Quote #84


In this very moment, you are living right now.

Let’s say you were to die.

That should not matter.

Do not fear death.

Death is an “illusion.”

When it is time for you to leave this world.

In the moment of when you leave.

It will be at that moment when you were “supposed” to leave this mother earth.

Life is death and death is life.

We are all experiencing something called “life.”

Life is a reflection of death.

You must live to die.

You must die to live.

You have to accept death as much as you accept life.

Without life and death, you could not exist in itself.

You would literally be nothing.

Nothingness within a space of darkness with zero light.

That would be a shame.

At least I would think so.

Imagine if we were all born within the darkness and all we experienced was the darkness.

That would manifest a dark life for most.

You have to look at the negatives and turn the negatives into positives.

I feel as if some individuals feel dead inside.

Even though they are “living.”

I look at this life as a gift.

The greatest gift I have received.

“I” mean “we.”

“We” is “I”

And “I” is “we”

There would be no individuals in this world without every other soul here as well.

Live your life through your soul instead of through the flesh.

Follow your intuition instead of following the dogma of others.

Ironically here I am “expressing” myself to tell people to not follow the “dogma” of others.

I am not sure if everyone “understands” me.

I am not here to be “understood.”

There is nothing to understand.

You are “it.”

We are all “it.”

Life itself.

We are all a part of this human experience manifesting consciousness.

Manifesting whatever reality we wish to be in.

Receiving the opportunity to live this life in this vehicle of a body.

How you decide to live this life is up to yourself and no one else.

To live through the soul or to live through the ego.

The soul is giving and caring.

Expecting nothing in return or a “reward.”

The soul has nothing but the intention of love.

The ego is stubborn and always has to be “correct.”

The ego often projects insecurities through itself.

Spreading negative energy to others on accident without being intended.

No one intends to hurt anyone or even themselves.

In negativity, you are blindly manifesting more negative energy into the world.

Some souls are suffering while some souls are in the process of healing themselves.

When you harm or hurt someone the ego is in use.

When you spread smiles and spread love to others.

You are using nothing but the soul.

The soul understands.

The ego is not understanding.

It takes self-realizations to accept you are hurting inside or harming others around you in this life.

No one wants to take “fault” for their “mistakes.”

So we live blindly instead of with clarity.

Everyone makes mistakes.

All you must do is learn from your mistakes.

We all “wake up” at a different moment in life.

However, you “wake up” is different for everyone.

It takes that one experience with an abundance of energy either positive or negative to have a life-changing moment in this life.

To enter a realm of darkness.

Or to enter a realm of light.

You can be in the “middle” and just exists if that is what you wish.

When you enter your “own realm” many will not understand what you are trying to express.

I believe we are all here for a “purpose” or “reason”

That “purpose” or “reason” is not for me to decide.

Only for you or this person, we call “I”

Do more people live a life in a pessimistic reality?

Or do more people live in an optimistic reality?

You need to have a relationship with yourself.

When you lack a relationship with yourself, you will most likely be headed down the “wrong path.”

It is quite important to have a relationship with yourself.

I talk of the “inner voice” your intuition.

There is a voice within us all.

If you decide to follow the intuition that is up to you.

When a soul is first brought into this world.

Everything is thrilling and ecstatic.

Children live in the moment completely with zero worries or fears.

Over time everyone seems to lose connection with their “inner child.”

It is now time to “grow up.”

That is what the “system” tells everyone.

It should be this instead.

“Now it is time to evolve into your greatest version. Become “yourself” instead of following others in unwanted footsteps.”

Everyone knows who they are.

Most just hide in “fear.”

Fear is not real.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

There are no monsters coming to get you.

All is good.

What matters the most is how you manifest everything into existence.

If you lack something within yourself this you that they say is you is not you.

When I was a little child, I made a pact with myself that I would never lose my originality.

“I” would be myself.

Instead of following the ways of others listening to dogma.

When I was a fresh soul, I felt like something was “wrong” with me.

Now I know I am completely “normal”

“I” am not similar to most people.

That is okay.

As long as I am myself that is all that matters.

“I” exist within a different realm than others.

I perceive everything different than most.

I always thought I was crazy or mad.

Now I know I am here for a reason.

To “question authority” and to “create/be me.”

You have to be curious about this life.

It is hard for me to “accept” anything.

How do we know what we know?

We only know what we know because we “think” we know what we know.

But how do we know that we actually know what we know?

Everything is perceived as seen through the eyes of the beholder.

Life is an illusion.

Everything is an illusion.

There is this quote by Charles Addams.

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

Question yourself and question authority.

Is this “I” that they call “you.”

Who you are.

Is this really you?


Or are you a false you?

Every day I question life and death.

For all, we know, maybe we are all dead at this moment.

Then when we “die” we are reborn.

In a sense, life is death and death is life.

Once you die you go where you go.

Once you are born you will be where you are.

Everything is a reflection of duality.

Without life, there would not be death.

Without death, there would not be life.

You have to appreciate both life and death to fully experience life to its fullest.

Death is life.

Life is death.



Do not let the darkness blind you.

Instead, use the energy within yourself to expand your horizons.

The more energy within your experiences.

The more you learn and expand the mind.

Look on the brighter side.

The way you think and react to a situation.

Is more important than how others will think and react.

Without much experience, there would be no experiences to be experiencing.

Live this life, how you wish to live.

If others judge you.

In the end, they are doing nothing but judging themselves.

When you become “negative” or “angry”.

No one has “won” the battle.

Both have lost in the end.

If you lose your inner peace, harmony, self, and love for others.

You have done nothing but manifested an “error” into this life.

When you mess up in your actions.

Failing instead of learning.

That is okay.

Both failing and learning are needed.

There was an error, but at the same time, there was no error.

Failing is learning.

Learning is failing.

Both are relative and completely the same.

Technically there is no learning or failing just the perception of oneself.

Ignore living life in negativity and despair.

If you live a pessimistic life.

Expect nothing but an emotional roller coaster of a ride.

There is one “rule” when living this life.

Ignore hurting others in this game of “life.”

If you love yourself there will be no reason to be hurting others.

Often at times, people lack love within themselves.

The reason in my eyes why individuals act out.

Deals with the individuals’ ego/soul.

There is a lack of self-love within the soul.

When the soul is confused the ego acts out.

Possibly this individual feels an envy towards another.

Some people become very jealous of others.

If you are jealous this you is not you.

All you have to do is be.

Be and you will find your soul.

There is no destination in life.

Be yourself and that is it.

We are never taught in school how to be “ourselves.”

In school, everyone was taught the same curriculum.

I was never taught how to be “myself” in school.

Brainwashing education.

To do nothing but make us fools.

I never learned about peace or love.

I never learned how to deal with my emotions.

I never learned how to look within myself to hear what my soul has to say.

Thyself is ignored most of the time in this world.

We live in the external world more than the internal world.

We need both the external and internal world.

Just how we need both learning and failing.

Everything is relative.

The closest thing to me that I learned.

Was “art.”

The perception of art to the average individual.

