Jerry Garcia

Here is a message/poem I’d like to share with this drawing.

Life is a beautiful dance of energy.

Vibrations frequencies and energy all around.

To express oneself in words is quite difficult sometimes.

Life just is.

Life is here and now.

Without the here and now.

Here and now would not exist.

Everything expresses itself to you with no explanation.

Everything you see before your eyes is life itself expressing itself to you.

The “colors” “shapes” and “dimensions” you see are expressing themselves to you.

Everything just is.

Everything expresses itself to you in energy.

Man created language.

Language is a form of art or expression.

Now here “I” go to express myself the best “I” can.

Whoever this “I” is we speak of.

“I” does not exist.

“I” only exist because “you,” told “i” that “i” exist.

There are the thoughts within your mind.

As well as the thinker or “person” behind so-called thoughts.

Neither exists.

Everything is a concept.

Sure you may “know” more than “i.”

Do you “know” that you “know.”

Or does “know itself” know more.

“I” believe everything holds it’s own consciousness or a form of energy.

Everything just is.

Often words can not express anything.

The energy itself expresses itself to you.

Everything is connected.

Positive negative.

Yes no.

Left right.

Up down.

Dark Light.

Happy sad.

Love fear.

Back front.

In out.

Could go on forever.

Everything is relative.

Without “you.”

“I” would not exist.

Lately my mind or subconscious mind.

The mind that controls you 95% of the time.

Has been at a still.

No noises or voices going on.

A complete form of meditation.

The conscious mind controls you 5% of the time.

Conscious means to “know” what oneself is doing.

Whatever it is you are “doing.”

Possibly the “doing” is “doing” “you.”

Most people are unconsciously living their lives through programs and conditioning.

To live within the worse timeline there is.

Manifesting the most negative moment to occur out of all moments.

In most people’s timelines, most choose their destiny to be the worst it can be.

“They” will try to break you down to nothing to take control of your every action, thought and move.

Controlling you similar to a rat in a race.

A robot that is programmed with no individual self.

Instead each person or robot holding the same information.

Nothing “creative.

Nothing “imaginative.”

Creation is within my soul.

Take control of “I.”

Don’t become a victim of your surroundings.

Once you become a victim life is lived within fear.

Once you become living life in love and creation life is lived in higher vibrations.

When I say “they” I’m referring to the system.

The system wants us divided.

The system wants us killing each other.

The system wants us to look like fools while they seem to look flawless.

In the end, everyone plays the “fool.”

To say you “know” correct from incorrect is foolish.

One does not know anything.

One knows what they wish to know.

To be a racist, prejudice, bigot, sexist, etc…

Any form of degrading another.

“I” does not understand.

Whenever approaching or talking to an individual.

“I” pays attention and does not judge a book by its cover.

Understand a few pages of someone’s life before you use that ego of yours.

Fear is within the hearts of many people.

Let love guide you and not fear.

Babylon system is failing.

The power is within the people, not the government.

Once you give a politician your money they control your every move, thought and idea.

Once you give your money to a politician they control your life and family.

To sell your soul similar to most people.

Or to never hide in fear of revealing your greatest version to the universe.

Be a robot or be oneself.

The “choice” is yours.

Free yourself of your conditioning and programming.

Be in control of your destiny.

Love over fear.

In fear, anyone or anything can control you.

With the power of love, you are in control.

To have control but to have no control.

Control in a loving positive way.

Not control in an evil vain way.

It is not control we are seeking.

Control gets you nowhere.

Let go of oneself.

To let go of oneself is to drop your control and then you are letting love guide you instead of fear.

To be a victim of one’s surroundings.

Or to go within and take a hold of your subconscious mind.

Be greater today than you were yesterday.

Baby steps.

There is no top of the pyramid.

Life is a never-ending process.

Drop your ego and set yourself free.

Attachment is one of the worst things any individual can do.

Ego only gets you so far.

The soul has infinite love vibrating in all directions.

Let love guide you.

Let fear guide you.

The “choice” is yours.

Become a victim of your surroundings.

Unless that is you wish to go within yourself and begin healing oneself.

Perfect does not exist.

If perfect existed.

Well, then nothing would exist.

We live in an imperfect world.

Life is not a competition.

To live in lower vibrations.

To live in higher vibrations.



I love each and every brother and sister.

I wish for no one to get hurt.

