Quote #84


In this very moment, you are living right now.

Let’s say you were to die.

That should not matter.

Do not fear death.

Death is an “illusion.”

When it is time for you to leave this world.

In the moment of when you leave.

It will be at that moment when you were “supposed” to leave this mother earth.

Life is death and death is life.

We are all experiencing something called “life.”

Life is a reflection of death.

You must live to die.

You must die to live.

You have to accept death as much as you accept life.

Without life and death, you could not exist in itself.

You would literally be nothing.

Nothingness within a space of darkness with zero light.

That would be a shame.

At least I would think so.

Imagine if we were all born within the darkness and all we experienced was the darkness.

That would manifest a dark life for most.

You have to look at the negatives and turn the negatives into positives.

I feel as if some individuals feel dead inside.

Even though they are “living.”

I look at this life as a gift.

The greatest gift I have received.

“I” mean “we.”

“We” is “I”

And “I” is “we”

There would be no individuals in this world without every other soul here as well.

Live your life through your soul instead of through the flesh.

Follow your intuition instead of following the dogma of others.

Ironically here I am “expressing” myself to tell people to not follow the “dogma” of others.

I am not sure if everyone “understands” me.

I am not here to be “understood.”

There is nothing to understand.

You are “it.”

We are all “it.”

Life itself.

We are all a part of this human experience manifesting consciousness.

Manifesting whatever reality we wish to be in.

Receiving the opportunity to live this life in this vehicle of a body.

How you decide to live this life is up to yourself and no one else.

To live through the soul or to live through the ego.

The soul is giving and caring.

Expecting nothing in return or a “reward.”

The soul has nothing but the intention of love.

The ego is stubborn and always has to be “correct.”

The ego often projects insecurities through itself.

Spreading negative energy to others on accident without being intended.

No one intends to hurt anyone or even themselves.

In negativity, you are blindly manifesting more negative energy into the world.

Some souls are suffering while some souls are in the process of healing themselves.

When you harm or hurt someone the ego is in use.

When you spread smiles and spread love to others.

You are using nothing but the soul.

The soul understands.

The ego is not understanding.

It takes self-realizations to accept you are hurting inside or harming others around you in this life.

No one wants to take “fault” for their “mistakes.”

So we live blindly instead of with clarity.

Everyone makes mistakes.

All you must do is learn from your mistakes.

We all “wake up” at a different moment in life.

However, you “wake up” is different for everyone.

It takes that one experience with an abundance of energy either positive or negative to have a life-changing moment in this life.

To enter a realm of darkness.

Or to enter a realm of light.

You can be in the “middle” and just exists if that is what you wish.

When you enter your “own realm” many will not understand what you are trying to express.

I believe we are all here for a “purpose” or “reason”

That “purpose” or “reason” is not for me to decide.

Only for you or this person, we call “I”

Do more people live a life in a pessimistic reality?

Or do more people live in an optimistic reality?

You need to have a relationship with yourself.

When you lack a relationship with yourself, you will most likely be headed down the “wrong path.”

It is quite important to have a relationship with yourself.

I talk of the “inner voice” your intuition.

There is a voice within us all.

If you decide to follow the intuition that is up to you.

When a soul is first brought into this world.

Everything is thrilling and ecstatic.

Children live in the moment completely with zero worries or fears.

Over time everyone seems to lose connection with their “inner child.”

It is now time to “grow up.”

That is what the “system” tells everyone.

It should be this instead.

“Now it is time to evolve into your greatest version. Become “yourself” instead of following others in unwanted footsteps.”

Everyone knows who they are.

Most just hide in “fear.”

Fear is not real.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

There are no monsters coming to get you.

All is good.

What matters the most is how you manifest everything into existence.

If you lack something within yourself this you that they say is you is not you.

When I was a little child, I made a pact with myself that I would never lose my originality.

“I” would be myself.

Instead of following the ways of others listening to dogma.

When I was a fresh soul, I felt like something was “wrong” with me.

Now I know I am completely “normal”

“I” am not similar to most people.

That is okay.

As long as I am myself that is all that matters.

