Multi Dimensional Cactus landscape.


Here is the final and complete painting. I had a lot of fun creating this one.

The feel with paint is a lot different than colored pencils. More child like and less weight on the paper. More free you can say.

When thinking about popular or well known art pieces usually they are paintings. I think I know why, it makes sense in my mind. The canvas cost quite a lot. paint is expensive. Paintings just seem to value more in general. That could be why. Looking at paintings up close is very interesting. you can see every stroke and emotion put into the canvas.

With a drawing you can’t really see where the person started or the strokes, but still as interesting. Don’t get me wrong.

I wish I could paint more after making this, in the painting mood now. Only if I could not care and paint on canvas after canvas. I’ll start painting on things besides canvas, it’s a thought hahaha.

This is a painting of a few cacti, in a field. If you look closely at all the details and colors, using your imagination. You can create a solid picture. I will not tell you what I have painted in the background. That’s for you to create within your mind. What would the purpose of art be if you were given the answer every time.

The guesses for this painting were all over the place Like usual. A few people had a very intricate description of what they saw. On the previous posts. Very good eyes you have, artists see alike.

Your assignment is to look at this painting and create whatever picture you want in your mind.

If you don’t see a cactus at all or anything else. That’s okay, all I ask for is for you to enjoy my work.

If all you happen to see is a bunch of crumpled up colors so be it. Anything is possible. like I always say, my art is neither correct or incorrect. It’s whatever the viewer imagines.

I can say everything I want, but it won’t matter in the end. because you won’t see what I see. You only see what you see. We’ll all see different colors, shapes and figures.



54 thoughts on “Multi Dimensional Cactus landscape.

  1. Hi Brandon,
    when I started painting I did do that on canvassas, because I did think I should do so. But nowadays I seldomnly do so anymore. Yes canvasses are high prized, and there are many good alternatives. Canvas on cardstock, canvas on wodpannels, woodpannels with gesso, left over pieces of wood, mdf etc, boxes of metal, wood, etc.
    With a good gesso painting can b done on whatever background you like, also on paper created for f.i. acryl or oilpaints. I often use paper for mixed media, relatively cheap and easy to frame. enjoy painting. And buy the best quality paint you can afford. It is worth it ( the same as high quality brushes). Enjoy painting ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey!

      I understand what you mean. Possibly might go looking around a junk card or somewhere with wood panels. Literally can use while gesso like you said and it’s a canvas.

      I understand most art terms and such.

      I totally agree with you on the last two parts. Buy the best you can when getting utensils. The outcome is much greater.

      Thank you!
      Appreciate your message and words of advice, I really do.

      Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Yeah!

      Thank you, appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™‚

      No I used normal acrylic paint. Wasn’t the best paint so it didn’t go on thick kinda light. Kept putting coats on the parts I could. Hade to mix and match all my pain only had 5 colors.

      When I ran out of a color I have to remember to create it. Kinda like when you make food.

      Certain amount of something goes with another to create a complete color.

      Was randomly creating colors so the colors are all over but similar.

      Only if you could see what I see, hahah.

      Hopefully you understand that.

      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!

      Used then a few times, that’s good!

      It’s better to splurge on art supplies than anything else.

      If you were to buy anything else,
      Most likely it wouldn’t bring much happiness into your life, just temporary satisfaction.

      That’s how I look at it. Don’t own anything but about 5 possessions, hahah. Don’t need much to breath and eat. Just life itself.

      Goodluck with your art making!

      Remember to not scream when you get mad, hahah.

      I remember that.

      Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a nice painting. It is the kind of stuff i started with. It was a lot of fun to do. Later i tried to do “”real”” art. It was less fun. Finally i lost it completely with is a pity. Now I must find the fun in it back. Maybe by doing the things the way I started painting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Raymond.

      Interesting, I totally under understand. I can’t make realistic stuff for my life. But within the imagination I can do endless things. Colors I have a weird addiction to, thy make me so happy. Realistic is so serious it’s boring to me. Like how some people are so serious you can’t talk to them. Life’s just one big abstract crazy colorful painting for me. Feel crazier than ever, hahah.

      Like the enthusiasm in your voice, I belive in you. Attempt at your best without fear and anxiety and a masterpiece will be created right in front of your own two eyes. Amazed and confused how you could even make it but somehow you did.

      When you reach that moment you’ll belive.

      Remember no anxiety or fear and the art will create itself in a bliss kinda way.

      Thank for the words, appreciate it.

      Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Credo che sia l’emozione di scorgere il colore, l’immagine, capire l’ispirazione che voler svelare la tecnica. Un disegno deve emozionare.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t think of ideas, do work on them and manifest them like no tomorrow, hahah. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I watched a few minutes of the video, I like your artwork. We all create different styles and such remember to never compare but to you self and self improvements.

      Good luck on your series, I believe in you. Don’t give up on yourself. There’s never a reason at the end.

      Have a beautiful day! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. I really enjoyed watching how this piece evolved from sketch to the final work of art! I see a beautiful desert landscape. I love the red rock mountains behind the cactus. It’s perfect under the blue sky and the blinding yellow/black sun. Fabulous work!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: 1 Year Anniversary/Milestone. (Thank You) – Chaotic Shapes

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog again! Itโ€™s nice to catch up. When I look at this cubic piece, it reminds me of Picasso and tessellations. Iโ€™ve always enjoyed the use of geometric shapes in a work of art! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I enjoy the various shades here. I guess Iโ€™ve done some of my own for me to really appreciate the value in a piece like this. Memories of a plastic glass piece I did in physics class are coming back. I havenโ€™t had the chance to post up any of my artwork yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah no problem. I check out other blogs on my free time.

      Happy you enjoy the art for what it is.

      Awesome comparison, I appreciate the energy in your comment. Yes shapes are addictive.

      Thanks, I like how you can relate to the art as well. Then there is more understanding of the art. Few people step outside of their boxes to appreciate others art.

      That’s interesting, would love to see what you created.

      Happy you could relate to this artwork.

      Much love!


      Liked by 1 person

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