I want the best for everyone.

Aren’t we supposed to “love thy neighbor as thyself?”

If anything most people are enemies with their neighbor.

To live your conditioned life.

To free oneself.

Living within vibrations of love.

Sure many will not agree with anything I say here.

“Kill me now.”

It seems to be that “violence” is the only answer.

That’s all “i” ever learned from anyone.

Very few people have actually “taught” me anything.

Life is just a happening.

Appreciate the happening.

Before all the happening ends.

To be aware.

To be unaware.

In the blink of an eye, you will be dead.

One moment you were here.

The next thing that happens is your soul transcends out of your body.

“Energy” is for sure real.

If “you” tell me energy is not real.

Well, then I guess nothing is real.

To be thyself or to be a self someone created you into.

To live a life of a lie.

To live within the truth.

The “truth” will set you free.

Living within a fantasy is easier than living within the truth.

Let me repeat myself one more time.

The “truth” will set you free.

Live within love not fear my brothers and sisters.

Much love

Here are a few quotes I would like to share by Jerry Garcia. I relate to what he says within each quote. I am sure many other individuals will as well.

-Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

-The process of selecting the tone on the guitar is an aesthetic process like any other, so you try a lot of different things

-once in awhile you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right

-The real part was the spiritual part. There is a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night, and if you go, no one may follow, that path is for your steps alone.

-If you’re able to enjoy something, to devote your life to it or a reasonable amount of time and energy, it will work out for you.

-You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the only one who does what you do.

“We are experiencing a real confusion here in the United States, you know. Why is it OK to drink, but it’s not OK to take drugs? Blah, blah, blah. What’s a crime? What’s criminality? What can you do, what can’t you do, and so forth. All these things are really confusing. A lot of it is really contradictory; it doesn’t really make sense.”

-What we’re thinking about is a peaceful planet. We’re not thinking about anything else. We’re not thinking about any kind of power. We’re not thinking about any kind of struggles. We’re not thinking about revolution or war or any of that. That’s not what we want. Nobody wants to get hurt. Nobody wants to hurt anybody. We would all like to be able to live an uncluttered life. A simple life, a good life. And think about moving the whole human race ahead a step, or a few steps.

-What a long strange trip it’s been

-All I know is, if you listen to society, you’ll never get anywhere

There are many more quotes I could post that I can relate to.

Nearly Complete.


Take a moment to look within yourself.

Stop hiding within that box of yours.

The thoughts and perceptions you have will manifest one way or another.

If you are prejudice and judge a person because you can and choose to.

There may be a wound that needs healing within yourself.

Do your best to spread love and not hate.

The energy you hold within yourself you express to the world.

Sure most are “hiding” not being their true selves.

To be “yourself” is one of the most challenging things to do.

The way you represent yourself to this world is a reflection of yourself.

Agree to disagree.

To not agree on something does not conclude to a “war” or “argument.”

Be mature.

The last thing you want to do is start talking similar to this.

I this.

I that.

For you to hold one position the opposite person needs to think the opposite of you.

If the other person does not think the opposite of you.

“You” could not hold the perspective you have.

Not sure what words to use sometimes.

Words help express to a specific point.

Energy itself is difficult to explain in words.

“Positive” and “Negative” energy is connected.

Everything is relative.

Without “I” there would be no “you.”

War, Control, and Ego is not the answer.

It is time for the people to unite.

We can all keep on killing each other.

Or we can begin to become conscious human beings.

Using the power of love.

Mutli dimensional beings.

Light energy.

Dissolve the image of yourself.

To step outside the box you are within and to understand someone takes you to stop thinking about “I.”

“I” would not exist if “you” didn’t exist.

“You” wouldn’t exist if “I” didn’t exist.

Everything is connected.

Attempting to put the pieces together.

Always failing only making things worse than intended.

Man destroys this earth.

It is best to leave the earth alone.

Do not let mama earth cry.

It is time to become something we have never thought of becoming.

Love or fear.

Let your life fall apart in every which way.

That is only if you wish for your life to “Fall Apart” whatever “falling apart” means.

Hide in fear behind walls.

Free yourself.

Continue to live in lower vibration.

Create peace with your “enemies.”

You greatest enemy is yourself,

Learn who “thyself” is.

Learn how to love one’self.

Once you begin to stop degrading others.