Seems to be ignorant and lacks emotions/empathy.

The stereotypical artist is “Starving.”

We live in a world of nothing but labels.

The labels mean more than the actual energy.

I am obviously joking.

The energy within matters more than anything.

Labels are not always “correct.”

What does “correct” even mean?

The fact there is a meaning and definition of every word.

Makes no sense in my eyes.

Nothing makes sense.

But everything makes sense at the same time.

Ever since birth, we have been “programmed” to think one way.

That one way is whatever way your upbringing raised you.

If you are being yourself and experience no connection to others.

Do not worry that does not mean you are in the wrong about who you are.

If your puzzle piece does not fit the world.

Create and manifest your own reality into existence.

It is wiser to be closer to thyself.

Then to have one hundred friends.

Lacking love within yourself.

If you lack love within yourself.

it is time to look within and hear what your soul has to say.

Anything is possible.

That is only if you believe.

Manifest nothing but beauty.

Will you be a believer within thyself or a nonbeliever?

Most live within the box they are living in.

Never experiencing other boxes beside their own box.

Recently I have decided to go on this journey of learning “thyself.”

This society will attempt to rob you of your identity.

Taking the you within yourself away from the you that is within you.

You need to become the you that is within you.

Instead of a you someone tells you to be.

Ignore becoming a you that is not you.

Do not live through your past.

Have an optimistic perception towards life.

Feel the energy flowing throughout thyself.

This journey will be fun and exciting if you are with thyself.

If you are not with thyself.

This journey will be quite a negative experience.

Nothing but a negative reality will be manifested into your life.

In the end, if you wish to be someone else besides the you that is you.

Look within your soul and listen to what your soul has to say.

Life is 10 percent here.

The other ninety percent is what you manifest into your reality.

All the pain and suffering helps you find yourself.

The real you.

Without a form of struggle, you have no room to grow and evolve into a stronger you.

There is this saying. It goes along the lines of this.

“Life isn’t rainbows and unicorns.”

Anyone can manifest something as beautiful or similar.

It just takes a bit of digging deep down within your soul.

Use the energy of love.

The darkness will manifest itself into the light if done correctly.

Do you ever sit in the darkness?

Listening to your own thoughts and soul.

The thoughts you normally run and hide from.

These thoughts you hear are either your thoughts.

Or thoughts of another from a past or future experience.

These are the thoughts you fear to let out of your mind and into reality.

All of these thoughts are you, but you just keep ignoring them.

The best way to release energy is with positive intentions.

Do not bring others down in the process.

If you bring others down to raise your ego for a moment.

I recommend looking within your own soul and hearing what your soul has to say.

Instead of that ego that is named “I.”

listen to your soul my friend.

Over time ignoring all the negative thoughts can have a huge impact on you.

Do not drain yourself of your energy.

Instead spread more love and ignore the hatred within this world.

Imagine sitting in a room all alone.

With every experience and thought hiding within the depths of your mind.

All it takes is a moment to think back and “remember” something.

Yes, all of what you are thinking has happened, but then again not.

All you possess is the now.

You are the now and all there is, is the now

Let’s all grow up and put our adult diapers on and start treating each other with respect.

The golden rule.

“Treat others how you want to be treated.”

I was taught this in kindergarten.

Then again everyone does not want to be treated the way you treat yourself.

This is basically the only thing I remember from school.

The rest was how to build an ego and how to sell your soul for the dollar.

As well as the history of how our people never made peace.

Or attempted to make peace.

Money is necessary but you should not sell your soul for a piece of gold.

Life itself is richer than gold.

You can die and your soul will drift off to wherever that is.

If you were to have one billion dollars you could never buy a soul back from the dead.

Once dead.

You are dead.

The only riches in life I see is life itself.

If every person in the world lived the same life as every “rich” person. We would need up to 7 worlds. Possibly 8.

Ignore following the crowd. Be yourself.

Be your own leader.

Be the real you. Instead of acting in your ego twenty-four hours a day.

You are better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

Unless you are spreading positive intentions.

People have told me art is “unrealistic” or is a “hobby.”

Well, I appreciate the respectful “answer.”

Maybe these people are “unrealistic.” Or maybe these people are a hobby of thyself, and cannot stop having an opinion about everything.

The ego is a burden.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and the projection of the ego.

The soul possesses nothing but respect and love.

It honestly breaks my heart that people and their opinions have created all of us to separate into groups of people.

In this society, we are quite diverse.

There seem to be endless “labels.”

We are all one.

Is the you that you think you are. The real you.

Look at yourself.


Go to the mirror closest to you and look within the mirror.

You may have a few moments to walk up to a mirror.

Go ahead, are you scared of your own reflection?

What do you feel within?

What energy do you feel?

Is the energy false or real?

I will never know this and only you will.

We can all judge, but who really knows anything.

There must be a gatekeeper to all the answers of life.

With all the knowing going on, hahahaha.

The energy you put into this world can harm and impact others.

Mostly thyself.

Energy never dies.

Energy is only transferred.

If you spread negative energy to an individual.

This negative energy will have to transcend elsewhere.

Expanding your negativity within yourself.

As well as transcending negative energy into another soul that did not ask for your negative energy.

There are multiple ways an individual can respond to a “negative” situation.

One can expand the negativity and create more negative energy using nothing but ego.

Another way to handle negative energy.

Is to look within thyself, not the ego.

Think to yourself.

Why is this individual so angry and upset.

Possibly this individual lacks love within themselves.

All you have to do is spread more love in a negative situation.

Just smile and be yourself, hahahaha.

If someone is being negative towards you.

Act out in a positive way.

The individual that is full of negativity will have no idea how to respond.

When they are received with something they do not expect.

The energy you transfer to someone can end up with a life or death situation.

We are not all rocks and emotionless similar to some souls.

Some people are full of emotions others not so much.

All you have to do is face your emotions head-on.

If you ignore your emotions this you that they say is you is not you.

Mental illness is increasing lately.

I am thinking it is the egos of others.

Destroying others and bringing them down.

I do not say this with ignorance.

Bringing up awareness.

With no positive energy.

It seems as if nothing will turn out well.

You can turn the negative energy into positive energy. Improving the mindset
Some people decide to mix negative energy with negative energy multiplying the negativity.

Then people go to alternative energy sources.

Usually, people do not attract positive things when absorbing negativity.

In a very negative mindset, you could possibly be attracted towards things that drain and suck the pure energy out of your soul.



Suicidal thoughts.




Anger issues.

The list goes on forever.

Not sure if I am the only one seeing all of this negativity and everyone else is faking their life.

I feel as if most individuals are so caught up in their own life.

That the negativity that occurs is not acknowledged.

People live in their egos when they want attention.

The soul is at the heart center where everyone can connect and relate.

Do you ever think of the individuals that are in need of care?

People are starving, homeless, have no parents etcetera…….

While most people have a “world problem” of some sort.

There are actual world problems going on.

People who have everything are in more need of help than those who need help.

In this society, we are the “fast food” generation.

We want more and the faster we obtain something the better for the ego.

