More colors added. 50% Complete.


Never sell yourself short.

If you know the value of life.

You will go out into this world and create the life you wish to create.

Do not hold back.

Fear nothing besides fear itself.

Do not live a false life.

If everyone was offered one million dollars to sell their souls.

With a zero return policy.

I have a feeling a good percentage of people would want the fame, fortune and attention.

Only to be in the “spotlight” for a moment’s time.

To have the whole world remember “them”.

Ironically you would be living this life for others and not yourself.

In the end, if you live this life for others and not yourself.

This “you” that they call you was never the real “you.”

To live this life for yourself.

Or to live this life being used by others to help others out but not yourself.

Being used.

Surrounded by energy vampires.

Selling yourself short.

To never be thyself.

Instead to be the opposite of thyself.

“You” control your mind.

Or you let the media control your mind.

Think for oneself

Unless that is you wish to be programmed into the “you” that is “you.”

Now let me ask you something.

Is this “you” the “you” that they say is “you.”

The actual “you” that “you” are.

Or is this “you” they call “you.”

The fake “you.”

Sure you may not remember “yourself” after you die.

At least you can remember “yourself” here in the “now.”

Each day to be reborn.

Each day to let fear take a hold of your soul.

To be yourself.

To sell yourself short.

The choice is yours.

Live a calm, positive, steady, and humble life.

Unless that is you wish to crash similar to a comet.

An explosion of energy.

To be here and then gone in a matter of moments.

To be “remembered” but to never remember oneself for who you truly are.

Or to live a long healthy fulfilling life.

Live this life for “yourself” in a loving positive way.

Do not live this life in a greedy vain way.

Once “you” die the universe continues to do what the universe does.

Time will not stop when “you” die.

Once man destroys the earth.

Time will continue forever and ever.

Even if humans are no were to be seen.

Time will continue.

We are all as important as the last individual.

Let me repeat myself.

I know it might be annoying.

Do not sell yourself short.

Live the life you wish to live.

Instead of living with a false reality.

To show off the image of yourself.

Never to be your actual self.

Living in ego/fear instead of love and higher vibrations.

Going to try to post more frequently.


For the past half-year or so I have not focused that much on posts.

The energy within this life has seemed to intensify for us all.

Focus your energy on reality instead of wasting your energy negatively.

Have this life control you.

Unless that is you wish to be in control of the controller.

Aware or unaware.

All you can do is live your best life.

Never give up, no excuse is worth giving up.

I Will attempt to post more frequently.

Taking care of the mind, body, and inner self. “soul”

Still creating art for sure.

Whenever I have the energy to draw then I create.

It’s never wise to force creation.

Let creation create itself.

Otherwise what is intended will not show itself.

“I” ask for everyone to go within themselves.

Is this “you” that you call “yourself.”

Improving each and every day.

Never compare yourself to another.

Life is not a competition.

We all suffer.

It’s just we all deal with suffering differently than the next.

Life is a gift.

Free yourself.

whoever “yourself” is.

The earth is more alive than you think.

“We” all exist then again no one exists.

Do not get lost in that “ego” of yours.

What you think of yourself.

Others think of you differently.

Live this life in a way that you can enjoy.

Life is so real it is similar to living in a dream.

Enjoy your visit on earth.

Instead of manifesting a living hell..

First colors added



To fear what is the real question.

“I” used to fear almost everything.

Lately, I have begun to “fear” less and less.

Today during my meditation.

1 hour felt like 1 minute.

I didn’t even feel any intensity, I opened my eyes and thirty-five minutes went by.

Those thirty-five minutes felt like many lifetimes going by.

Time is a tricky concept.

Time is an illusion.

Time seems to be going faster than ever in this time and age.

Take a moment to absorb the moment around you and appreciate this life.

When you are enjoying life.

Time flies by as if there is no time.

When sadness begins to occur time feels infinite as if you are trapped in your steps.

The way you wish to react to this life is up to thyself.

Let go.

Free yourself.

Be your authentic self.

Feel comfortable in this flesh body.

There is nothing to fear besides the false delusions you manifest within your reality.

Use love instead of fear.

Change your cycles and patterns.

Positivity instead of negativity.

Gratitude instead of giving up and misery.

Giving instead of taking.

Meditation/fasting instead of seeking pleasure.

Never let your true authentic self go.

Control the power within.

Let life overtake you.

Overtake this life and be in control.

Let your mind consume you.

Be in control of your mind.

You are not your thoughts.

Breathe in and breathe out.

Feel the high of the fresh air going into your lungs.

Appreciate the beauty of life.

Before it is too late……

Sketch Complete

dsc_0638-e1564830633709.jpgYou never “know” when a sketch is complete.

The last thing you want to do is to rush the process.

If you rush the process what was”supposed” to happen.

Possibly might not happen.

If you “force” this moment manifesting anxiety within yourself.

Stop doing what you are doing.

It is time for a change.

Find your center and create a mindset of flow.

Live within the moment fully or this life is not being lived.

Life will not go “your” way 100% of the time.

Ask yourself in moments of “negativity.”

“What am I suppose to learn?” instead of thinking “why me?”