Higher frequencies and vibrations will manifest within your reality.

All of your “suffering” is done to one’s self.

Go within and find peace with yourself.

Almost Complete. (Check it out!)


If you look at another and judge that person you are no greater than the person you are judging.

We are all equal.

It is time for everyone to go within themselves.

Just because you “know” something does not mean you “know” something.

The more I learn and the more I “know.”

The less I know.

Just because you possess one set of ideologies or belief systems does not mean you “know” or you are correct.

In times of struggle.

“I” look towards the universe.

Surrendering whoever “I” is to the universe.

The “fact” we exist is a phenomenon.

To be honest I don’t know anything.

I “know” this.

All I know is nothing.

The universe should have not even given us this life.

The flesh is full of greed, ego, vanity, material, pride, gluttony, selfishness etc.

“I” could go on forever.

The people are living in fear.

Instead of love.

love over fear.

“We” are all separated even though we are all “one.”

Within the flesh holds the life spirit.

Surrender yourself to the universe.

Invite the universe into your life.

Stop “knowing” so much.

Let go.

Let it be.

Positive over negative.

Knowledge has made us cynical.

Let’s stop being so clever and let’s use our emotions a little.

Instead of being “tough men.”

War has solved nothing.

Let’s have a constructive conversation that will lead somewhere.

Instead of pointing fingers as if your fingers are clean.

All of our fingers have dirt on them.

There is that saying “history repeats itself.”

At this time all I see is history repeating itself.

It is time for us to unite instead of separation.

Love consciousness instead of living in lower vibrations.

Each individual has the choice to live in fear or love.

The choice is yours, my brothers and sisters.

Don’t cry, my brothers and sisters.

Sending love and positive energy to all.

Bob Marley


For some apparent reason, I had the feeling to create a black/white/gray/brown color scheme.

It has been over two years since i have colored in black and white.

We need colors just as much as we need black and white.

Black and white connect to colors.

When you take the “color” out of the original color.

You end up with black and white colors with different shades.

This drawing has been completed for the past 4+ months.

I have been quite behind on posts lately compared to normal. Whenever i am feeling the extra energy to create a blog post that is usually when i create a blog post.

Always say I will attempt to post more and i never do. Always attempting my best.

I am always writing and creating art behind the scenes.

Remember your mental health is more important than some fancy/shiny material possessions. Do not substitute your own soul for a piece of gold. Money is not life. Life is money. I am rich in life.

Material is just material.

Life is most definitely life.

Live the life you love.

Did you ask to be “here.”

Did you know you were going to be here “before” you were even going to be here?

Did you suddenly just appear and begin to live this life.

You can never “buy” a life back.

Remember life is love.

Material has no value besides what “they” say.

Do not get caught up in the madness of the rat race.

Become your greatest version before this life lives through you and you don’t live through this life.

Reacting to everything and letting nothing be.

Here are a few quotes I would like to share by Bob Marley. I relate to what he says within each quote. I am sure many other individuals will as well.

-“Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.”

-“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold.”

-“Judge not, before you judge yourself. Judge not, if you’re not ready for judgment.”

– Everything is political. I will never be a politician or even think political. Me just deal with life and nature. That is the greatest thing to me.”

-“If you’re white and you’re wrong, then you’re wrong; if you’re black and you’re wrong, you’re wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green – God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now.”

-“You not supposed to feel down over whatever happen to you. I mean, you’re supposed to use whatever happen to you as some type of upper, not a downer.”

-“The devil ain’t got no power over me. The devil come, and me shake hands with the devil. Devil have his part to play. Devil’s a good friend, too… because when you don’t know him, that’s the time he can mosh you down.”

-“You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that’s why I’m scared when you say you love me.”

-“Some people say great God come from the sky take away everything and make everybody feel high, but if you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on earth.”

-The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”

There are many more quotes I could post that I can relate to.

I wish to share many facts about bob but that is up to you to figure out.

Pheonix “Rebirth”


We all fail.

We all learn.

Failing is a part of learning.

Learning is a part of failing.

Life consists of duality.

Negative and positive.

Positive and negative.

We need both positive and negative energies to have one energy.

We must have the “opposite” of the “original” to have what we have now.

You can always manifest opposite timelines than the timeline you are currently within.

Does this life decide you or do you decide this life?

Are you in control of your destiny or do others control your destiny?