If all you do is take and take and take.

You will never learn how to give to others.

Or learn how to love others.

I always think of the individuals who have “nothing.”

When I say “nothing” I do not mean money.

I mean the lack of love some people possess in their soul.

Possibly everyone just accepts everything for how it is and we all continue living in this hell of a life.

To live in the constant cycle or to not live in the constant cycle.

With peace in the mind, life will not feel similar to hell.

We have everything but act as if we have nothing.

Money defines nothing.

Money holds the same value as words.

Words are the money to language.

There is a lot of beauty in the world as well.

The negativity is pointed out more than the positivity.

I do not mean to say this in a negative way.

Just a perspective to think about.

A negative life would be similar to living in hell.

Heaven would be something positive. Who knows if either one exists.

Let’s think of the “now” instead of thinking about where we go when we die after this.

Everyone looks forward to the future, but not even the now.

Life is priceless and all we possess is the now.

I really wish you were here man, and that you did not take your life.

I miss you and regret not “helping” you when you needed it.

I saw and felt the energy and did not bother to help you.

I am sorry my friend.

Wherever you are, I love you man.

I wish I could see you one last time, but never again…….

A really close friend of mine would have been twenty-one years of age this year.

He took his life in such a tragic way.

Thinking I better not explain any details.

The negative actions some manifest in this world.

Are not meant, but seem to be meant.

Sometimes the best “answer” is a big fuzzy warm hug.

Instead of war, ego and hatred.

We need love and empathy.

Ego is a not our best friend.

Ego is not our amigo, jahahaahahah. 😉

I am my dead friend and so are you.

We are all reflections of each other and that is it.

I do not know the root reason to why someone would take their life.

If you were to say you have never thought about dying or suicide.

Possibly you would be lying.

I feel as if we all have felt like leaving before.

Only a few have listened to the thoughts and have confessed to thinking about dying.

Become a greater you than who you were yesterday.

Do not compare thyself to anyone.

Do not have opinions destroy you.

Be your strongest version and everything will be okay in the end.

One love brother and I hope I can meet you one day again wherever you are.

Negative energy seems to be everyone’s main focus.

Everything is right in front of us, but we act as if the shades are on and nothing is happening.

In the end, your energy comes back to you one way or another.

All the energy you put into this world will manifest back to you one way or another.

Positive or negative.

Decide to be positive and do not use your ego to tell everyone what is up.

Let people live their lives and treat them with respect.

Unless someone is physically or mentally harming you there is no reason to create negative energy.

Possibly you feel envious, jealousy, resentment or an emotion of unfairness or insecurity.

If you feel any emotion that is not with your soul.

Ignore feeling that emotion.

Remember to be the you that is you.

If this you is not you.

Then you might attack others and feel insecure about thyself.

Spreading more negative energy in the world.

Correcting other for their actions.

Putting yourself in the spotlight, acting similar to a fool yelling over yourself.

Hearing all the vibrations and words of thyself.

You are the center of attention.

Take it easy and move on with the day.

We all understand your message.

You are full of hatred and everything is negative in your perception.

Imagine having nothing but the air you breathe and that is it.

A person who has nothing has everything.

Everything is nothing

Nothing is everything.

Be proud of thyself reflection.

If you are uncertain of your reflection.

Then it is possible that you might bring others down with you.

Your “opinion/voice” could ruin or create someone.

In the end, it is nothing but an opinion of thyself being said to another.

Do not have your opinions within yourself create thyself.

Instead, have your actual energy of a person create you.

The love and hatred aspect.

The energy you put into this world means more than anything else.

Not material, possessions or ego.

Show and represent yourself

The child within.

Embrace the real you.

Instead of hiding behind a mask and fake persona.

Attempt to ignore what others will think about you.

The fake you is here the real you is nowhere to be near.

Are you, the real you or fake you.

When you have nothing and sit with your own thoughts in the silence.

That is the real you.

Not the ego you are living within each and every day.

People have an opinion about everything besides themselves.

When it comes to thyself most run in fear and ignore what is directly in front of them.

You are within your brain or “consciousness.”

The mind

This body is your body, but you do not possess this body.

Then you have a soul.




The center of the world is you, but then again not.

You are in the center of your ego. There is no ego, just an illusion of one.

The ego is not a physical object.

The ego is an imaginary image put into someone’s mind defying who they are.

Most defend their ego.

I have learned in this journey to never use the ego.

The ego does not get you far into reality.

Besides everyone disliking you.

You see yourself right in front of thyself.

What your eyes see and interpret somehow create the person you are today.

We are mostly from the internal world than anything else. Our soul.

You cannot see your reflection unless you have a mirror or water.

A lot of souls walk around in an illusion of hierarchy.

Imagine a world where we had no money and we lived with our morals instead.

Our energy holds a greater value than our ego.

Would you be proud of who you are or be disappointed?

A proud moral or a disappointed moral.

No one is perfect and neither am I.

You have the choice to live in love or fear.

Live through your dreams or live comfortably and without challenge.

Do not fear to be yourself.

Fear that others will not attempt to be their greatest version.

Do not think you are the best.

No one is….

Quote #63


For me to say some individuals are so into their ego.

Means I have an ego as well.

Possibly I am too much into my own ego.

Today everyone is too much into their ego.

For me to notice the egos of others I have to use my ego.

To “lose the ego.”

Is the biggest ego trip ever, hahaha.

Be so in control of the ego that you can switch from soul to ego.

Know your soul and know which part of you is the ego.

I am not saying it is negative or incorrect to possess an ego.

Use your ego with the power of love and not the power of fear.

I am not a guru or god as you can say.

All I wish is for each individual to feel the same amount of love towards each other.

The same amount of love for everyone.

No selfishness and to ignore the hatred in our egos.

Accept others for who they are. Then you will accept yourself.

Instead, use your ego for love and positivity.

Bring individual up and don’t knock them down.

In the end, you are doing nothing but knocking a reflection of yourself down.

Don’t look like a fool with your ego.

Be at peace and so will every other reality.

I know nothing but only think I know something.

The people have the power to manifest anything in this world.

We decide to manifest more negative than positive.

I feel as if we are going back in time and not forwards.

Destroying the earth as well as all the souls.

Ego is man’s best friend as well as man’s worst enemy.

Your belief within yourself is your confidence within yourself. Don’t be so confident.

When I say don’t be so confident in yourself it might sound ironic.

You would think that you should be confident and believe in yourself.

I do believe in myself and have confidence as well.

Just don’t get ahead of yourself.

No one knows anything and neither do I.

We all just think we know but I’m very certain with my ego we don’t know anything.

Most of everything is an illusion.

When I say the word “I.”

Who or what do you think of?

There is nothing in the center of me. It is not like you can dissect the ego out of the center.

There is just organs and bones. We all have organs and bones. There is nothing hiding in the middle.

The soul or energy is in the middle.

The waves in the ocean are similar to the flow of each human.

The ocean flows because of energy and frequency.

Same with us.

Each person is their own ocean.

Eventually, the waves die and the water is calm.

