Quote #86


Once you fully embrace your feminine side and feel your emotions, for how they are.

Instead of ignoring your emotions.

Acting similarly to a boulder.

You will feel vibrant energy flowing throughout your body.

When you realize one moment can lead to infinite moments you do not control every moment.

Decide to constructively live through your soul instead of ignorantly living through the flesh.

When “anger” arises.

Question the anger and ask yourself.

“Where does this anger come from?”

Anger is nowhere to be seen or found.

“Anger” is within you and you are anger.

People tell me “magic” is not real.

I beg to differ.

Each “sense” has some magic involved.

Sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

There is also a sixth sense.

The “sixth sense” is when you use all 5 senses in one.

The “intuition” is used when using the “sixth sense.

“Everything” is magic.

Life is most likely a “simulation.”

Emotions are magic.

Neurons firing left and right all throughout your brain.

Making you manifest different thoughts and emotions.

Creating you into the person that is “you.”

Living in this reality.

All experiencing human consciousness.

To listen and follow the intuition. (The voice within)

Or to follow the voices of others. (The plan everyone creates for you)

Expand that mind of yours.

Use those neurons more than others.

Never give up on this life.

There are infinite possibilities.

What you manifest you become.


All the energy you put into this world.

You get in return from the universe.

Balance the emotions from within.

Use both the masculine and the feminine side.

Can you sit with your own thoughts?

Is it a struggle to practice”meditation?”

If your mind cannot be still you cannot be still yourself.

When the mind is corrupt, your soul has swept away from you at that moment.

Yes, we have to feel our emotions for what they are.

Do not ignore your emotions.

Remember to do what you must do but attempt to not manifest more negative energy into your reality.

Is it hard for you to accept the thoughts that flow throughout the mind?

If yes, it is time to start using your “feminine” energy.

Learn how to treat others with respect.

“Be” in control of your “emotions.”

When you can control your emotions.

The “feminine” side is fully embraced.

We will all “slip” here and there.

No one is perfect.

All you must do is attempt to be your greatest version.

If you “fail.”

At least you can say you “attempted.”

To attempt to be your greatest version or to not even attempt at all.

I rather live a life full of beautiful memories/love and positive energy.

Instead of living a blur of a life that was quickly lived and shortly forgotten.

I “swear” meditation saves my life.

Without meditation, I would not be the “man” I am.

Meditation puts every moment in perspective.

To react in every moment or to have patience and process the moments.

You can never “know.”

All you must do is “be.”

I use my “masculine” energies while working out.

There are positive ways to get out the “manly” energy.

That energy that wants to “destroy and conquer” everyone and everything.

All of that built up “tension.”

Release everything you have but in a positive way.

When you work out.

You destroy the body through exercise.

You use “negative energy” but actually “positive energy” when working out.

All the anger. (Negative energy)

Is released when working out.

Then again working out is not about anger and destroying everyone.

Often times “anger” disrupts the mind instead of benefiting the mind.

Everything is within the moment.

There are times I feel complete bliss while working out.

There are other times I feel like “destroying everything and everyone.”

jahahaah, I am hoping someone will understand me.

If you feel anger, feel anger.

If you feel nervous, feel nervous.

If you feel “love” feel love.

Do not spread negativity to others.

Use that “negative energy” to uplift yourself.

Transfer the negative energy into positive energy.

“Hurt people” “hurt people.”

The ones who have been hurt mentally or physically hurt other people.

unintentionally and intentionally.

When living this life in “fear” you are blind to your own actions most of the time.

Few souls understand people who hurt others do not mean what they do.

The ones who have “healed” themselves.

Or individuals that are in the process of “healing” themselves.

Spread positive energy to other souls that are in need of love.

If an individual accepts your “love” or not, that is up to the individual.

Never stop attempting to spread love everywhere you go.

Even if others do not accept your “love.”

Negative people are ignorant.

There is no need for that negative energy.

We are all born “innocent.”

Over time we begin living.

Life is not fair.

Saying that.

What happens to you in this life.

You can either use the energy to uplift yourself or you can use every “negative” moment to destroy thyself.

Some things that happen to you, you are not in control of.

Other things you can control.

Usually what you are “controlling” is “controlling” you.

The moments that have intense energy you should appreciate.

Without a challenge in this life, this life would not be worth living.

The “bad” things that happen to you, do not define you.

How you act out in each situation is more important.