Do you rise from your failures?

Or do you doubt yourself even more after you have “failed.”

As long as you “believe.”

Anything is possible.

It is quite difficult for me to “believe” anything.

How do we know that we know anything?

That is the real question

Through belief anything is possible.

The power within helps you become a greater you.

The symbol of the burning phoenix resembles that we can crash and burn and rise again from our failures.

Death and then a rebirth.

That does not give us an excuse to not “attempt” at all.

You must put in as much energy as you can that is all that matters. Hahaha.

Each moment we have the opportunity to “grow” we are technically “failing.

You must fail to learn, and you must learn to fail.

Next time you ” fail” don’t sweat it.

Appreciate your failures as much as you appreciate your accomplishments.

Without your failures, there would be no accomplishments.

Without your accomplishments, there would be no failures to look back on.

You can’t “improve” on yourself every moment.

Therefore you must “fail” yourself other moments.

In the end, all moments help you become your greatest version.

Hopefully, someone understands the duality in this piece of art.

To fall and then to rise with even more power/energy.

The meaning of this piece of art holds a little more value in my heart.

The colors are reds and oranges.

About 2 years ago I had a friend commit suicide.

His favorite colors were reds.

This piece of art is for you dude.

I am sorry about what has happened.

We cannot redo or reverse time.

All we possess is this very moment.

You must fail yourself and then rise from your failures.

Just because you fail does not mean you are a failure.

Failing is part of life.

Resists victimizing yourself.

Do not doubt yourself.

Remember to love yourself, everyone.

Without love, you might lead yourself down the “wrong” path.

I love you man.

I wish I could see you one last time.

I regret not “helping” you as much as I could have helped.

You should never blame yourself.

You can only help an individual to a certain extent.

Hope you can forgive me, man…

I send love to you man and I send love to all the other souls in this world.

They only realize your worth once you have passed away.

Through the power of love, the souls on this earth will unite.

Jean Michel Basquiat


I would say the most challenging process of this drawing was the placement of color, hahahaahah.

I Love Basquiat’s hair.

He was a very unique “gifted” individual.

The reason why I put “gifted” in quotation marks.

I often hear artists or musicians be called “gifted” in interviews or compliments.

This has happened to me as well.

In saying another is gifted and yourself is not is quite a paradox.

We are all “gifted.”

It is just how you use your “gift” in this world.

Look within yourself and listen to that subconscious of yours.

Who are you deep within your soul?

Life is a gift.

Remember that.

I did not stress myself out as much on the process of this drawing compared to most.

The person in this drawing is Jean Michel Basquiat.

I am guessing if you “know” your art you will know who “Basquiat” is.

If you do not understand art history, it will be quite confusing to understand the meaning of Basquiat’s paintings.

The style of art Basquiat created was Neo-expressionism, Primitivism, and contemporary art.

Some will say his artwork is rubbish others will see the pure organic beauty in each brush stroke.

You can sit down and observe a single piece of art for an infinite amount of time.

There is always something to learn even though you think there is nothing to learn.

In the end, art is subjective and the viewer manifests an opinion/perception of each artwork they observe.

In my perception. What the “individual” sees within the art itself is a reflection of their soul at this moment.

Here are a few quotes I would like to share by Jean Michel Basquiat. I relate to what he says within each quote. I am sure many other individuals will as well.

– ” I am not a black artist, I am an artist.”

– “I wanted to be a star, not a gallery mascot.”

– “I cross out words so you will see them more; the fact that they are obscured makes you want to read them.”

– “I was a really lousy artist as a kid. Too abstract expressionist; or I’d draw a big ram’s head, really messy. I’d never win painting contests. I remember losing to a guy who did a perfect Spiderman.”

– “I don’t listen to what art critics say. I don’t know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is.”

– “I like kids’ work more than work by real artists any day.”

– “There are about 30 words around you all the time, like “thread” or “exit.”

– “I want to make paintings that look as if they were made by a child.”

– “The black person is the protagonist in most of my paintings. I realized that I didn’t see many paintings with black people in them.”

There are many more quotes I could post that I can relate to. I will stop before I get too carried away.

Update on the drawing (50-60%)


Hello everyone! 😀

The progress of this drawing is coming along quite well.

I would say I am having mass amounts of energy using these bright and vibrant colors.

Usually, the colors I use in my drawings show the emotions I am feeling within “this” moment of time.