The water is still there though.

The water didn’t disappear as soon as the waves died off.

The water itself has no identity.

This is the same with each individual.

When you die the body is still there.

The “I” is gone and nowhere to be found.

We are nothing but flows of energy similar to the oceans creating each wave.

Similar to how the sky has wind and then it is still.

That is just the energy of the sky.

The sky is always there. The energy eventually fades over time.

This comparison might be confusing.

I try my best to explain myself.

Sometimes when I write something out it is quite confusing. Even to myself.

I will sum it up for everyone.

The only thing that is real is pure energy.

The ego is more of an illusion.

The reason why people care about their ego 110% of the time.

Ignoring every other thing that is happening around them.

Is because the ego or “I” is in the center of the world and attention.

The ego means nothing after death.

The ego is nothing but a piece of paper.

With this paper.

Your “status co” is your ego.

Everything you “possess”, “think” and “know.”

Your identity, the “fake” identity to most.

When you die your external reality doesn’t go with you or your body that you possess.

The body looks the same the moment your soul left.

The only difference is there is no energy or soul in the body.

Don’t care so much about certain things.

Put more energy towards things that with improve thyself.

Instead of contributing to negative energy sucking activities or actions.

This life has been similar to every other life.

In this current moment. The “Now.”

Are you proud of what you are and who you are becoming.

If not.

It is time to start working on thyself and to lose the ego.

To lose the ego is the biggest ego trip of them all, hahahah.

Do nothing but spread positive energy similar to the sun.

The ego can be compared to the sun.

The sun shines a light.

If the sun stopped producing light. The “energy” of the sun has left.

The sun is still there but with no energy or light.

The ego is the look. The soul is the energy.

Just an ego of a dark burnt up sun.

The soul and the energy of the sun are gone.

The energy matters more than ever.

This might be confusing to understand.

The energy is all from within.

Spread positive energy and life will pay you back in return.

Not with money or possessions but with the riches of life.

Random acts or opportunities will be thrown your way.

To live a negative life expect every manifestation to be negative.

To live a positive life expect every manifestation to be positive.

Life is quite simple.

Humans just complicate everything to the max.

We are animals but actually “animals” seem to be “smarter” or “wiser” compared to the humans that “run” this world.

If you really think about it.

One tree or plant will be more productive than most humans that have survived.

I am not saying this is a negative way.

Just pointing out the obvious.

We do nothing as a collective.

Most of our energy is spent doing things that will not benefit us.

Or contributing to things that have no meaning to us.

Hurting the world and traveling backward In time.

This world is going to be gone soon if we don’t make a change.

The first thing you should change is yourself before anything else.

All you have to be is to be and everything will be okay in the end.

Don’t overwhelm yourself or absorb too much energy and lose control of your ego.

Good luck losing your ego everyone, hahahah. 😉

Remember to only use the ego when needed.

Otherwise, you are probably just being an asshole.

The children seem to know more than the adults.

Love instead of fear my friend.

Who you are right “now” is who you have been in each lifetime.

Death and rebirth.

Energy can never die or be created.

Only transferred to another source.

It is time to change or possibly you can stay the same for an infinite amount of time.

Continuously for eternity.

Quote #61


All the pain and suffering helps you find yourself.

The real you.

Without a form of struggle, you have no room to grow and evolve into a stronger you.

There is this saying. It goes along the lines of this. “Life isn’t rainbows and unicorns.”

Anyone can manifest something as beautiful or similar.

It just takes a little bit of digging deep down within your soul. Use the energy of love.

Do you ever sit in the dark. Listening to your own thoughts.

The thoughts you normally run and hide from.

The thoughts you fear to let out of your mind and into reality.

All of these thoughts are you, but you just keep ignoring them.

Over time ignoring all the negative thoughts can have a huge effect on you.

Don’t drain yourself of your energy.

Instead spread more love and ignore the hatred within this world.

Imagine sitting in a room all alone.

With every experience and thought hiding within the depths of your mind.

All it takes is a moment to think back and “remember” something.

Yes, all of what you are thinking has happened, but then again not.

All you possess is the now.

You are the now and all there is, is the now

Let’s all grow up and put our adult diapers on and start treating each other with respect.

The golden rule.

“Treat others how you want to be treated.”

I was taught this in kindergarten.

This is basically the only thing I remember from school.

The rest was how to build an ego and how to sell your soul for the dollar.

As well as the history of how our people never make peace.

Money is necessary but you shouldn’t sell your soul for a piece of gold.

Life itself is richer than gold.

If every person in the world lived the same life as every “rich” person. We would need up to 3 worlds. Possibly 4.

Don’t follow the crowd. Be yourself.

Be the real you. Instead of acting in your ego twenty-four hours a day.

You are better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

People have told me art is “unrealistic” or is a “hobby.”

Well, I appreciate the respectful “answer.”

Maybe these people are “unrealistic.” Or maybe these people are a hobby of thyself, and can’t stop having an opinion about everything.

It honestly breaks my heart that people and their opinions have created all of us to separate into groups of people.

We are all one.

Is the you that you think you are. The real you.

Look at yourself.


Go to the mirror closest to you and look within the mirror.

You can have a few moments to walk up to a mirror.

Go ahead, are you scared of your own reflection?

What do you feel within?

Is the energy false or real?

I will never know this and only you will.

The energy you put into this world can harm and affect others.

Mostly thyself.

The energy you transfer to someone can end up with a life or death situation.

We are not all rocks and emotionless similar to some souls.

Some people are full of emotions others not so much.

Mental illness has been increasing and I’m thinking it is the egos of others. Destroying others and bringing them down.

With no positive energy.

It seems as if nothing will turn out well.

You can turn the negative energy into positive energy. Improving the mindset.

Some people decide to mix negative energy with negative energy multiplying the negativity.

Then people go to alternative energy sources.

Usually, people don’t attract towards positive things when absorbing negativity.

In a very negative mindset, you could possibly be attracted towards things that drain and suck the pure energy out of you.



Suicidal thoughts.




Anger issues.

The list goes on forever.

Not sure if I’m the only one seeing all of this negativity and everyone else is faking their life. Unable to notice the negativity.

Or possibly everyone just accepts everything for how it is and we all continue living in this hell of a life.

I don’t mean to say this in a negative way. Just a perspective to think on.

A negative life seems to be similar to hell. Heaven would be something positive. Who knows if either one exists.

Let’s think of the “now” instead of thinking about where we go when we die after this.

Everyone looks forward to the future, but not even the now.

Life is priceless and all we possess is the now.

I really wish you were here man, and that you didn’t take your life.

I miss you and regret not helping you when you needed it.

I saw and felt the energy and didn’t bother to help you.

I’m sorry my friend.

Wherever you are, I love you man.

I wish I could see you one last time, but never again……

A really close friend of mine would have been 21 years of age today.

He took his life in such a tragic way.

Thinking I better not explaining any details.

I’m my dead friend and so are you.

We are all reflections of each other and that is it.

I don’t know the root reason to why someone would take their life.