“I” exist within a different realm than others.

I perceive everything different than most.

I always thought I was crazy or mad.

Now I know I am here for a reason.

To “question authority” and to “create/be me.”

You have to be curious about this life.

It is hard for me to “accept” anything.

How do we know what we know?

We only know what we know because we “think” we know what we know.

But how do we know that we actually know what we know?

Everything is perceived as seen through the eyes of the beholder.

Life is an illusion.

Everything is an illusion.

There is this quote by Charles Addams.

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

Question yourself and question authority.

Is this “I” that they call “you.”

Who you are.

Is this really you?


Or are you a false you?

Every day I question life and death.

For all, we know, maybe we are all dead at this moment.

Then when we “die” we are reborn.

In a sense, life is death and death is life.

Once you die you go where you go.

Once you are born you will be where you are.

Everything is a reflection of duality.

Without life, there would not be death.

Without death, there would not be life.

You have to appreciate both life and death to fully experience life to its fullest.

Death is life.

Life is death.

quote #38



Sometimes, depending on how deep into the meditation I get, visions or hallucinations appear you can say.

Things that are so hard to explain unless you have seen them yourself.

I see shapes and colors. Sometimes stories or visions are seen, a very deep unconscious thought. Everything is let go, entering into an imaginary land.

Sometimes it’s very hard to put pictures into words, not many are good with their words.

At moments I have my good times, others I don’t. Sounds like every human to me.

I don’t know how to explain Mediation other than what I have said here.

Here’s my best visual for everyone put into words…..

It took me the longest time to just sit still for a little bit. Up to a year to fully grasp it.

At the beginning, it was around a few minutes for me. Keep adding more time when you’re comfortable. Or maybe don’t add time up at all, just close your eyes and meditate. Recently I’m up to 30-minute sessions. As of now, I’m at 35-40 minutes. A period where my eyes are closed for 30+ minutes but I’m still awake. Eyes are just closed.

I try to not open my eyes and think of nothingness.

You forget where you’re, or what you’re. Breathe but don’t concentrate on breathing, just let the breathing happen.

I lose feeling in my whole body and feel this feeling like no other. You forget where you’re or what room you happen to be in. It’s as if an energy is flowing throughout your whole body. If performed correctly, your heart rate will drop a decent amount. One time I got my heart rate very low and the Mediation was so intense. It felt like I was a new person after I woke up as if I reincarnated. Meditation is a natural medicine for the body.

The experience for each mediator will be different, not all will enjoy or think this is a grand idea. When in a deep meditation, all you see is pure darkness.

The feeling of your body disappears, it’s as if you’re in another world of some sort. Another dimension.

You can put on “certain music” if wanted otherwise in complete silence.

Go to music with a rhythm or beat. Something with a frequency of around 432HZ. It’s said this frequency of music is the most appealing to the ear, to calm down and relax. Mozart produced a lot of music at 432 Hertz.

This kind of music soothes me and relaxes me too. Whenever I go to bed, I always put on “sleeping” music. It’s as if I’m a child in a crib and I’m listening to a lullaby to fall asleep. All ages can do this, hahaha. I swear I pass out soon after putting the music on.

To decide to have music or not.

The choice is yours. Silence or music. It depends on the day for me.

Mediation is not for everyone, but I believe everyone can do it. Took me the longest time to sit still.

Here are my crazy thoughts, hahaha.

Mediation is my best medicine at the moment. It helps me the most with relaxing the mind and staying “happy.” Happiness is different for everyone.

Mediation makes me realize this. We’re nothing much, but a mind with a body and soul. Mind, body, and soul.

Mediation helps you find your soul from within, the things hiding you’ve never thought to dive into. It just happens, in the moments of mediation you find thyself, and reflect who you really are as a person.

Who is this “I” we speak of? mediation helps you realize there is no “I” but there is only a mind that separates us all from each other, nothing much but a mind.

Your mindset in this world will distinguish you from others. You are nothing but a thought of a mind, with nerve endings responding at all moments. If it wasn’t for the sense of “feel” the mind wouldn’t be here.

