When you are slow at something you can observe what you are doing.

When you rush at something you miss many vital moments that could have been learned the first time.

Slower and smarter.

Is smarter than faster and zero effort.

There is always “more” than what you think about.

There is more than what the eye can see.

You will never “know” everything.

Facts are limited.

Imagination is infinite and never ends.

We are told to manifest a fact we have to follow a formula.

Idea, hypothesis, conclusion.

When using your imagination.

All you have to do is think your own thoughts.

It is not that tricky in my perspective.

What you hold in your mind grows.

How do we know what we know?

I “feel” as if we only know what we know because we are all told what to “know.”

Have you ever thought for yourself?

Or have you accepted everything that “others” tell you?

There is a difference between fact and fiction.

The thing is.

How do you know what is what?

Is it “possible” to “falsely” “manifest” a “reality” that seems to be here but in reality is not here at all.

What I mean when I say this is.

What is real.

What is an illusion?

To know.

To not know.

Quite confusing.

What shall “i” do.

At the end, which is always near.

The future is just a thought.

To know what happens beyond this physical realm is difficult to “know”

Sure, you may create an idea for a hypothesis than a conclusion.

Manifesting “facts.”

To explain the imagination is quite difficult.

What the individual sees through their eyes and not another’s eyes in their own unique way.

Concludes to my idea and thoughts of what the imagination is.

To think thoughts and to manifest sentences.

Somehow creating meaning/mental pictures.

That is truly mind-blowing in my perception.

“I” “believe” in “energy” more than “physical” “objects.”

“I” will “follow” and “listen” to my gut first before my mind.

I believe in Energy, frequency, and vibration more than anything.

Facts can only explain so much.

Facts cannot explain the “impossible.”

It seems to me that the “imagination” explains the impossible.

Subjective experiences create the imagination into what the imagination is.

Life is quite confusing.

You have to be connected to your soul.

If you are disconnected from your soul.

Life will manifest a path for you.

Instead of you manifesting a life for yourself.

If “you” manifest your own path.

Listening to that soul of yours.

The soul within yourself.

Life will be similar to a dream.

What is real and what is an illusion?

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Work smarter, not harder.

Everyone is in the rat race to “prove” who is the “best.”

We all should be striving to be our individual greatest version.

Instead of attempting to outdo others.

If you think about it.

We are all aspiring to become someone that is not even ourselves at the end of the day.

You should be in the process of becoming “yourself.”

If you are out doing others every moment.

Then who is this “you” that they call “you?”

Life is not a competition.

If there is any competition, it should be against yourself.

Become a greater you today than you were yesterday.

The slow and steady process is wiser than forcing yourself to be fast and unsteady.

You will end up retracing your steps when you are in a hurry.

To never fully grasp the moments for what they are.

If I were to ask you.

Who is this you that they call “you?”

What would you answer me with?

Who are you?

I am not talking about the person on the left of you or the right of you.

There are people behind you and in front of you.

Who I am talking about is “you” the person within this flesh body of a vehicle.

Look within your “soul.”

What is hidden within your soul?

That is what I ask.

Ignore your ego for a moment and attempt to feel the energy of love.

Do you fear yourself or love yourself?

Decide to love instead of deciding to fear.

Show your true self to the world.

Unless you wish to play the game of mental slavery.

To be a part of the rat race in competition with others.

Or to live in the moment and take everything slow and steady.

To do or to be.

The choice is yours, my friend’s.

Live that positive life.

Unless you wish to live that negative life.