If you were to say you have never thought about dying or suicide.

Possibly you would be lying.

I feel as if we all have felt like leaving before.

Only a few have listened to the thoughts and have confessed to thinking about dying.

Become a greater you than who you were yesterday.

Don’t compare thyself to anyone.

Don’t have opinions destroy you.

Be your strongest version and everything will be okay in the end.

One love brother and I hope I can meet you one day again wherever you are.

Negative energy seems to be everyone’s main focus.

Everything is right in front of us, but we act as if the shades are on and nothing is happening.

In the end, your energy comes back to you one way or another.

Positive or negative.

Decide to be positive and don’t use your ego to tell everyone what is up.

Let people live their lives and treat them with respect.

Unless someone is physically or mentally harming you there is no reason to create a negative energy.

Possibly you feel envious, jealousy, resentment or any emotion of unfairness or insecurity.

Then you attack and feel insecure about thyself.

Correcting other for their actions.

In the spotlight, acting similar to a fool yelling over yourself.

Hearing all the vibrations and words of thyself.

You are the center of attention.

Take it easy and move on with the day.

We all understand your message.

You are full of hatred and everything is negative.

Imagine having nothing but the air you breathe and that is it.

A person who has nothing.

Everything is nothing

Nothing is everything.

Be proud of thyself reflection.

If you are uncertain of your reflection. Then it is possible that you might bring others down with you.

Your “opinion/voice” could ruin or create someone.

In the end, it is nothing but an opinion of thyself being said to another.

Don’t have your opinions within you create thyself.

Instead, have your actual energy of a person create you.

The love and hatred aspect.

Not material, possessions or ego.

Show and represent yourself

The child within.

Instead of hiding behind a mask and fake persona.

Attempt to ignore what others will think about you.

The fake you is here the real you is nowhere to be near.

Are you, the real you or fake you.

When you have nothing and sit with your own thoughts in the silence.

That is the real you.

Not the ego you are living within each and every day.

People have an opinion about everything besides themselves.

When it comes to thyself most run in fear and ignore what is directly in front of them.

You are within your brain “conscious.” Mind

This body is your body but you don’t possess this body.

Then you have a soul.




The center of the world is you, but then again not.

You are in the center of your ego. There is no ego, just an illusion of one.

You see right in front of thyself.

What your eyes see and interpret somehow create the person you are today.

We are mostly from within than anything else. Our soul.

You can’t see your reflection unless you have a mirror or water.

A lot of souls walk around in an illusion of high archery.

Imagine a world where we had no money and we lived with our morals instead.

Would you be proud of what you are or be disappointed?

A proud moral or a disappointment moral.

No one is perfect and neither am I.

You have the choice to live in love or fear.

Live your dreams or live comfortably and without challenge.

Don’t fear to be yourself.

Fear that others won’t attempt to be their greatest version.

Don’t think you are the best. No one is.

Quote #60


Imagine having no reflection.

All you felt was the energy within and that is it.

Take a moment to take a look at thyself.

Not literally instead spiritually.

The emotions and energy you feel within.

Feel your own aura.

Is what you feel pleasant or with negativity.

Do you actually believe the things you believe.

Do you follow what is best for you.

Is this the you that is you.

Think about that, each time you judge or look for flaws within an individual.

Is this the you that is you.

Change is possible and within all souls.

Change thyself before you start changing others.

When you begin to change thyself others will follow and lead along.

Try to ignore following others.

Be a leader and not a follower.

Be you and don’t follow the crowd.

Think the thoughts you wish to think because they attract towards you.

Being yourself is quite challenging in this world.

It is a balance of many different things in life.

Equaling out all the energies.

I recommend each person adding peace and love into their life.

Positive energies.

You can’t forget about thyself.

Mind, body, soul.

Water, food, air, sun, working out.

Self-care is important.

Other ideas are hiding within my mind as well.

We tend to forget the things that are important.

Ironically living life in reverse.

All the important things are unheard of or unseen.

Everything seems to be completely opposite of what it should be.

Each individual shall seek to focus and balance one’s self.

In this world, many worry about their ego and forgot about thyself.

Is this act of “you” the real “you.”

Don’t let material, labels, ego, numbers, envy, greed, jealousy.

Past experience. The thought of the future.

Or anything else that isn’t here in this very “moment.”

Destroy you.

Everything is a competition of some sort at the end of the day.

Or that is what it just seems like.

It is better off competing against thyself than others.

Competition helps you improve as a person but don’t have the ego go over your head.

Perfection is impossible.

If the world was perfect the world/universe wouldn’t be here.

Life would be quite easy and unchallenging.

All the purposes would be fulfilled and no jobs to be worked or things to do.

The world would be better off not being here. Nonexistent.

Life itself is quite challenging. Don’t have your mind consume you.

Dreams are only dreams because they were never brought into this “real” world.

When you fail it is nothing but a learning lesson.

Failure is a part of life.

We all fail and we all “succeed.”

The definition of “failure” and “success.”

As well as many other words.

Is different for all people.

Perception is everything and we will not all think the same but possibly quite alike.

It is the moments that destroy you that create you.

When you wish to give up you are growing deep down within.

That is only if you face your fears.

The roots slowly growing stronger and stronger.

Growing with unease but very pleased.

Facing the demons and not letting them consume your soul.

Remember fear is nothing but the imagination.

All we possess is the “Now.”

The rest is there but never to fully grasp.

Just a thought.

Don’t have a single thought destroy you.

Work for a better you than who you were yesterday.

Remember the mind is very decisive.

Fear is only a thought. Don’t let the mind take control of you.

Take a look at thyself and ask this question.

What do “I” have to offer to this world? Not others around me.

Before you judge or say anything.

Question your own thoughts and ideas.

No one is correct or incorrect.

Stories passed down and down.

Everything has the chance to be true and everything has the chance to be false.

It is just how you look at it.

People are living too much in the moment and forget the moment.

Within the moment of the moment, they are living in.

Step inside another box before you step in your own.

The world doesn’t revolve around you or center around you.

But then again this life is all about you.

The heart knows correct from incorrect.

Is this me, the me, that is actually me.

Possibly nothing but a thought and the real “me” is never here to be.

Instead, just a lost and confused bumblebee.

Flying around in all directions never knowing where to go but just going with the flow.


Mandrillus sphinx “Growing Refelction”


This drawing is finally completed. On Monday is when all of the coloring was finished. Just had many other things going on and couldn’t post until today.

Like I always say there’s no reason to rush the process unless you are rushing yourself. All you have to do is breath and take it easy, everything will follow through just be patient.

Today I’ve sprayed the drawing and took a picture as well. The picture you see now.

All of these little processes combine into this bigger picture. In the end, creating all the hocus pocus/art we conclude to seeing in this final image.

This is a drawing of a “Mandrillus sphinx.”

I call this “self-reflection.” Don’t normally have much of a story to share behind most of my pieces. There’s more of an emotion, similar to strings being played on a guitar.

I’ll share a little bit of what I’m thinking on this one.