Always attempting to keep a positive mindset.

You have to spread love instead of ignorance/hatred.

Emotions are colors if you think about it.

Colors are energy.

“They,” say each color represents a certain emotion of some sort.

I “believe” each color represents a certain emotion.

For example, the color “black” is darkness or “evil” I do not necessarily “believe” that.

Possibly you look at the color black and feel vibrant love and happiness.

In the end, I guess it is all perception of what you see in your eyes.

Colors are subjective.

The current drawing I am coloring.

Has “dark” colors and “vibrant/bright” colors.

I am thinking you will look at this drawing and feel uncomfortable because of the mass amount of energy.

Or you will get lost in the colors and it will be hard to focus on one section of the drawing at a time.

We are all different in this world.

We all have different “tastes.”

Everything in this world will not attract towards you.

That is up to you to find out what is attracted towards you.

Attempt to use your soul in every action/thought instead of using the flesh and ego thinking about yourself and no one else

Crazy color scheme. (Check it out!)

dsc_0904.jpgThe energies for this drawing are all over the place.

The colors in this drawing are quite challenging.

Sometimes I will gaze at a shape for a few minutes debating what color to use.

When creating art you “know” what you are doing.

Then again, you have no idea what you are doing, but you tell others you “know” what you are doing.

Artists are very mysterious.

I always attempt to be mysterious, but exciting at the same time.

I feel every energy/emotion flow throughout my body.


You have to feel every emotion to express yourself through art.

You express yourself when the energy is vibrating within yourself.

The energy has to be released one way or another.

You might as well express yourself to release the energy in a “positive” way.

You get to that point where you have no idea how to explain yourself in words so you create an image instead.

If you think about it.

Images speak more than words do.

You can read a sentence and interpret the sentence into many different sentences.

With an image, it seems like there are more possibilities to interpret the image differently.

A single image can be interpreted into infinite stories or images

Everything is held within the eye of the beholder.

Everyone remember to be the “you” that is “you!”

Everyone have a beautiful day!

Started adding color to the drawing! (Check it out)


Having a lot of fun with the colors in this drawing.

This photo is from about 2 weeks ago.

The color scheme is a bit challenging.

Always pushing myself past my limits to increase my art skills.

You cannot challenge yourself with the same amount of energy every time.

If you never challenge yourself there will be no growth on thyself.

I apologize for the length of time between posts.

I have to experience everything at the moment or I overwhelm myself.

Never have a blog post planned they are all written and posted within the moment.

Last night, for example, I had high energies flowing throughout my body.

I was awake till 6 am last night and decided it was time for bed, hahaha.

In these moments I never stop to take a picture of the progress.

When the energy is at a high, time and space are forgotten.

All you do is create and create.

A feeling of infinite bliss expressing thyself through the soul.

I am an owl compared to most.

Sleeping when everyone is awake.

Awake when everyone is sleeping

True “artist” hours.

Finished sketch. (took 4 days to finish!)

DSC_0820Here is the finished sketch.

At the beginning of each drawing, I get this “uncertainty” feeling.

I believe in myself, but I never know where to lay the pencil first.

Creating in any form “makes” you enter a completely different state of mind.

You have to think outside of the box and create things no one has ever created before.

When sketching this I entered a “flow state.” During these times I get this feeling as if my body is not here and I am living fully through my soul.

To finish this sketch it took a while, but I entered the flow state faster than normal.

Sometimes when I create 7 hours feels like 7 minutes.

Sometimes when I create 4 hours feels like 8 hours.

“Time” will mess with your mind playing games with you all the “time.”

There is no time besides the “time” you create within your reality.

“Time” creates many problems that do not need to be manifested into this world.

When creating art I meditate for a bit and this helps me lose the idea of “time.”

When you follow “times” rules. You become a slave to time.

I am not saying to be lazy and be a couch potato.

Have a schedule, but have your schedule be in a flow state. Enjoy what you are doing each day.

Each day holds an experience that will assist you in becoming your greatest version.

I believe quality is more important than quantity.

Do not rush everything in this life. Take your time and quality will show itself.

Manifest everything in a hurry and the quality might not show itself.

Use nothing but love when living this life.

When you live life in fear you will start regretting most of your actions and decisions.

Trust the voice within. (intuition.)

Live through the soul instead of the body.