Full drawing complete. (Check it out!)

DSC_0895Here is the complete sketch.

This sketch only took me 5 days to completely finish from beginning to end.

It took me a few weeks to post the final drawing, jahahaha

I always take random pictures throughout the process of the drawing.

I often get too lazy to post because I am too engaged in the coloring/sketching.

I used to be very anxious and more alert with blog posts.

I have noticed it is healthier and mentally wiser to take it one moment at a time.

Instead of forcing everything at once in one moment.

I apologize about the lack of posts lately.

Planning to answer all the comments I have ignored soon. I apologize about being inactive.

The physical body is more important than the external world and all of your “achievements.”

Health is wealth.

Remember to take care of yourself and to not overwork yourself.

Everyone have a great New Year’s Eve!

Remember to ignore making excuses to become your greatest version. Yes, new years is about making “new resolutions” but we should ignore having a day to count on to be our greatest version.

Be your truest self as often as you can.

Be your greatest version in every moment of life. Live each day as if it was to be your last instead of procrastinating everything.

Life is only what you manifest it to be. What you put into life is what you get out of life. The energy you put into something will transcend back to yourself with more positive energy or more negative energy.

The reality you decide to live in is up to thyself.

Happiness is a choice. You either choose to be happy.

Or you can live a life of pessimistic thinking.

Manifest as you wish.

Much Love to everyone!

41 thoughts on “Full drawing complete. (Check it out!)

    • I look at art as a tool. Art helps me in my everyday life.

      Art is patience and patience is happiness.

      You need patience to live this life.

      There is nothing to wait for just be.


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