The story of this piece of art can resemble a reflection of what has all happened in the past year or so.

It has been about 1 year since the first drawing I posted/created. To begin my journey of becoming an “artist.”

I checked the date of the first drawing I made when I started my journey. It was the 14th so in 6 more days.

If you have been following, I’ve had this blog for about a year now. It’s been a very fast year. I remember drawing the horse like it was yesterday.

The first drawing happened to “break the ice” that’s a good term I can think of.

I faced many fears and let go, just to create art and not worry about the end result. But care more about the process. Don’t have fear when I place the pencil on the paper.

Challenge the reflection I see and show what I’m worthy of. Instead of giving up in fear and turning the opposite direction, running away from the problem instead of facing it. Causing more problems in the long run than “fixes.”

My goal in art is to feel a nirvana for art and believe anything is possible. To create art and believe I won’t make “bad art.” Your mind messes with you telling you what is correct or not correct. Either way could be correct. Art is an example of that analogy.

Nothing is bad art it’s just the way you interpret each piece of art. People give me all different thoughts towards my art. You need this to grow as an artist. I never know what to think about my art or myself, I just do these things to do them. In the end, I’m all of what I do and create, so are you. Be original and have faith in yourself as a person. Don’t give up on yourself, there’s never a reason to be found.

The more I progress the more I improve artistically in all areas and aspects. There are just times my mind overtakes me and tells me to give up. Usually, in the end, I don’t give up became art is the only thing I have. If I give up on art, I would have nothing in a way.

All I’m focusing on is being happy. Art adds to the happiness, it’s something that I can do that I enjoy.

Without art, I would be lost in this world. I would have no direction or idea where to go.

Instead of harming myself or hurting others I use art to release my negative energy.

Each sketch or line is the structure of what I feel. I don’t know why I create a certain shape or line, it’s all just in the moment of what my emotions tell me.

Same with the color it’s all in the moments and ideas within the brain. A manifestation of creative ideas applied on paper.

To be creative you have to enter the subconscious mind. It’s quite easy for me to do that. Art helps me express my crazy subconscious thoughts. I feel as if I’m living in another world compared to most. The mind of “artists” are quite crazy, or maybe it’s me just saying that having an opinion. Who knows.

It’s all about the focus and control of your energy if you’re delicate with your energy you can accomplish whatever you desire.

So I guess to simplify what I just said, everything you see in this image is a reflection of myself. Being who I’m today. In the end, it’s best to turn the negative into the positive.

Everything you wish for is within your hands, it’s just most give up and don’t see what they’re capable of. Remember to not give up on yourself.

This is a reflection of “thyself.” Being me in the end. All of the good and bad put together into one image.

We all will have crazy lives, that’s just how the universe plays its games. The way you respond to the situation will create the outcome of the moment.

All of my emotions are put in my pieces of art. This one can show what I feel within this year. This is what I look like.

This image may be horrifying or beautiful to you, either or would work in my eyes. Honestly, it’s a bit scary looking, but very pleasant at the same time.

I guess it will just be the way you interpret the image yourself.

This is a drawing of a “Mandrillus Sphinx.”

To me this animal is a beautiful animal, I would love to be one for a few days. Hahahahah.

The face is a beautiful color. This animal would be interesting to encounter, but there’s no need to bother them.

Enjoy the drawing as you please, thank you for viewing this piece of art.

Have a great day everyone! 🙂

I appreciate everyone who observes my pieces of art and reads everything.

Much love ❤

Quote #37


Anger is nowhere to be found. It’s not in the room or area you’re within. Look all around and nothing is there. Anger doesn’t come to attack you. It’s not hiding around the corner. Anger is created within thyself.

You have to think to become angry, then anger arises. The doors to anger have the potential to lead to 1,000,000 doors. But so does happiness. All emotions do, but I doubt, anger creates the best future.

Anger is not here but thought upon. After thinking to be angry an action of some sort happens. Usually leading to something negative and not positive. Putting more negativity in this world and not creating a positive world. People pulling each other to the ground, with the pain they feel within themselves. Out of selfishness and lost feelings within. Only someone who is understanding doesn’t become angry. Someone, who can listen without judgment. An opened minded spirit and soul. Not someone who is instantly judgmental. Concluding to a final answer of their own. Other ignored.

First, you should think of the other person. What if you happened to be in their shoes. Would you like the way you’re treating this person? Imagine if a screen was put in front of you, and you watched what happened. This was a recording of yourself. Put directly in front of your eyes.

Would smiles or frowns come to your face? positive or negative thoughts? Would you be proud of this reflection? The actions and things this reflection were doing. Or would you question what’s happening?

Everything you see right now is a reflection of yourself. Every emotion or thought is a reflection of yourself. Creating you and no one else. All that you think and do is you. Actions speak much louder than words.

What you put out into this world you will achieve. If all you do is put negativity in this world you will be given negativity. If you’re positive expect a positive life. Yes, bad things will still occur in a positive life, everything has to end eventually. That’s an accepted rule. We all die and all live. Everything works one way and then another. Vice versa. It’s just better off to be happy in the end.

The universe deals all its player’s different cards at all times of the day. The way you decide to play the game and the moves you make. Conclude to the outcome of the game. Many pathways to lead down. Infinite adventures. We all win and all loose. Just don’t give up on yourself. The universe hasn’t given up so neither should you.

It’s better off being positive in a negative situation because, in the end, the outcome will be the greatest.

We’ll all become angry here and there, but don’t let anger consume your soul. Don’t be that angry, bitter person. Unless if that’s what you want, go for it.

Everything in this life is an act. An act leads to some sort of emotions or thought. Ending up in some sort of storyline or action you can say. Problems, thoughts, solution.

A problem occurs, then a thought happens. A single thought has to be created and then agreed within your mind. Then this thought is either acted or ignored. Creating the game of life.

See, think and do.

A moment, thought, action.

Present, past, and future all in one moment.

Not sure if I said that correct. Someone will understand.

But usually, in a situation, there is a problem. The problem has to be figured out. Then the figured out problem leads to another thing. A 3 step process. That’s what I see in my head.

Anger is a game you have to fight against. All emotions are created upon yourself. Without action or thought, we would all be similar to robots, rocks, puppets or cages with nothing put on the inside. Emptiness. You might feel empty or angry, but we all do. No need to take the frustration out on others.

If you feel negative get ride of the emotions in a positive way or you’ll just cause more destruction in the end. Easier said than done.

Attempt at your best to be the most positive you can, yes you’ll feel “anger” or some sort of emotions but don’t just act. Think of what you’re about to do. Think before you do something.


This is my last thought. School, in school we never really learned anything about emotion. Nothing, it was ignored.

I look at the world and see lots of unhappy and unloving people/souls. I always question what we really learned in school. It felt like more of a memory game than anything else.

Only one answer to each individual question. No individuality. #1 is answer A. #8 is answer D. Neverending. Art and emotion lost and forgotten.