Meditate on life instead of acting out foolishly in compulsion.

Act on instinct or let yourself be free.

Be in control of oneself unless you wish for your mind to take you over.

In the end, the “choice” is yours.

More Added To The Sketch.


It has been quite some time since the last update on the drawing.

The last time I posted was over a month ago, hahahaha. 😀

I am for sure creating art.

Way behind in posts.

Every time I apologize and say I will attempt to post more often.

The way I schedule my days out the last but first thing I am thinking about is posting a blog post.

Yes, I do enjoy creating posts and engaging with others.

Other things get in the way.

Focus most of my energy on my sanity.

Yes, you can get all the followers and likes/comments/shares from others.

Remember to love yourself.

Do not rely on others for acceptance.

Live in the “real” world instead of within a “fake” world.

Put the phones/distractions down.

Go within yourself.

Figure out who “you” are.

Attempt your best to not get too caught up in this life.

Take some time for yourself.

Otherwise, you will crash and burn.

Let me repeat that one more time.

If you do not “take care” of “yourself.”

Do not question what is coming your way.

Ignore the truth or continue living within a lie.

Started a new drawing



It has been a while since the last post.

I apologize again for taking forever in between posts.

“You” can only “do” so much within each day.

Do not overburden yourself.

If you overburden yourself life will not manifest out the way you imagine.

Be in control of this life instead of having this life be in control of you.

Yes, we will all fail and fall to the ground.

Being a failure does not define you.

If anything, being a failure helps you become your greatest version you can be.

If you are “perfect” all the time and try to be “perfect” life will manifest itself out in the darndest ways.

Find your center and ground yourself.

Please take a moment to look within yourself and see if “you” are happy with the “you” that is within yourself.

The source of energy that hides and lives in fear within oneself.

Free yourself.

Be yourself.

That is all you have to do.

Free yourself.

Be yourself.

Drawing is nearly complete.


I said i was going to attempt my best to keep posting frequently.

Look how that went hahahaha.

20 days later and I am posting an update on the drawing.

Honestly, I don’t care, but at the same time, i do.

Everyone is not seeing what I see at this moment

That is the only bummer.

Enjoying this color scheme.

Feeling the colors for sure.

This drawing has been finished for a while now.

I normally never share these kinds of things, but I have been lacking on the posts.

My mental health is more important than some silly blog posts.

Do not get lost in the game of “fame and views.”

Accept yourself first before accepting anyone else.

This life of a ride will be quite challenging if you rely on others to accept you for “who” “you” “are.”

Self-acceptance is more important than acceptance from others.

Yes, for others to accept you is important.

Possibly even more important than you accepting yourself.

You can always contradict yourself.

Do not be an asshole to others.

That is it.

Live through that soul of yours and forget about the image of yourself.

Live a little.

Let go.

The Drawing will be done soon.


It has been a while since the last update.

What a coincidence hahaha.

Keep saying I will focus more of my energy on the posts but usually that is a false statement.

Do not worry.

The art is being arted on no matter what.

I appreciate everyone who uses their energy on the art.

Thank you for your time and energy towards the art.

I am enjoying the black/white/gray color scheme.

In the past, i have created some black and white drawings.

For some reason. I feel these colors at the moment.

A “nirvana” feeling.

A numb feeling of some sort.

“Oneness” with the universe you can say.

Become less attached to the image of yourself.

Life will flow out a lot easier than normal if you detach yourself from everything.

There is no reason to “stress” yourself.

The only “stress” you have to worry about is the stress you falsely manifest into your life.

Everything is about energy.

Most people do not know how to balance their energy in this world.

Most of the time exchanging energy left and right for nothing “positive” in return.

Manifest wisely everyone instead of handing out your energy for free.

Respect thyself.

Eighteen days since the last post. (Check it out!)


I apologize it has been eighteen days since the last update.

Need to be more frequent with the updates and posts.

Moved to a new place have been busier than normal.

Still creating lots of art for sure.

Do not want to ruin anything or give anything away.

Surprises are the best.

Have many posts to share.

When you already know what is going to happen that is quite boring.

Surprises have infinite possibilities.

Surprises hold a lot of excitement and energy.

I will attempt to post more frequently.

Thank you, everyone, that follows the art and thank you for putting your energy towards the art.

Everyone have a great day.

Much love!

More color added to the drawing!


It has been a while since the last post.

I never keep track of time.

All you must do is go with the flow and attempt your best to not disrupt the moment.

What I mean is.

Every moment something is happening to you.

How you react to that moment is your choice.

Have a weak will and give up.

Have a strong will and be ready for what is next.

Whatever the moment brings you, appreciate that moment.

Good or bad.

You need to “fail” as much as you need to “succeed.”

I am always creating art.

Lately, my flow of energy has been more focused on the art itself and not the website.

Have been busy with other things as well.

Trust me, I am arting for sure.

Art is the only thing keeping me sane in this insane world.

Before you think something is strange.

Think again.

Each individual has their own definition of “normal.”

Be your individual self.

Everything puzzles me all I can do is continue expanding my mind and creating art.

Never give up on yourself.

Keep on going…