Neither would you, nothing would be here. Everything is an emotion or energy form of some sort. Everything around you and yourself is just “energy.” If you were to zoom in on anything with a microscope, there would just be live energy moving all around. Nothing but a bunch of moving atoms. (ENERGY)

How else would something take up space in this world? Without energy being used in some sort nothing would be here. There’s some form of energy in everything we do. After doing something, It’s all over and there’s no way of stopping it. Or going back.

Control it at your best, don’t abuse your energies and everything will go as planned. A few unexpected things will happen, in those moments you use your energy at its best or you fail yourself and use your energy in a negative way.

Mediation helps you reflect upon yourself. It’s as if your eyeballs turn to the back of your head, and you’re set free from this world temporarily. Entering another world of your own.

What I’m about to say could either be me being crazy and everything I say is just what I’m telling myself. Craziness or insanity you can say, or possibly there is some truth in this. I’m just speaking from experience. I’m no expert, just a soul sharing information with the world.


I could be putting all of this in my mind and I actually see and hear these things.

Most will say it’s my imagination.

But I think it’s much more.

Something much, much more.

I recommend you try doing a few minute meditation and see if you can even sit still.

It’s a very simple and easy task against yourself. I challenge everyone right now reading this to attempt a few minute meditation.

Find an empty area, sit down. Cross your legs, close your eye and put your hands/fingers in a comfortable position.

Focus on the center of your forehead and “doze” off into the pure darkness. Remember your eyes need to be closed.




Try to at least attempt a few minute meditation, if you don’t please to. Then skips this.












If you were squirmy, you “failed.”

If you were still, you “passed.”

Here’s what I mean. If you were squirmy and moved around. You’re probably anxious and in need of some sort of self-cleanse or reflection of thyself.

I used to be very anxious, but now I kinda just don’t care. Life is free and anxiety is at a cost. Creating a burden on your mind. A constant future thought to not even be in the “now.”

Through meditation, this helps me a lot to lose my anxiety and be more stress-free.

When you look into the science if you believe it or not.

There are many benefits of meditation. I’ll name a few of them, take care to listen if you want.

You may not believe what I say, but that’s okay, just sharing “different” information with many individuals who aren’t probably used to this kind of talk.

I might have just sounded very strange to you at the moment. But don’t we all, hahaha.

A few benefits of meditation.

1. More conscious of thyself, thoughts and actions are more aware. Less energy is used towards “energy sucking” thoughts or actions. Accepting of others. You’ll wonder why you’re here.

2. Your nerves become calm, you’re not tense and tight all the time. Science tells me this, but there’s always a study to fight against the other. The body’s energy can be controlled.

3. Some of my best art ideas or advice you can say is given to me by the universe, my imagination improves.

4. A lot of studies show that meditation improves most parts of the brain as if you’re “working” it out. Muscle memory is built within the brain. Just look into it, you’ll understand what I’m saying. Are brain can be worked out just like how your arms can be worked out. Just in different form hahaha. Multiple parts of the brain are “worked out.” Similar to your arms too.

5. Lowers blood pressure, lowers anxiety, creates natural serotonin in the body. Giving you that “happy” feeling. Creates the calm chemical.

7. One of my favorite. Reduces “cortisol” that’s your worst enemy. All it does is drag you to the floor. A “stress” hormone. Nothing good comes from this hormone. This is your worst enemy

8. Increase serotonin. You’re just happy for no reason all the time. You’ll end up a “crazy” person, hahaha.

6. Boosts melatonin levels, helping us to improve sleep.

7.Makes you younger and produces natural growth hormones. Literally reversing your age. Most regular meditators look younger. It’s hard to explain. Look it up, if you want.

Many more, could go on for a while.


Believe it or not.

But don’t knock it till you try it.

All you have to do it nothing. I’m sure you have a few minutes to do nothing.

Sitting on the couch is the same as meditation. Just a little more advanced, I believe in you!

Give it one attempt, why not? The worst you can do is try, there’s no harm in trying. Or I rather say “attempt.” Be at your full potential.