Everything I have or posses just ignored, because you know it’s the “real world”. Art is just an act of play, that’s what school told me. Unless you’re artistic yourself it’s hard to understand. Most don’t. But in this life, I’m here to accept myself and not for others to accept me. Accept me or don’t I could rather careless. It’s more about what the individual visions and seeks not another person, not even within their soul.

This life is all about freedom, do what your heart desires. Seek and adventure for a happiness in this world.

All forms of art express emotion and love. The things ignored in normal school. A normal school is not for the artistic or different individuals. You can’t express yourself in any way, instead, you are given a bunch of books and tests and crazy nonsense. It all makes no sense in the end. I would be the kid to just put my name on the test and turn it in, maybe doodle on it. But no, the ignorance within I hated school with a passion.

It felt as if school hated me. I didn’t belong in that place.

But what do I have to say, I’m just a kid who draws pictures and then colors them in. At the end of the day, everything is just opinionated.

You control you and no other does. That’s your job.

It’s as if emotions were purposely ignored. No one likes to speak of emotions or things they fear. Those are the things we hide behind are reflections for. The things we don’t accept ourselves for. The mirror is scary to look in for some, it shouldn’t be like that.

Love and appreciate yourself. You can always become greater in life, just don’t give up or you won’t see the results. The results are within your hands it’s just you gave up quite easily.

Love and all emotions were never taught in school. The things people feel within. I had a few art classes not many as I should have taken. My “subject” if that’s what you want to call it was ignored. Most other things were more important, and that’s kinda how it works in most schools.

Recently read an article about where some places, don’t even have art classes in school. Politicians were saying it was a “Waste of time.” “Have better things to do.”

If I were to attend at one of those schools in the past, I wouldn’t be here talking at this very moment. Very sad to say this, but it’s very true.

Many other artists never showed their true potential within.

Art and emotion are always forgotten.

It was just a matching game of some sort. Memory and then the memory was applied, to never remember again. Emotions and soul forgot, but test scores and numbers only worried about. Act and GPA. Labels of “smartness.”

If there was an ACT of art, well I would want the whole world to take a test. I’ll grade it, then we’ll see what the outcome is. You have 40-80 hours and 2-4 weeks.


Emotions create individuality. Art lets you express that, nothing else does. If it wasn’t for the art I probably wouldn’t be here. It’s the only thing I have in this world. Most don’t understand that and it’s okay. No one has to understand anything.

The grass is green because the grass is green. If you asked the creator I bet something similar between these lines would be said “There is no answer, that’s just the way it’s supposed to be. Don’t look for an answer, accept it and move on.”

We all went to school, or most have. If you haven’t it doesn’t mean you aren’t worth anything. You can do this thing called “succeeding” too. Maybe not in other peoples eyes but in your eyes you have succeeded.

It’s more about the way you look at “succeeding” compared to what others think. All of our lives are different. There is no one correct or one wrong. Just your perspective.

What did we ever learn in school? I don’t remember much, my subject was ignored. Every other subject had some sort of attention. Art is frowned upon to most “school” people. Some rather call it a “hobby” or “another interest.” For me, it’s a career. Call it what you want, the negativity is just an insecurity you pulled out of yourself.


Why can’t some just accept that art is a real thing? If I were to be saying my opinions about everyone else’s lives. First I would be abusing my ego to the max, second wars would just start and third I have no reason to make a fuss with anyone. I could go on listing why I shouldn’t be up in anyone’s business for countless hours. Just don’t create drama, be a positive, humble being.

I’m loving and humble, that’s all I’m.

Most negative emotions or actions are just an insecurity brought out of yourself throw on to another person to deal with. Insecurity at it’s best. Not dealt with and thrown at someone else.

In the end, we’re all lost human beings. No one is better than another. All the same in the end, the ego-destroying thyself. Every time, this egotistic world is killing me.

All people do is care for themselves and no one else. It’s a receive and take world. No loving and giving. Just greed/take and unhappiness.

Maybe one day we will “learn” something. School mislead me and guided me into a path or “career” I never wanted but almost accepted upon. Art wasn’t a thought in my mind because every single person and I’m not kidding, every single person, but 1 or 2 told me I could do it.

So about 2 secure people. I believe anything is possible, it just takes time and effort. Most probably look at me as a fool of some sort. I preach happiness, love, and all this crazy nonsense. But I do these things because of the same reasons why you do your daily things. We’re all different and just imagine a different reality of life. Not all will accept each other’s thoughts, that’s just the way it’s.

No reason why we can’t talk peacefully and with love and figure things out. Guess that is too hard to do in this day and age. You’ll end up dying even though we all technically have “freedom of speech” hahaha. There are limits or you get arrested or judged. kinda how I’m taking right now. Talking to myself, but other hearing me in the moment.

My “freedom of speech” will more than likely have people hate me or love me. So I might as well do what I love and what makes me happy. Or I could just fake my happiness and stay quite my whole life. Just like how many living in this reality do. Speak up and create your originality, express yourself. Have faith in yourself and don’t give up. Greatness lies within you.

This is selfish in a way, but self-love is something great to possess. It’s worth more than anything. Every day is another day to work and love yourself.

My art, for example, someone could ask why I put a certain shape or color somewhere. Let’s say that happens.

This person is wearing a white plain t-shirt. I ask them this “Why do you wear that white t-shirt. Why not a red one or a blue one?”

This person says “I don’t know, just happened to grab it out of my closet.”

I would say nothing but a single word.


There doesn’t have to be a reason for everything. But in a way, yes there’s a reason for everything. I guess it’s from the perspective of the person.

I create art, write and live quite a different life than most. Not the typical everyday person. That’s the individuality in me. Always try my best to be myself and not fear others reactions or opinions. Not everyone will accept your way of life, but it’s better to accept yourself than a fake version of yourself that’s not even here.

Acceptance in this world is hard to achieve, but I’m slowly doing it. I hope others can join me in the process. When each person has accepted themselves, then the ego disappears. The thing in-between your mind that isn’t there.

We’re all made up of nothing but this flesh body with a skeleton structure. Given organs and a conscious walking around. That’s all I see, nothing more than that.

The world gets ahead of everyone so fast. We all need to slow down a little bit, time will only give you an answer.

Ignorance is mans best friend, anger can lead you to 1,000,000 doors, but so can any other emotion. Anger probably isn’t the best emotion to decide in the moment. Pick a different emotion to feel. Think about the other besides yourself, enter their shoes. Imagine being them for one day. Be a loving and humble person, not ignorant and unloving.

Your emotions and thoughts create who you’re as a person, the soul within. This body is nothing but a mere reflection. Within is who you truly are, the emotions and feelings.

Not numbers and statistics. Or the possessions you possess. The awards you have won. Or anything in that vicinity. The things that build your ego. It’s all a game of who’s higher ranked. The more the better, or possibly the opposite. The more, the more lost. That’s just my opinion, not yours or anyone else.

But the personality and loving person you’re is what creates thyself and the soul.

I send love and happiness to everyone and everything!

Much love world! ❤


Quote #36


Make the best of this life, that you can. You’ll never know when death takes you.

It could be any minute or moment.

