Quote #59


59I should have done that.

I could have done that.

I would have done that.

All of these were in the past tense. As if you are regretting the future.

The current moment is wasted thinking about another moment in time besides the current moment.

Regretting the past moment, wishing you woulda, coulda or shoulda.

All time is now, so you better start sooner than later.

Don’t attract negative energy or thoughts.

The negative thoughts will consume each section of your brain till you can’t take it anymore.

To suffer and manifest everything in a negative outlook is the scariest thing you can do.

Doubt is similar to a monster or the subconscious, destroying your soul and person.

Doubt is the voices of others opinions overriding your brain.

Creating you into the you that isn’t you. But a you of another you and not the you that you are.

A false manifestation within the mind and it was nothing but a thought of energy.

Not even a thought of yours, but another.

You don’t need anyone’s validation to be you.

The mind is in control of thyself.

Don’t be a slave to your own mind.

Each thought and idea is the imagination.

Why do I say this?

Well, the only thing we possess is the “Now.”

Everything else is similar to a movie or story.

There’s this story and within a few more stories of the story, the original story is probably completely different than the original.

“Drama.” Is a word best to explain storytelling.

If you are saying things out loud to others.

Make sure to resist attracting any negative energy or it will come back to you.

The ones who talk behind your back usually have the scariest karma to imagine.

Be one faced. Not two, three or even four-faced.

One faced people possess the highest energy.

Be yourself and don’t be scared of what others will think.

The soul is more of who you are compared to the skin you possess.

Don’t look worthy for others, but be worthy and loyal to thyself.

This human form is art itself.

A manifestation of our own individual thoughts.

Turn that thought into reality and it is “art.”

We are all pieces of art. If that wasn’t true, we’d all be a big rock with no emotions.

A big boulder that does nothing.

Every amount of energy is art in one form or another.

Art is something that wasn’t real and is brought into this reality of life.

You could think to brush your teeth.

After this thought, you could act or ignore what was thought.

If you apply energy towards the thought within your mind.

You have literally created magic.

Manifestation itself.

Boom. That’s how easy it can be.

“Art.” Hahahahaha. πŸ˜‰

Manifestations can be simple, advanced, or life-changing.

What does the term manifestation mean?

Well, when you created a thought within your mind and put mass amounts of energy towards this thought.

That’s a manifestation.

You can’t give up or put doubt in a single manifestation.

If so it will end up like every other thought you didn’t bother to take a hold of and listen to.

All you have to do is believe

This is when you start to follow your “intuition.”

The inner voices will guide you to where you need to go.

I shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Hatred only arises when you are full of hatred yourself.

Don’t get worked up. Instead just be a greater you than who you were yesterday.

Each day you create the path and it can be a beautiful path of many negatives and positives.

Or a path of pure destruction. Only focusing on the negatives and being quite selfish at the end of life.

Many people dream of possessing the life you possess.

Don’t be so selfish with your thoughts

Your life probably isn’t as bad as you think it is.

I have a roof, running water, food, and somewhere to sleep every night.

Without worrying about the next day.

Of where I shall go.

I’m happier than happy.

That’s just me.

Live your life in love and ignore the haters.

Hatred is your worst enemy.

The energy of hatred is created from within.

Hatred is a manifestation of art from within.

Emotion is art and art is pure emotion.

Don’t regret anything.

And say I coulda, woulda or shoulda.

Work on yourself and manifest for a greater version of thyself.

People can easily point out the good in life.

When it comes down to thyself it’s difficult to see the flaws and demons.

The moment people are arguing they know everything and all things.

The demons and flaws of thyself aren’t existent. Only the flaws and demons of others exist within our mind.

No one sits down and meditates to think about thyself actions.

If you told me a few years ago. I’d be where I’m now doing what I’m doing now.

I’d just laugh at you.

I’d say this isn’t me.

But in all reality this is me.

What I was before this moment wasn’t me.

We learn and grow each day.

Just make sure you are the you that’s you and only be you.

Be aware of thyself.

I observe the world and think this about a lot of people and myself.

Is everyone actually real or is everything an act of their ego.

Not all will understand.

Live your dream and don’t help others with theirs. This is your life, right?

We are all a soul unable to see ourselves living within this world of many other souls.

It is as if we all know everything and anything besides what’s going on with thyself.

All quite alike, but in the end all so very different.

Negative is easier to observe than the positive.

Positivity happens and no one says Thank you.

It is only when something is “wrong” or “incorrect” that someone speaks.

The rest is silence.

The people make more ruckus than the earth itself.

Manifest the best you can.

Nothings stopping you but you.

Remember that.


33 thoughts on “Quote #59

    • I appreciate your thoughts towards the writing. It helps me grow as an artist and as a writer.

      I always attempt my best to be quite complex. So complex it is very simple to read. Reading some of the things I write might confuse you.

      It just takes time to understand everything.

      One moment at a time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Happy to know you enjoy reading these writings/poems. πŸ™‚

        I always try my best to be quite complex but very simple at the same time so all readers can interpretation and understand what I’m saying.

        Yes time tells everything.

        Much love!


        Liked by 1 person

    • Hello. πŸ™‚

      No problem, I look through random blogs on my free time. Happened to pass by your blog.

      Happy to hear you enjoy reading my blog. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for the nomination. I appreciate it.

      Much love!


      Liked by 1 person

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