“React” with positivity instead of negativity.

Do not act out “ignorantly”

Each person defines everything differently.

No one asks to get hurt by others.

When someone “hurts” you.

This individual is being blind to themselves and their surroundings.

Forgive the “ignorant” individual and move on.

Hold zero grudges against your brothers and sisters.

“Forgiveness” is needed in this life.

I believe the hurt people do not mean to hurt people.

Hurt people are blind.

The hurt only want to be loved.

Since the hurt individuals are not loved they continue to live in a cycle of hurting others and themselves.

We all want love.

Spread love instead of hate.

Hurt people are living in their ego, but then again not.

You need to know who you are.

Is this “you” they call “you” the actual “you.”

Do not tell others who “they” are.

To know anything else is a mystery.

Know yourself in and out.

Then again, how do you “know” that you “know” something.

Appreciate this life and live through the soul

Use love in each moment that is possible.

You have to feel the emotions you are feeling.

Remember to not bring others down with you.

Use your soul instead of the ego.

You need to express yourself.

Just do not hurt others.

It is as if others enjoy seeing the pain in others.

Suffering is not an option.

Face your emotions instead of suffering.

When you suffer you create pain within yourself and others around you.

Do not throw your emotions on another.

Use your “feminine” side to process the moment and see what this moment is teaching you.

There are lessons within everything.

Learn how to look at everything with a positive perspective instead of a negative perspective.

Learn to learn instead of learning to fail.

“Guilt” is a funny word to me.

Everything is “guilt” in my eyes.

To have “pride” in one’s self you are “recognizing” your image of yourself.

I always tell people there is no “me” or “i.”

Instead, we are all the same human consciousness experiencing this thing called life.

We are all “I”

“I” am all of “you”

“You” are all “me.”

We are all this thing called “life”

We are “all” experiencing this thing called life.

Imagine if you never had this opportunity to live this life?

Existence in itself is mind-blowing.

We should not be here.


It took soooooooo much energy.

For the world to manifest itself here.

To be honest, it would have been easier for the universe to do nothing.

Why create “us”

“Us” is destroying the mother earth.

Ironically” this world we “worship” we could care less about.

We all care about this world so much, but when it comes to “reality.”

We are all destroying mother Gaia.

If you like it or not, the earth is on its way to the “end.”

Everything must begin and everything must end.

Will there be a new beginning.

Possibly the end is the new beginning.

Life after death.

Or death after life.

Energy never dies.

Energy is infinite and can only transfer to another source.

Ignore guilt, but live your life with “love.”

Live your life fully at the moment and “attempt” your best to have zero regrets.

A “sin” to one individual is not a sin to “another.”

Live your life how you must live your life.

Ignore spreading “negativity” to others.

Society brainwashes us into thinking every action is a “sin.”

Every law is illegal somewhere in this world.

We are all criminals, one way or another.

Let’s live in unity and love.

Instead of judging everyone for their labels and illusions that have zero value or meaning.

Your physical and mental health is more important than anything else.

How you treat others is more important than your “achievements” or “success.”

Your “soul” is who you are.

Energy is everything.

Do not fall for the “illusions” in this life.

Live through the soul.

Instead of the flesh.

Use that “feminine” energy.”

Stop ignoring your emotions.

Accept the moment and feel the energy.

What have you learned within each moment?

Stop victimizing yourself.

We all feel pain.

We all suffer.

We all this and that.

We are all one.

Live your best life.

By living through your greatest version you embrace others to live a life of positivity.

Much love to all.

Feel those emotions of yours.

Do not ignore the energy within.

10 thoughts on “Quote #86

  1. Very well said Brandon you do need a balance for those that are looking for empathy in the end the Strongest will always carry scars and live with open wounds that never close always remain. Myself I am true the code and testament I live by the Way of Warrior” I am what others are incapable of being for fear of being shun by the flock and their arrogance .

    There is nothing about me that wears my heart on my sleeve

    “Die for everything in act of valour then live in disgrace”



    Liked by 2 people

    • You have to balance the feminine with the masculine.

      You cant be too feminine or too masculine. Try to be in the middle hahaha.

      Lots of people put on masks.

      Only in the moments where the world challenges you.

      all the talking people do will show itself.

      People talk to much without “doing.”

      Love your comments.

      Your comments always have mass amounts of energy.

      Appreciate the effort put into the comments.

      Liked by 1 person

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