Right this second you could possibly die, no one knows the future. Only ideas of the past create the present as in “Now”. Statistics are false in a way, it’s predicting a false reality of the future. Maybe close, but not 100% correct.

Most of everything is not 100% real, but like always we all continue like nothing is wrong.

This is my thought.

Everyone is a “Mercedes” within, its just there’s this thing called fear and laziness hiding within your soul.

In a cage and the key is nowhere to be found.

On the outside of the cage.

Your fearful self is looking for the key wishing you were out of this encaged mental slavery within your mind.

The things on the outside of the cage are who you truly are. The things within the cage, are all the things that are fake about you.

The things you regret about yourself. The thoughts you wish to tell the world, but most fear to speak. Reflections of yourself, you’re not proud of.

It’s like all the creatures and demons you wish to send away are hanging out with you all the time. Never to leave, a neverending mind destroyer.

True peace, love, and happiness are on the outside of this cage.

When the time is correct when you feel as if the time is right. Only you will know not anyone else.

The doors will open automatically, with energy. It will read your conscious state of mind.

When your conscious state of mind is set free, so are you.

All the worries disappear. Anxiety is throw out the window. You live in the “Now”.

Set yourself free, or continue to be locked up in your cage of emotions.

Break free of this cage and you will show your true potential to the world.

All it takes is a little effort and time, eventually, you’ll see the results and never give up.

Then it’s like a continuous video game every day. There’s something new to look forward to every day. Something new to learn.

It’s time to shed the old skin off and create the best version of yourself “now”.

Any time is better than later.

Free this cage, or let fear and laziness consume your soul from the inside out.

Your mind is a reflection of yourself.

Have a loving and peaceful intuition in this world.

Believe in destiny and fate. Believe that anything is possible at any moment. Believe what you’re doing is the best version of thyself.

Start to believe things that make no sense to you but you. Then you’ve reached a whole new level of consciousness. This freedom is very “different”.

No one else has to understand yourself. It’s only thyself who has to understand thyself.

The smart and intelligent ask questions, but the wise and patient just listen and ponder. Ironic for me to say that, as I’m speaking now.

Oops, it’s happening. Attack me now, something I said probably has offended you. We will not all agree on the same terms, it doesn’t mean we have to start a war of some sort.

I’m neither wise or intelligent, all I do is repeat things I’ve heard. Most things are copied. Many are confused when I say this. Look at life and think about that. Is everything, a copy? Nothing original.

With art, it gives you a freedom like no other. Originality is infinite. Art is in all different forms. Everything is art. There’s no reason to hate. Unless you’re a hater of thyself. Then hate arises at all different moments. Happiness lies within everyone, it just might be hard to find the beauty of their perception. We all look at life differently.

Only a hater hates something to hate. Be a lover and not a hater. With hate and hate, nothing more, but a forest fire will occur. If you keep your chill, and so does the other. Maybe something peaceful and beautiful will arise. Just kinda how art is created.

Is it that hard to move on and accept everyone for who they’re? Or does a war of some sort always have to happen? Seems to be, what a great example for the children. Mother earth would not be proud of where we’re at right now. Within evil, there’s a form of beauty, but an ugly form. Everyone is the devil and everyone is similar to the light. Ying and yang, darkness and lightness.

Beauty and torture lie within each soul. The outside is just an exterior. Not the interior, no one sees the interior. The inside matters more than this fake external world. Take care of yourself before anything else in this external world, the way of “taking care of yourself” is different for each individual

Your curiosity in this world will lead you to many places. Find what makes your heart and soul spark and stick with those things.

Don’t confuse yourself with something being a “pleasure” or “pain”. Good or bad. They’re both the same in the end. It’s just the perspective of the individual.

Harm or love.

This very moment the world is ending, in all different aspects.

This is a never-ending question that goes through my mind. Who is this “I”. I’m not this label, I just use the word “I” to be clear with people. Otherwise, I don’t like the attention. Just used “I” a few times. Hope someone understands what “I” just said.

Sure you might explain who this “I” is we speak of. But I don’t know who this “I” we speak of is.

I use the word “I” all the time, but who really is this “I”?

Life is quite the illusion.

Life is how you vision it and how you imagine. This is your life and no others.

Go out in the world and accomplish crazy things.

Mess up and learn.

If you play this “game” of life comfortable and safe. You might regret the time you spent here.

It’s in the times where you’re struggling and keep failing. When you feel like giving up is when you become stronger. That’s the way it works. The universe is quite tricky.

Without bad things, you wouldn’t know what the good things are. Appreciate the crazy and the good.

Saying all that I have said, most decide to ignore problems or issues and this “game” lags in energy and emotion.

It’s as if we’re all “here” but in reality, no one is here.

Become the greatest version of yourself and you’ll be proud of the outcome.

Imagine if you put 1 year. 365 days and each day you do something to become a greater person.

It’s not that hard it’s just this thing called “fear” and “laziness”.

But in reality, everything we come up with is just another excuse for the excuse we already created upon that excuse.

This sounds quite crazy, but this is the way I look at freedom or insecurity.

Just be yourself in this world and nothing else and everything will be aligned.

If not and you’re unpleasant and unhappy, well you played the game the wrong way.

Living in regret and now the only thing you have is to look at the past and compare. This is probably the biggest mistake thyself could have ever decided.

Don’t be the person who looks back and regrets every action and moment of life.

Trust me it’s worth all the energy and suffering to accept yourself.

After you accept yourself and everyone else around you.

Then that’s the moment you’re set free from this matrix game. Some may call it being “Enlightened”. But that’s just a fancy word for another word called “happiness”.

There are so many words and definitions. All being the same in the end. A level 1 word than a level 10 word. Sure a definition might “define” something. But don’t let a definition create you. Create originality. It’s all the same in the end, don’t worry so much.

Just keep a smile on that beautiful face of yours. No one is perfect, but we can all only try our best.

Do what is best for you. Don’t do, just to do, but do to accomplish something and look forward to the end result. The future is here and “now” it’s just most don’t see it. Hence why I said “now”, because all time is ” now” It’s here thyself just gave up.

Don’t give up on yourself!!!

I believe in you, no soul is a perfect soul. Even the perfect souls don’t happen to be perfect. It might just look like it. Remeber, I said the internal is everything real and the external is much of a false reality.

Don’t confuse the two. One posses a greater energy force than the other. ((LOVE))

Excuse after excuse after excuse.

It’s time to start now……

Peace and love to this tragic but beautiful world. Much beauty lies within you, it’s just hard to see at the moment. Sorry for what all we have done. Maybe one day we can repay you.

Have a beautiful night, look up into the sky and look at the stars.

Tonight might be the last night to ever take sight. I won’t give up on you world, but please don’t give up on me. Hold on to us corrupted humans and maybe you’ll see the beauty within us. It’s just hiding within the future. Hopefully, we have something to show for our existence besides all of this corruption. Possibly the extinction of each life, each creation destroyed all the animals along with it. Everything possible and it’s all gone forever.

I send much love and happiness to everything and everyone.

And only wish for the best.